Chapter 11

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 ***Destiny's P.O.V***

"Just now, I am very sorry about all that Pilot" I apologized as we sat down on the grass at a nearby park we stumbled upon. 

"Don't worry, I know he is an important person that you couldn't offend. Actually, I saw him with you that night at Gavin's engagement party"  he fiddled with his phone. 

That gaze, I know that gaze! I must clarify that misunderstanding right now!!

"There's nothing going on between me and Mr. Shimura and I don't know why his mother is implicating me with him, I swear!" I blurted it out loudly. 

"Pfft" Pilot burst out in laughter, " I didn't even say anything what are you making excuses for?" he said in a teasing tone. 

I retracted my gaze from his deep blue eyes, "It's just that I don't want any more misunderstandings between us" I said meekly. 

"When I came today, I've decided whatever the future may hold for us, we should be honest with each other and believe in each other and I believe in you Destiny" his voice as soft as ever, his ash brown hair and deep blue eyes under the faint moonlight looked ever so magnificent. 

What are you doing to me!! Never in my life before had I had this kind of interaction with a guy before. My cheeks are blushing red and I didn't know what to say further. 

"About Rita, she is selected as a model for our show and she's here with me, I didn't get a chance to tell about her the other day and it is a coincidence that we met her today, I didn't mean to hide it from you...I.." said Pilot. 

"I believe in you too, you don't need to give me any explanation" I reassured him. 

After that I didn't know what to say, being in proximity of Pilot, my heart beat faster and my skin burned up. I wish there are some documents nearby where I can bury my head and act like I'm not having any indecent thoughts. But here there are no people, just me and Pilot and endless silence, what should I do? 

Then I remembered something but before I could act, Pilot is the first one to talk "I have made something for you" he took out a small box from his bag. 

wait! Are these...are these Perogies?

"Freya told me you like Perogies too, so I tried my hand at it, that's why I'm late earlier, don't know if it's any good" he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. 


***Pilot's P.O.V***

Destiny just laughed out loud at seeing the Perogies to my surprise. She shook her head and took out a small box from her bag and pushed it towards me. 

"Carrot cake, I asked Freya what's your favorite and tried my hand at it too," said Destiny blushing a little. 

We both laughed at the situation. 

"Alright, try when they are hot" I handed the plastic fork to her. 

"Ummm woowww, they are really awesome" I can see her face beaming with ecstasy and when she licked her lips after eating, my heart skipped a beat. 

"Try the cake" her eyes are radiating joy. 

I took a piece with the fork and put it in my mouth. This...this is awful!!! she has put salt instead of sugar!!!  

"How's it ?" Destiny asked enthusiastically. 

"'s great" I controlled my expression. 

"Really?? this is the first time I made something by myself, let me try my wonderful creation" she reached out for the cake and took a piece, and put it in her mouth before I could protest. 

"Ewww..." she spat out at once and after gulping a bottle of water she became normal. 

"What about us being honest with each other huh?" Destiny glared at me. I shrunk back, but..but I cannot possibly be that honest and hurt her when she has put so much effort for me, I rubbed my neck not knowing what to say. 

"Pfft...Pilot Simmers, I'm lucky it's you, if it were someone else they would've sued me for food poison already" Destiny laughed. 

I couldn't help but shake my head and smile, right..this is the Destiny I know of. 

"You should've become a lawyer, always about suing or arresting or something" I teased her. 

Suddenly she looked down and a grim expression enveloped her face as she emptily tugged at her clothes. 

"Hey..what happened? Sorry if I said anything wrong"  I quickly apologized. 

"No, it's not that, it's not your fault" she tried to smile a little but her grim expression is still. 

"Destiny, you can tell me, I'm here to listen" I pressed my hands onto hers. 

She looked at me with her big beautiful eyes hiding behind the shimmer of the cute glasses "I always wanted to be a lawyer and even attended law school. During my senior year, Weissman industries got into a problem that could implicate my dad. For the sake of my dad, I tried to temper with the evidence as the prosecutor was my senior and a good friend of mine. It was found out and I was expelled from the college. Knowingly or unknowingly my actions benefited Weissman industries and I was appointed as a secretary to Mr. Weissman. I just accepted it as my  punishment for my mistake'' 

"We all made mistakes when we are young, don't let it weigh heavy on your heart" I comforted her as I shifted close to her. 

"It is okay, it's all in the past anyway, though there are things I don't like being a secretary, things changed quite a bit these days, Mr. Weissman changed quite a bit these days and actually this identity of me as the secretary of Mr.Weissman, I cherish" she smiled as if she really meant it. I felt really happy for her. 

"Leave about it,  but hey I was wondering, you've already offered the deal with MUsIK MOD, why still participate in the talent show?" she asked me. 

I decided since Destiny has opened up to me, it's time for me to do the same. 

"I come from a family of Pilots. My father, grandfather, and his father were all pilots. You can see why my name is Pilot haha. My father joined me in a training program as soon as I finished high school. But I'm not into it as I always liked singing and playing and wanted to make it my career. My father is dead against it and I had to leave home. At that time Rita also followed me to pursue her dreams leaving behind her abusive father. We have been through so many ups and downs all these years and when I got the MUSiK MOD deal, I was over the moon but soon I realized it could be because of my connection with Leo and it didn't sit well right with my conscience. So I want to win this show before my debut with MUSiK mod on my own talent to prove it to myself and dad" I finally let out the things that were held in my heart for a long while. 

"I believe that your father will be proud of you" she pressed at my hand. 

At some unknown time, the distance between us has reduced already, and the light breeze and faint moonlight only elevated Destiny's sea-blue eyes with a cute frame of glasses and alluring red lips. 

"Will you sue me if I were to say I want to kiss you?" I closed the gap between us. 


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