Chapter 5: Wolves

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 Cynthia Bledel is above! :D

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  My head is fuzzy. I try to sit up, forgetting that Valentine had slept with me. His strong arm is holding me in place, his face in between my breasts. Oh, crap. I’m naked, and the sheets are only up to my waist. I flush slightly, gently lifting his head and he groans, shifting back in place. He looks so peaceful . . . and sexy. I run a free hand through his thick hair, leaning down to kiss it.

   I glance at the bed sheets, feeling my stomach drop to the ground. There’s blood – holy shit. I didn’t start my period, did I? I grip Mr. Flynn’s arm that’s still wrapped around my body, shaking it fiercely until his eyes fly open. His head jerks to my direction, and he visually relaxes. “Hey,” he mumbles with a slight edgy tone in his voice.

   “Why is there blood?” I whisper, feeling panic bloom in my belly. He frowns, looking to where I’m pointing.  He smacks his lips, rolling his eyes. What? I doubt it was his gargantuan size that ripped through me that badly. Okay, if that blood came from me . . . “It was your first time,” he mumbles in his – er, my – pillow, irritated. I knit my eyebrows together, feeling my heart beat fade back to a normal pace.

    I recall a conversation with Anna last summer. She was talking about how Alaska’s “cherry” had popped at a party? Maybe that’s what she was referring to – losing her virginity. Okay – so I was never really interested in the Sex Ed classes. I don’t know much, and I would always beg my mom to sign the paper so I would go to another room.

   “Honey, you’ll have to learn sooner or later,” she would say in an annoyed tone. Still, I refused, until one day she did scold me pretty bad. I hadn’t listened to any of the words my teacher had said though – I stuck my nose right into my book. Oh, how I wish I would’ve got that damn paper signed to say, “Yes, I, Joanna Bledel, agree on letting my teenager . . .”  I smile at the memory. “Penny for your thoughts?” Valentine interrupts my reverie, and I find him looking straight into my eyes. You’re so hot, I wanted to say. I flush, glancing at the alarm clock.

   “Um, don’t you have to teach?” I mumble, nodding at the time. Valentine’s eyes widen at the alarm clock. He scrambles out of bed, cursing under his breath. I put a hand over my mouth when I see his large groin hop into place. That . . . monstrous thing, was inside of me! “Cynthia, I’m never sleeping with you again,” he scowls playfully at me. I smile, feeling warm and bright. He’s late because of me!  My subconscious gapes at me in horror. You know what else he’ll do because of you? Lose his job! “Why?” I ask innocently, pushing the unpleasant thoughts away.

   “Because, you just made me late; my first period must be wondering where the fuck I’m at.” He murmurs, slipping through his shirt. I gape at the jeans he’s wearing. “You’re dressing up in that?” It’s full of vomit! He shrugs, slipping his converse on. Oh, my god! That’s so unprofessional. “Valentine,” I murmur, sitting up. He stiffens when I say his name, but wisely chooses to stay silent.

    Very bravely, I stand up – still naked – and fix his collar. This is so bad – the students are going to think he got into a wreck and grabbed an outfit from a nearby dumpster. He looks like a damn college student right now, a very hot one. “You’ll blend in,” I tease, buttoning down his white linen shirt. He smirks, running his hands down my waist.

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