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Here's a quick in-edited one for you, let me now if you like them or maybe want a part 2???

I was drunk, I had been drinking all day and I could not walk straight. See the thing is, when I get drunk I dont know whats happening around me, where I am or who i'm with in some cases. That's why I usually go out with Sam or someone I trust, not this time though, I was out alone at a club about to head home. I had had way too much to drink and was going to call an Uber to pick me up and drop me home. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it and messaged my best friend.
Colby: hey sam,im at the club, im callign a n uber to take me home, see you soon xxx
Sam: Colby how much have you had to drink?
Colby: enough to have the courage to tell you I like you...?
Sam: ... ok ill talk to you when your home.
Colby: ok, I love you
Sam: ok, love you too, come home safe.
And with that text I got into the back of the uber smile on my face from cheek to cheek not quite processing what was happening, the feeling of happiness mixed in with the alcohol making me relaxed but excited at the same time. I couldn't wait to have Sammy in my arms again.
The trip home, which should have taken 20 minutes, ended up taking half an hour and not reaching my destination.
"What's goin on?" I sluringly asked the driver after noticing it had been a while.
"Just taking you a back way man, won't be too long" he replied as he continued to detour from the set route.
High on the thought of Sammy in my arms again I allowed the driver to continue on a route that was not set out. I sent a text to sam
Colby: Hey baby, trips taking longer that usual, driver says its a back route, be home soon xx
After sending that text I watched all the buildings out of my window change to ones I'd never seen before. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out to find a text from Sam
Sam: Colby where are you? You said you would be home soon, I'm starting to worry, are you ok?
I smiled to myself in the back of the Uber at the thought of having someone care that much.
Colby: yeah, I don't know where I am or where he is taking me but I'll be home soon, my phone is about dead, love you.
I sent then turned my phone off before talking to the driver again.
'Can you pull over? I want to get out' I questioned him knowing we were going the wrong way.
'Sit tight, we are almost there' he replied checking his rear view mirror to look at me.
I slumped back in my seat and watched out the window as my eyes started to feel heavy and thoughts escaped me as I fell into darkness.
I woke up to the car door being rushed open and a masked figure undoing my seatbelt and grabbing me as I thrashed around using all my strength.
'Who are you? Where am I!' I yelled hoping someone around would hear me and come to my rescue, no one did. The one of the figures took my phone and shoved it in their pocket before dragging me up and shoving me forward towards a small townhouse building. Still intoxicated with the alcohol I drank less than an hour before I didn't have much strength to fight or question their doings. I was theirs and they knew for at least the next 3 hours I wouldn't be able to do anything about it.
My mind drifted to Sam, how I would apologise for not coming home and how worried he would be, no way of contacting me and no way for me to call him, I felt alone and weak. I don't know where I am or who I'm with except that this basement smells stagnant. Three of the figures helped tie me to the chair in the middle of the room. Once they were sure I wanted to get out they left and locked the door behind them.
'I'm sorry sam' I said aloud as I hung my head low, wishing I wasn't in this situation.

Solby (Sam and Colby) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now