Chapter 8

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***Destiny's P.O.V***

"When are you leaving for Japan?" Mr.Weissman asked checking the documents on his hospital bed.

"Two days later boss" I replied.

"I see, while you're on at it make sure to have some fun as well, don't overwork yourself to death," Mr. Weissman said indifferently while handing over me the documents.

If it were the Lucas Weissman from the past, hearing such words from him I would have to visit an otolaryngologist to make sure my ears are okay. But these days such words of concern are common from his mouth very much to the courtesy of Freya. 

"Also, make sure to add tax evasion, bribery, labor mistreatment, fraud, quality control, whatever charges you can on Winona" a hint of cold rage in his voice, though he is being nice these days he is still as ruthless as ever when it comes to people on his bad side.

I have been to Tokyo many times but this is my first time in Hokkaido prefecture. The town I am in is very small, far away from the hustling and bustling of the big cities. It has a cold unique charm to it. I have checked the new factory being built here, prepared documents for meeting in Tokyo tomorrow.

After a busy day of work, I remembered boss's words and took a tram on a whim that goes throughout the town. The town has some beautiful winter lightings with ice statues. I wanted to take a picture.

Shit my bag!

Whether it is the fatigue from work or excitement to explore the new place I didn't realize until late that I lost my bag in the tram which had my phone, wallet, and cards. Luckily I still remember the way back hotel and I can walk and file a complaint tomorrow.

Growing up in Canada, winter is not a stranger to me but I was seriously unprepared with my clothing for a sudden change of weather. My legs felt numb after a while of walking and a snowstorm caught up to me. I took shelter near one small isolated bus station. The public transportation has stopped, no sight of any passers-by. Fun my ass! If I stay a little more like this I am gonna freeze to death unless some fairy comes to save me.

Wait, do fairies come in a six-foot-tall body with a purple leather jacket?? I rubbed my eyes to clear my vision.

I could slightly see his face from my blurred vision but it is not clear. I can hear his soothing consoling voice and his warm touch made me feel light as a feather. As he wrapped me in his arms I felt safe. I couldn't speak anything but I nodded my head as in agreement with whatever he said.

He lifted me up in a princess carry and instead of the cold white snow a warm room of white walls welcomed me.

Soon, I felt his hands removing the layer of wet clothing off me, his eyes closed respecting my privacy. As he closed his eyes, my vision became clearer and it is no mistake he is who I think he is. I cursed myself for mistaking such a gentleman previously.

I don't know how much time had passed but after being able to feel my hands and legs I sat up straight. "Thanks" I looked into the cup of hot tea in my hands.

"You're good" he smiled a little.

"Choo" I sneezed. He came to my side at once and placed his hand on my head. Did you catch a fever? I might catch one if he doesn't take his hands off me! My body became super hot at his touch! 

I can see the worried look on his face as clear as the day. For some reason, my heart skipped a beat. 

"I am good...I..will go back to my hotel," I said as I don't want to cause any more inconvenience to him, and further it's still awkward with our past misunderstandings. More than anything being in such close proximity to Pilot, my heart is like a plane flying amongst the clouds controlled by his steering.  

"There is a snowstorm outside now, it's better to stay here for a while, I will go to the lounge outside" he was ready to stand up and I caught his arm instinctively.

"Don't go" my heart beat faster.

***Pilot's P.O.V***

After knowing the truth about Leo, I contemplated if I shall continue with my dealings with MUSiK MOD. I thought I shall participate first in the Japan finals to prove myself worthy of the contract I acquired not because of the connections. We almost wrapped the first schedule. Unable to sleep, I decided to take a stroll across the calm and isolated night streets of the small town in Hokkaido.

It was cold outside and snow on the side of the road came to my mid-waist. Far in my line of sight, I saw a lean figure on heels rubbing her hands vigorously to keep them warm. Her clothing didn't look adequate for the weather. As I looked closely the lean body shivered. Blonde hair? I'm surprised to find out that she's a foreigner. I wanted to help her. As I took a closer look I'm shook.


The last time I saw Destiny was when she came to the hub to persuade Freya and told us how Leo helped us all.

"What happened to you? What are you doing here?" I immediately wrapped her in my arms and rubbed her back for warmth.

She is shivering continuously and couldn't speak. I carried her and took her to my hotel room at once.

After an hour in the warm room and hot tea, some color returned to her face. She probably might be feeling vulnerable and uncomfortable alone in a hotel room night with a man, further, she didn't have much of a good opinion about me to start with, so I offered to go out.

Right then she caught my hand tight, her hands still a little cold, her big blue eyes as beautiful as ever. My heart went soft for some unknown reason.

I never thought our paths will be crossed again in this life let alone in a place or situation like this.


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