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(I'm really happy with this one so let me know what you think!!)

The thumping on the bathroom door didn't bother the blonde as he was only barely holding onto life as the blood spilling from his wrists pooled on the floor losing its crimson colour. He couldn't take it anymore, he needed to feel something other than the sadness he was sat in the past few weeks, he felt numb, nothing mattered, his roommates didn't notice until it was too late and the blonde had resorted to the shiny object on the floor next to him to take away the pain.. and the life in himself. He only ever blamed himself for all the thoughts he had, knowing why they showed up so early on in his life. He had feelings for his best friend of 9 years and never told him. It ate him up inside to see the brunette so happy and enjoying life even if it wasn't with him. He tried to keep up the best friend act but it got too much, as Colby brought girl after girl to their apartment to toy around with. Then they moved, only 3 months ago to a mansion with a few other friends of theirs. This made it increasingly hard to get alone time which Sam was thankful for because he may not be here if it weren't for that, I mean he would be here... just earlier. When you hurt under the surface, time can heal but this won't. He had cut too deep this time, there was no coming back. The blonde, with tears in his eyes took out his crumpled goodbye note before falling limp against the basin, scars showing all the pain he had put himself through over the years.

On the other side of the door, his roommates had heard the thump coming from the bathroom, others brushed it off but Colby had noticed the blonde missing from movie night for a while. He got up and walked over to the bathroom, knocking before trying the handle. No response. He tried opening it, finding it locked.
'Sam? Are you ok in there?' He questioned trying to unlock it from the other side as he got no reply from the blonde on the other side.
'Elton! Corey! Give me a hand, Aaron call the ambulance. I think Sam is hurt!' He yelled out to the others in the room next door.
'Sam, it's Colby, please answer me' he knocked against the closed door.
'Elton, get this shit open now!' He said to the elder, tears starting to form in his eyes. He knew the blonde had struggled with life the past few years but he had no idea it was because of him or that he would go this far.

Colby has liked Sam for about 5 years now, he tried everything to get the blonde off his mind and only think of him as a best friend, but he was hooked, head over heels for the blonde, he loved all his imperfections, his smile, his laugh and of course his blonde hair which he wished he could run his fingers through more often, he only ever did it to comfort the blonde when he has panic attacks and wished he could do it when they fall asleep. He loved this boy with his whole heart, but felt that the other wanted a best friend over a lover which is why he would continuously bring home random girls late at night, to take his mind off the blonde boy that slept in the room across the hall. Since they moved to the mansion however, Colby had stopped bringing others home and instead usually went out with the other members of the house or his friend Brennen.
He noticed that whenever they did go out together Sam would always decide to stay home, which worried Colby, he hated leaving the blonde home alone for long periods of time and took precautions before he left. He moved his razor blades and locked them in the cupboard. He knew Sam had cut himself before but thought he had stopped when they moved in with the others.

'Elton I swear to God if you don't get this open and something has happened...' Colby started.
'Would you calm down, I'm sure he's fine.' Elton said finding the click and opening the door.
Colby rushed in, finding the blonde limp against the basin, a crumpled note lay beside him, blood covering the once white tiles on the floor.
'Sam!' Colby cried out grabbing him carefully to hold him against his chest. 'Aaron how far away is the ambulance?' Colby questioned searching for a pulse on the fragile boy, it was barely there in broken beats, just like Colby's heart.
'It's on its way now, should only be two minutes' Aaron replied.
'That's too long!' Colby cried out holding the boy tighter to his chest hoping it would transfer what little life he had in him to the blonde, he would do anything for him. 'Sam? Please, why? Why didn't you tell me baby, I'm so sorry, I should have stayed with you more, please forgive me' he cried into the blondes hair.
Elton picked up the note and read it before handing it to Colby.
He took it with a frown on his face as his watery eyes glossed over the page taking in all the details the blonde had left. His heart broke with every word written on the page.

'Baby, why didn't you tell me? How could you feel this way and not say anything? You were hurting and I didn't see it' he spoke sadness lacing his voice as the tears flooded down his cheeks. 'I'm so sorry, it kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless, Sam, you mean everything to me, I never told you how I felt either. I love you with my whole heart Samuel Golbach and have for 5 years, every part of you is perfect, I don't understand why you felt this way about yourself, your an angel sent here from heaven and they can't have you back yet, you hear me! You can't leave me here, please baby, I need you to be here with me ok. Keep your heart beating angel, we aren't going to let you go that easily, please baby, promise me you'll keep fighting, for me' he kissed the blonde on the forehead and was crying so hard he hadn't noticed the paramedics arrive. Elton and Corey had to hold him back from the bathroom as the paramedics worked on the lifeless boy he loved so dearly. He couldn't help himself and cried into their shoulders while they whispered calming things like 'he's going to be ok' and 'he's strong' neither of which did their intended purpose.
'It's my fault, I s-sshould have d-done more to stop t-this from happening' Colby cried to his roommates as the paramedics carried Sam out to the ambulance, the others following closely behind.
'Only one of you can ride in the ambulance with him the others will have to follow behind, so which of you wa...' one of the paramedics started when he was interrupted by all the roommates pushing Colby forward.
'Here, take these and go' Elton said handing Colby a water bottle, some tissues and the crumpled note Sam had written 'we will follow behind and be there as soon as possible, I'll grab some clothes and essentials for the both of you just in case and head over' he said giving the brunette a sad smile before turning and walking back inside with the others, just as Colby climbed into the back of the ambulance with the unconscious blonde immediately taking his hand and gives it a little squeeze hoping for some reaction. He was quiet the whole ride to the hospital reading and re-reading the note that the blonde had left him until they arrived.

1323 words

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