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Pov Sabrina

I am waiting for my brother to return to his room. I want to apologize for that little argument we had.

Having the same genetic traits, I am aware that he will not take the first step towards peace. And I can't stand the idea that my little brother is angry with me so I'm here to end this annoying situation that has arisen between us.

I have been waiting for the dwarf for an hour but there is no trace of him who knows where he has gone?

The worry began to take over me, now I understand the state of mind of my aunts when I returned late or did not.

I stood up when he heard footsteps moving in this direction.

When Goffredo entered the room I pointed out "Do you think this is the time to go back, kid?"

He turned to me and looked up at the sky I felt like smiling.

"Then you can know where you have been little brother?"

He replied annoyed "You know that you are not my mother? And anyway it's none of your business what I do during the day."

What answers! Someday that tongue I'll cut it off.

"Of course it's my business! You are my little brother. I am responsible for your every action and every breath you take." I told him in an authoritarian tone.

"I've been to Rebecca's, don't get so upset that at your age you have to be careful about these things." He raised both arms in surrender and said again "I'm only saying that because I care about your health, little sister." He concluded with a wink.

I clung to all my willpower not to grab any object and throw it at it.

And then I asked him "What were you doing at Rebecca's house?"

With mock disinterest he replied "For work. We had to clarify some very important things about the reception."

But who did he take me for? For a moron?

"Be careful that this little apprenticeship consumes you too much, little brother."

Goffredo told me "What an irony!".

I pointed out to him "You know she is at least four decades older than you, right?"

He nodded sadly.

"You like her don't you?"

Goffredo denied what seemed to him an accusation "That's not true! She's not even my type!".

I reply "she's not your type eh? But if every time you cross her house you drool."

"You are the visionary here! You are in huge non-existent situations."

Visionary ... what courage!

Deny the evidence until the last breath.

I am waiting for my brother to return to his room. I want to apologize for that little argument we had.

Having the same genetic traits, I am aware that he will not take the first step towards peace. And I can't stand the idea that my little brother is angry with me so I'm here to end this annoying situation that has arisen between us.

I have been waiting for the dwarf for an hour but there is no trace of him who knows where he has gone?

The worry began to take over me, now I understand the state of mind of my aunts when I returned late or did not.

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