~7~ Part 2

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I gave Colby a call after setting Sam a little and getting him some food and set up in the office.
"Elton! Thank god, have you seen Sam? He's turned his location off and isn't answering any of our calls! Is he with you? I'm coming over, right now, we have to find him!" Colby spoke quickly into the phone, not giving me any time to answer.
"Colby, stop!" I said, knowing he would listen to me as I was his 'uncle' "Sam is here with me, he's safe. Tell me what happened that made him come here and not answer your calls." I continued calmly.
"It was my fault, the prank went too far... again. Elton I.. I don't think he will ever forgive me after this, I fucked up so badly I jus..."
"COLBY! What the hell happened!" I interrupted needing him to get to the point.
"It started so innocently, I called Kat up from games night to trick him into thinking we were sleeping together and when he walked in he just broke down, he hurried out of the house and left in his car. I didn't know it would affect him this much. Anyway, I thought he just went to his room so I checked and he had a movie night set up for us. I'm so sorry. This all went so wrong. Is Sam okay?" He said quickly, with me struggling to keep up.
"Sam's sitting on the couch, I've given him food and he has a place to stay as long as he needs it. I think you should let the others know he's fine and come and pick him up tomorrow." I replied making sure he understood that Sam needed time to himself.
"Elton please, I know he is very emotional and when he doesn't handle things well he resorts to cutting. I've always been there to stop him and comfort him, please keep an eye on him and make sure he is ok and not harming himself. I will be over tomorrow morning to see my baby. Keep him safe" Colby hung up the phone and I walked over to sam.
"Hey bud, do you want to borrow a hoodie to sleep in tonight? I've got tones you can have if you feel more comfortable" I asked him.
"No thanks Elton, I have a hoodie in my car I keep for emergencies, I'll just grab that" he said before standing and leaving the house for his car. I watch him through the window to make sure nothing happens and move away when he comes back inside.
"I've set you up a bed here, we are having pizza for dinner and I've ordered you your favourite, at least from what I can remember from living there with you. Is that ok" I questioned him, walking over and turning the TV on. I didn't want to hover over him as if he was a child. I knew Colby would do that tomorrow when he sees Sam in this state. My job for the moment was to keep him here and as happy as I could to take his mind off the situation.
"Sure, anything sounds great" Sam replied, watching whatever I had put on the TV. "Thanks Elton, I know you have better things to do and that i'm probably a hassle for you, I just didn't know where else to go. I can find a hotel for the rest of the week then... I don't know..... Move back to Kansas? No one wants me here anyway. I'd be better off at home with my family..."
"Sam, stop it. You are loved so much and are no hassle at all. You are more than welcome to stay here as long as you would like, what's mine is yours. Please stay, if you feel the same way in a week. I will personally drive you wherever you need to go, whether that's back to the house to pack or the airport, just give it a week okay? We love you and we want you to stay here in Cali with me and your friends." I say, trying to comfort him and ensure he knows how loved he is.
"Thank you uncle Elty. I don't wanna get all sappy but, I am really not sure what i would do without you" Sam said as he leant on my shoulder. I placed my head on his in a comforting way before he sat back up again watching the tv.
After pizza I made sure Sam had everything he needed to get through the night then headed to bed.

Later that night I heard Sam get up and go to the bathroom, nothing to be suspicious about except he didn't come out. When I heard a crash, I knew something was wrong. I got up and called Colby as I walked down the hall.
"Hello..?" Colby croaked through the line.
"Colby, it's Elton, you need to come over here NOW, something's happened with Sam" I said into the phone knocking on the door with no response from inside the bathroom.
"I'm on my way, oh my god I hope he is ok. I'll be there in less than 15 minutes" Colby replied.
I finally got through the door to see Sam.


I hung up the phone with Elton, running out the door.
"Where are you going?" Corey questioned as he slid on a jacket and I grabbed my keys. He must have heard me run downstairs.
"I.. it's Sam, Elton said something was wrong. I'm going there now. Are you with me?" I questioned looking over my shoulder back at him, standing in the hallway.
"Ok, i'll drive. You need to calm down, here" Corey replied, grabbing the keys from me and handing me a tissue to dry my eyes.
"Thanks Corey, we have to hurry" I said, getting in the passenger side of my car.
A few minutes later and we arrived at Eltons. I didn't let Corey stop the car before jumping out and running to the front door, turning the handle with no hope I began pounding on the door. My best friend was in there and something was wrong. I kept going, my fists beginning to hurt after going for so long. I didn't notice Corey hold me back whilst being on the phone with Elton and pull me around the side.
"Yep, ok. No we are here, that... that was Colby, he's not doing good. Under the mat? Ok, be there soon. Ok, bye" Corey said, practically dragging me behind him around the back of the house before retrieving the key from under the mat and letting us in.
"SAM!" I called, running through the house till I found Elton with a towel wrapped around Sam's wrist and arm. I froze, how could I have done this. Tears flooded my face as I dropped to my knees. Corey tried to get me up and move me to the couch but I wouldn't budge. Right now the only things in my head was how stupid I was for letting these pranks go this far. I had done this to my best friend and no one could tell me otherwise.
Elton looked up at us before barking orders.
"Corey, the ambulance is on the way. He is still breathing, and I can feel a pulse, very faintly but it's there, he isn't responding to anything I say though. Get Colby some water and my wallet from my room. We are going to need to go to hospital. Colby, calm down, he's going to be ok. It's not as bad as it looks..."
"Not as bad as it looks! Are you KIDDING me Elton!? I told you to WATCH him so this WOULDN'T happen, how could you have let this happen? He is your friend too, YOUR HIS UNCLE! You do NOT get to tell me to calm down when this happens under your roof!" I spat at him, rage leaping from every part of my body like a lion about to attack its prey, taking both Elton and Corey by surprise. I began to head towards Sam still fuming with the rage I held, not against Elton but towards myself. I could see the damage made by the blonde caused by me. Corey saw me needing to get to Sam and gently moved Elton and himself out of the way and let me get to the blonde passed out on the bathroom floor. Gently I picked him up and looked down at him. He seemed calm, peaceful, almost happy.
"Sam, I'm so sorry, if I knew how to say it in any other language, I would, a thousand times over and once you're better I'll show you how much you mean to me baby, there's no world I would want to live in if you left. Please don't go. Hold on for me. I promise I will never let anything happen to you ever again. Just stay with me. I need you. Your everything I have" I whisper, barely heard over my whimpers and sobs as the tears that had once dried on my face continue to their destination and more chase  them like an army racing into battle.
Was all I heard before lifting my head from its hung position to see Sam blinking slowly. He still seemed out of it but those tears that were sad sliding down my face soon turned to happy ones when I saw him show vague signs of life.
"I'm right here baby, I'll always be here" I said, offering the only comfort I could as the paramedics that had arrived at the house enter the room. "Your ok, your going to be ok, we are just going to hospital, you need stitches this ones too deep"
"No! I don't... want stitches, they.. they are going to... to hurt me" he said, grabbing my hand tightly as if just being stabbed by a knife and pulling me towards him, tears filling his eyes.
"It's ok baby, you're going to be ok, calm down. I'm right here, I'll be here with you the whole time, no matter what" I say, as the paramedics allow me to carry Sam to the ambulance.
"Colby?" The strain on Sam's voice was heartbreaking.
"Yeah, I'm here Sam, what do you need? Are you in pain?" I asked as the paramedics stopped to scan him for any injuries that were not visible.
"No more pranks ok?" Sam said, smiling lightly at me as he was placed in the back of the ambulance, not letting go of my hand the whole way to the hospital.

Ok sorry this took so long but I actually finished it a week ago. Still no excuse. I've got like 3 other stories in the making right now so vote and comment and I'll post when done.
Love you xx

Solby (Sam and Colby) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now