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It's been days, weeks, maybe months since they locked me in here. It was the same cell as all the others... when I walked in, but now, its contents were all over the floor. The pillows torn to shreds, blankets ripped and any furniture that was here is broken into a million pieces. They haven't bothered to replace anything because they know i'm not going to get better. Not without him...

It was spring and Sam and I wanted to explore a new track we found in the bush. We walk another track regularly and it leads to a creek at the bottom.
"Lets go this way" Sam said pointing at a path to the right, we usually take the path leading down to the left.
"Are you sure brother? We've never gone that way before" I asked, skeptical to the decision he had made. We were in the bush and it was just us, I was very nervous about taking this route because instead of going down, we'd be hiking up with all our camera gear.
"Yeah, we've filmed on the other tracks heaps of times, let's try this one" He said over his shoulder walking in front of me to the path.
"Ok let's do our intro to start with before we go" I replied, setting the camera up on some rocks nearby and hitting record. "What's up guys, It's Sam and Colby" I said, letting Sam continue as usual.
"Today we are going to walk a different track in the Kings Canyon National Park. we've never gone this path before have we?" He questioned, looking over at me.
I shook my head "nope, but you're coming with us" I said smiling at the camera and going to pick it up filming Sam as we started the unknown path.
"I wonder where it lets out" Sam said running over rocks to get up the hill.
"Be careful Sam, I'm way back here you piece of garbage with the camera" I said looking up at where he was.
"Payback for all the times you made me climb a ladder or jump a fence with the camera. It's not even that bad, just watch out for that slippery spot" he replied pointing at a rock I was about to step on.
I groaned at him and continued up the rocks to the top.
"There, it wasn't that hard was it? I'll take the camera if you want to lead" he said reaching out and taking it from me.
"Nah, piece of cake, but like carrot cake that's been left in the fridge too long and gone hard" I replied laughing. Sam chuckling behind me.
After some stops for selfies, it wasn't long before we reached an opening with a rock ledge and a drop off down to the creek we usually stop at.
We set the camera up and decided to update where we were and show the view so far. It was amazing, even better that I was there with my best friend.
After taking photos dangling our feet off the edge like we do for buildings, being careful of course, I decided to switch SD cards for the camera before we left to head home. That was the worst decision of my life.
My head was only turned for three seconds, three seconds that changed me and ruined my life completely. The moment I heard rocks sliding, I looked over my shoulder to see Sam's face, struck with fear and worry, before seeing him fall with the rocks he was sitting on, down the cliff. His screams of terror and pain I will never be able to erase from my mind.
"COLBY!" was the last thing I heard before I ran over to where he was.
My best friend is gone and I blame myself. I should have checked the rocks to make sure they were stable before sitting down. I should have convinced him to take the regular path we know. I should have been quicker getting to him, I should have done something. I couldn't but it should have been me. I would do anything to take those three seconds back and start that day over.

Every night now I see him, his smiling face as we were taking photos, all the faces he pulled at me whilst behind the camera, everything. I hear all those deep three am conversations about life we used to have. I hear his screams. They are the worst part, I wake up in a sweat every morning, anger pulsing through my veins, screaming at anyone who has ears that it should have been me, he should be home safe. The room became a visual of the mess in my mind, he was the only thing I could think about for weeks, before they put me here. I know why they did it, I would wake the whole house up with my screams through the night and smash walls every time I thought of him. I was destructive, no one could do anything to help me tho, I just wanted Sam, the one person who was there for me through thick and thin, I wanted to hold him, to see his smile, to hear his laugh just one more time. He always knew how to calm me down when I got worked up and now I had no one. I was isolated and alone.

This was meant to be a safe environment for me, to help me get over the pain seeping through my chest, but the pain will never leave, just like the memory of the precious blonde I love.

Theres a short one for ya, please vote or comment if I'm doing alright or something you would like me to write about and I'll do my best!

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