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Hey, it's been a while... I know, I'm sorry BUT I am gonna try to write more 'happy' ones... maybe... ENJOY

"I'm filming a 3AM challenge tonight guys so I'm gonna head to bed early, gotta get some sleep before I start" Sam said as he placed his plate, previously containing pizza rolls for dinner, in the sink and headed upstairs.
"You're doing this alone?" Colby questioned, walking to the bottom of the staticase and watching the blonde walk upstairs.
"Yeah" Sam yawned. "It's not difficult, I just don't want to put anyone else in danger" he shrugged as he continued up the stairs and down the hall "Night Colby" he called back.
"Night Sam, be careful" Colby said under his breath returning to the game of rocket league Corey and Elton were continuing in the lounge room.
"Is he gonna be ok? Doing that on his own, I mean?" Corey said, pausing the game to talk to Colby as he entered the room and sunk on the lovesac in the corner. Colby shrugged and pulled out his phone to scroll on his social media to catch up and look at fan edits until he went to bed himself which wasn't for another hour or two.
Sam went to his room and got everything set up for the ritual he was planning in the early morning. Get ready for bed and set his alarm for 3:30 so he could be ready when the ritual started at 3:33am. He filmed the rules for the ritual so he wouldn't have to record it when he was half asleep in the morning, placed the spare memory card next to his camera on his desk and his phone on charge before placing his head, finally, on the soft pillow and throwing the blankets over himself and drifting off to a deep sleep.

Colby made his way upstairs after three hours of conversation, scrolling on his socials and playing rocket league with his roommates who were still awake. When he reached the end of the hallway, he noticed Sam's door was shut and the lights were off, granted it was 11 at night. 'Sam would be up soon" Colby thought to himself as he entered his room and got himself ready for a night of rest, not realising what the rest of the night would hold for him and Sam. Colby fell to sleep, an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

A few hours later and Sam's alarm had gone off and he was somewhat awake, camera on and mirrors set up to perform the ritual, a single candle sat in front of him for light, as he continues to talk to the camera, trying to focus on the ritual and let the viewers know what's happening, he felt a dramatic drop in temperature, and heard the door lock behind him.
'Guys! No... no look there's no way, I was sitting over here... how? How could that have locked? Unless it's a roommate, but no, no, no I... it locks from the inside. What the hell?'
Right as Sam said 'hell' the flame from the candle began to grow and light up the whole room.
Sam dropped the camera and retreated into the corner near the door, tears in his eyes threatening to spill, as a winged figure was formed by the blaze. Sam knocks hard on the door trying to get the attention of any of his roommates to come and help him.
'Samuel Golbach! This is the last time! You will never forget these rituals but they will be the last you ever do! Mark my words, your life from now on will be watched! And you will be punished for your meddling in the underworld!' The flaming being bellowed down at Sam.
'I... I'm sorry, I didn't know..' Sam replied, tears now falling down his cheaks. 'How could this have gone so wrong?' He thought to himself. Just then Colby burst into the room, he looks like he's just woken up and doesn't have a shirt on. His eyes falling immediately to Sam and then on the creature before them.
'SAM! WHAT DID YOU DO?!' Colby yelled, looking up at the beast and attempting to help Sam up out of the corner.
'Colby, not you, get out of here, GO!' Sam replied, trying to push Colby away and out the door.
'No! I'm not leaving you here' Colby said standing in front of a crouched Sam. 'Leave him alone!' He yelled to the winged creature now staring at the two.
'I will leave him... and I'll take you instead!' He bellowed, reaching out and grabbing Colby from the ground.
'Sam!' Was all Colby could manage to say, burns appearing on his waist and shoulders as the flames engulfed him.
'No you can't! Take me instead! Not Colby! Please' Sam begs, crying up at his best friend in pain. 'Please, I need him, he can't leave me!'
'Oh he will never leave YOU' the creature says before laughing a deep laugh and flapping its wings. Sam heard Colby scream for him one last time before everything went black.

A few hours pass and Sam wakes up on his bedroom floor, candle out and camera sitting on the bed, waiting to be used. Nothing in his room resembled anything to do with what happened earlier. He walks over to the camera looking through the footage but it's of a video they filmed two days ago, nothing about the challenge last night. 'Maybe Colby took the footage to edit or go over it for tomorrow!' Sam thought. He rushes over to Colby's room across the hall and bangs on the door, number one, he needed to see that his best friend was ok and number two, he needed whatever the footage was to edit for tomorrow. When the door opened, the blonde fell into the brunette giving him the biggest hug.
'I'm so glad you're ok, I don't know what I would do if something happened to you' Sam exclaimed.
'Woah Sam, I'm flattered but is everything ok?' Brennen said, patting the blonde on the back. Brennen? Brennen Taylor, why is he in Colby's room? Wait... is this Colby's room, there's no lounge, no bedspread like Colby's and no post-it notes all over the wall.
'Where's Colby?' Sam asked, pushing Brennen away a little too harshly.
'Who's Colby?' Brennen asks, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.
"Ha ha Brennen, very funny, I need the footage from last night to post, where is he?" Sam said, looking around the room one last time for Colby.
"Seriously Sam, we don't live or KNOW anyone with the name Colby for that matter, are you sick?" Brennen said, placing the back of his hand on Sam's forehead and ushering him out of his room and downstairs.
No way! This can't be happening! Sam slams his hand against the door frame, grabs his phone and runs downstairs. 'Corey! This better be some kind of sick joke, where's Colby?' He yelled, making Corey pause the game they were playing.
"Colby? Colby who? Was he that guy you were talking to at the party last week? He was nice, you should invite him over sometime" Corey asked, recalling a party both Sam and Colby attended. Sam reached over and grabbed Corey's shirt pulling him closer. "Sam! Dude what the..."
"COLBY, MY BEST FRIEND COREY! WHERE IS HE? I was doing a 3am challenge last night when things went wrong, I need to know where he is so I can check he is ok!" Sam yelled, frantically looking for his friend downstairs.
"Hey Sam, maybe you should get some sleep, you know it's just us, Elton, Aaron and Brennen here, has been for the last 10 months, no one by the name of Colby" Sam's heart broke at Corey's words, how could they not remember Colby? He pulled out his phone and all his photos were still in his phone, he pulled up one with Colby and him smiling together, bringing a tear to his eye. "THIS COREY, THIS IS COLBY MY BEST FRIEND FROM KANSAS" he said, showing the roommates who had heard Sam screaming and came to comfort him. "My best friend" Sam cried, sitting on the couch, allowing the roommates to take his phone and look at the photo of the Blonde and Brunette standing together, smiling in onesies. It was one of Sam's favourites of him.
"Sam, bro, that's me" Brennen spoke up. "The lighting makes me look like someone else but we took that photo together on halloween a few months after we moved in bro" Brennen handed the phone back to Sam and sat next to him.
"Don't call me that" Sam said firmly as he stood up. "Are you telling me that none of you know who Colby is at all? You don't know a single thing?"
"Sam sit down, I'll call an ambulance and we will have you checked out for..." Elton started
"CHECKED OUT FOR WHAT ELTON? I'M NOT CRAZY!" Sam said, he headed towards the front door with his phone and his car keys despite the pleas from his roommates, got in his car and left to find answers... no matter the risk

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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