Chapter 10: After

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"What defines us is how well we rise when falling."

- Anonymous

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It's been a week since I got Rikkard's phone call. My mind still hasn't been able to fully process it.

Valentine's wife died two years ago, in 2012. Rikkard told me all about it. Her name was Catherine Rosanne before Valentine proposed. Obviously, she accepted it instantly. He said Valentine is a very private man in life, and that he didn't share much details about his personal information.

My heart clenches at the thought. I've been feeling envy towards a corpse, and having sex with an anonymous man. And I never even knew about her death - I thought Valentine was a polygamous man. Is that why he said that he kept his wife in a box? A coffin? An ash box? I don't want to ask him about it. I'm sure it'll upset him.

I sigh, shrugging my coat on. I'm going to apply for a job at Book & Bean today, a small book store with a coffee shop included. "Anna, I'm heading out." I call out, opening the front door. She grumbles in her sleep, and that's my cue.

* * *

MY 1963 CHEVY TRUCK is like mud on a thousand dollared rug. People shoot nasty looks at it, but I really don't mind. As long as it takes me where I want to be, then it's okay. It's about time that I get a job - my last job was over three months ago, at Dillards.

I enter the shop, walking over to the big wooden desk. A thin lady with raven hair stands behind it, reading a thick book. She looks up, greeting me with a huge grin. "Hi! How can I help ya?" Her country accent is thick. I smile politely at her, glancing at the shelves past her.

"Hi, um, I came here to apply . . ?" I squeak, clearing my throat. Jeez, am I seriously that nervous? She nods, picking up the phone and punching in a number. "Steph," she says, picking at her nails. "Yes, I have a woman who wants to apply . . . okay, sounds great. Bye."

My stomach churns when she widens her eyes at me. Oh, no . . . "Steph's comin', she's in the back unpacking some new books. I'll be right back, honey." She scoots away, walking further into the store until I can no longer see her.

Why did she look at me like if she was nervous? Is Steph considering to take me in? A few more minutes pass by before a woman with short black and neon purple punk hair comes to the front. Oh. I wasn't expecting this. Her white name tag reads "Steph" in black faded letters.

She smirks at me, chewing loudly on her huge pink bubble gum. "So you're the new girl. You want a job? Here?" Her voice is raspy and chill, surprising me even more. Wow . . . she's the manager. "Um, yes." I say quietly, nodding. She nods once, eyeing me out with her silver eyes. Steph looks at me once more before holding her hand out.

I shake her hand, smiling sweetly. "Call me Cynthia," I say. "I'm Steph. The manager of this damned place." She gives me a goofy grin before popping her gum loudly. "Here's a sheet, I told Beth to give you one, but I guess she forgot - she's stupid." Whoa. Okay. I clear my throat a little, deciding to ignore her insults about the other lady, that goes by "Beth."

Steph hands me a sheet to fill out, including a blue pen, and I write away. After about ten minutes, I'm done doing all the signing and information crap, handing the paper back to Steph. She glances at it before messily stuffing it back into the drawer. "Nice hand writing," she comments.

"Um, thanks." I smile politely at her, and she smiles back. "You'll start in two days. Sounds good?" Oh! This is news . . . she didn't even have to consider it? I nod, more than happy that she doesn't have to think about things. "Sounds great!" I chirp. She grins, nodding. "Alright, new girl. See ya Thursday. Oh - wait a minute. You're a college student, right?"

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