Chapter 12

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*** Destiny's P.O.V***

Who is the new lady that pop star Pilot romancing?

Pop sensation Pilot caught having a date with a beautiful blonde!

Pop sweetheart Pilot going to break fans' hearts with girlfriend reveal?

Locked hands and lips outside the Lavista club!

Just looking at those titles made me feel I've aged a few years. I rubbed my temples and took off the killer heals and leaned on the couch. Right then a fragrant camomille tea smell elevated my senses and made my mood pleasant so does the person who brought it to me. 

"Can't we just come out in the public?" Pilot nuzzled near my ear whispering sweetly pushing away the newspapers on the tea table in front. 

"For what? for the press to haunt me all day long?" I sneered and shifted my attention to the soothing tea in front. 

"Alright, alright, you must have been very tired, I have reserved a table at the Premium high. Let's go" said Pilot. 

"Baby like you said I'm so tired that I don't even want to lift a finger" I sounded like a spoiled brat. 

"Alright, then what does my princess wanna do?" Pilot took me into his arms pampered me only more. 

"Let's order some Chinese takeaway and..." 

A grim expression fell on Pilot as if he knows what I'm going to suggest. 

Titanic played on TV and after the dinner, Pilot's hands conveniently found their way to the crook of my neck rubbing that soft spot that makes me easily turned on. 

"Pilot told you I'm tired" I flared. 

"Who knows maybe you'll feel less tired if I do this" he sneakily massaged my neck. Well on the pretense of massaging my neck he kneaded the spot on my neck again and again until I lost myself in the desires. 

He flipped me in a second and now he's on top of me, his warm breath gently breezing past over my eyelashes. In an instant, my lips were claimed by this pop sensation who could make half the nation slave to his charms. After all, I'm a simple person who cannot resist his charms as well. 

Our kisses deepened as one of his hands already found its way under my clothes. His long slender fingers which play guitar elegantly sneakily rubbed my waist before they slid down to my thigh. 

After an hour of blissful moans and breathless pants, I am really tired now. 

Pilot embraced me in his arms and softly kissed my forehead as he stared into my face attentively. 

"What are you looking at?" I asked little blushed due to his burning gaze. 

"Pilot's Destiny" he muttered slowly. 

"Um?" I'm confused. 

"My new single, I am going to name it Pilot's Destiny" he smiled. 

"You.." before I was to refrain him, my phone rang continuously. 

"That boss of yours, next time I see him I will have to teach him well not to nag my girlfriend a lot." Pilot complained. 

"It's Freya not boss, she called from Mr. Weissman's phone"

"Oh, what's it about?" Pilot enquired curiously. 

***Pilot's P.O.V***

It is the same hub where my journey towards my dreams started and I couldn't believe I have finally reached them. Dad finally came around and acknowledged me again as his son partially because of my success as a singer but mostly because of the awesome girlfriend I have. 

Mom and dad loves Destiny and she helped a lot to mend my broken relationship with my parents. She even became good friends with Rita and always took care of the important people in my life. 

My palms sweated nervously about the thing I'm going to do but right then a pair of hands patted me on my shoulder. 

"Just go for it" Leo aka Lucas winked before pulling the chair slightly for Freya to sit. One couldn't help but notice the little baby bump on Freya. Soon after Robert took a seat beside them. 

On the other side of the table were Howard, his mother, Karen, and their kids. They looked as lovely and happy as ever. 

Soon after Gavin and Stella arrived, a little Mr.Star was in Stella's arms. 

This has been a tradition for quite a while for now that we all meet for Christmas dinner. And we all chose the hub as the venue which holds a special place in most of our hearts. 

But this time, to everyone's surprise, a nice addition to our family gathering is Rita and Mr.Shimura. 

Destiny is the last one to arrive according to our plan, Baron distracted her from coming early. 

I knelt down on one leg and displayed the box in front of my hands "Destiny will you marry me?" 

I could see the tears of joy leaving her eyes. 

Our journey has only started and our destination we will reach together. 


Thank you, everyone, for all your support throughout Pilot's Destiny and Billionaire's Identity <3 LK

Check out my new book "My Billionaire Troublemaker" if you are looking for yet another sweet unconventional billionaire romance story!

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