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I was frustrated, it's been months since Sam and I hung out together, without Kat. I missed him, we went from living together for 3 years to becoming down the hall mates and not speaking. Every time I would invite him over to film, he would always invite Katrina as well to sit and watch. Not that I didn't like her, she has a wonderful personality and is very easy going. But sometimes she got too much for me to handle. I started hanging with Brennen more, at least he didn't bail on me for some girl. We would go out every other night and try new things that I didn't think Sam would like, or would agree too. Brennen and I were trying substances together that would make us feel good and I have to say, they worked. I hadn't felt bad about anything or sad about missing Sam in a while and just continued on with my life.

A few weeks later.

I was chilling on my balcony thinking about everything that has happened the last few months when my phone went off with a text.

Sam: Hey! You good to film today?

Shit I had forgotten about that. Sam had asked me a while back to film with him and I didn't write it down anywhere.

Me: ummm sure, give me an hour and then I'll head over.

I went to have a shower and change leaving my phone on the bench whilst I did. Not seeing the reply I had gotten from Sam until I was ready.

Sam: no problem bro I'll head to yours instead. Switch things up a little! See you soon.

I clicked my phone off and went to the cabinet to find some of the pills Brennen had given me to take for nerves and happiness. I wasn't sure how much to take so I started with two of each. I still had an hour before Sam got here to wait for them to kick in. He would be dramatic if he found me taking them so I locked them in the bathroom cabinet out of the way and put the TV on in the background whilst I was tidying up. I didn't feel any different so I took two more from a bottle labeled thoughts, I figured they meant good thoughts and were the ones to make me feel happy. About 20 minutes later my head started to spin and thoughts began flooding in, bad thoughts, clouding my vision and making my chest heavy. I stopped what I was doing and crouched down to the floor trying to block the voices yelling at me out.

'He doesn't care anymore'

'He doesn't have time for you'

'Your nothing without him'

'GET OUT' I yelled into my empty apartment as the thoughts got louder sending me crashing to the floor.

'He has a life and you don't'

'He doesn't want to be seen with you'

'He has better things to do than to film with you'

'STOP!' I screamed at the top of my lungs slamming my hand on the island bench and throwing a glass on the floor watching it shatter.

'Can't control your temper, another thing he hates about you'

'Please' I whisper smashing more things on the floor to take over the sounds of the words in my head.

'He wouldn't care if you died'

'He wouldn't care if something happens to you'

It was getting too much, tears stinging my eyes and falling down my cheek, I grabbed my hair and started to pull on it hoping it would give me something else to think about. I tugged it in every direction till I was once again on the floor amongst the glass and crockery that I had smashed, cutting at my hands and arms as I rolled around in agony.


I know I was a little early but I wanted to talk to Colby about the past few months and how he has been distancing himself from me and Kat. Since she wasn't going to be with us this time to film (she's having a girls day with Dev and Tara) I wanted to talk one on one just Colby and I. I picked up some things from target for the video I wanted to film with Colby today and went back to our apartment complex got in the elevator and headed to the 4th floor to invite Jake to be in the video too. I walked over to his apartment and knocked on the door. There was no answer so I texted him instead.

Me: Hey bro! You up to film today or are you out?

Jake: Sorry bro, Griffin, Reggie and I are having a gaming session at the slap house. Maybe another time.

Me: All good, cya later.

I turned the corner and got back in the lift. Checking I had everything and turning my camera on as I got out. I walked down the hallway to Colby's, explaining to the camera what the idea for the day was. I stopped abruptly as I heard smashing coming from Colby's apartment as well as his screams and yells. I threw the door open and placed my camera on the bench still recording.

'COLBY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!' I asked as I entered in a rush to get to him. He had cuts all over him from the glass on the ground.

'Oh my God!! Are you ok?' I asked as I tried to help him up just to be pushed away by him.

'Colby! I'm trying to help you!' I said grabbing his arm to help him up off the floor and move him to the couch. 'What happened?' I asked as he finally let me help him and he limped over to the couch. 'Did Brennen make you do this?' I asked him looking around at all the mess and for a first aid kit. He just sat there, his eyes glued to his feet and his head hanging in his hands.

'You need to tell me what happened Colbs, we can fix this, we can make it better'

'STOP SAYING WE SAM!' He snapped his head up to look at me as he yelled. 'THERE'S NO WE ANYMORE, YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME SO STOP PRETENDING' he cried out as tears began falling down his face what looked to be the second time today.

'Wha.. what are you talking about Colbs? It's always been 'we' and it always will be' I said trying to patch up some of his bigger cuts on his hands.

'No Sam, ever since you and Kat started dating she's everywhere, always taking you away from me, we lived together for 3 years and now it feels like I can't even see you without seeing her too' he replied moving away from me on the couch.

'Colby you know that's not true' I said starting to get frustrated that this was what he thought of us.

'Just because I have a girlfriend now does not mean that you mean any less to me now than when I didn't have Kat in my life' I say trying to reassure him looking into his eyes so he knows I mean every word.

'You really mean that?' He questioned as he looked straight back into my eyes.

'Every word, Sam and Colby VS the World' I smiled at him opening my arms for a hug.

He lunged at me full force and hugged me tighter than he ever had before, I hugged him back using the same amount of force and started running one of my hands through his hair to calm him down, it always worked.

Solby (Sam and Colby) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now