Chapter 1: Blank Space

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"So, Venus is a girl?" Anna squeaks. I roll my eyes, trying to walk ahead of her. "I don't know, Anna, and I honestly don't care about your stupid planet symbols." Christ, the third week of school has just begun, and my best friend is already flying past her classes; especially Astronomy.

"You're right," she opens the big doors, walking inside of the university. "The planet symbols are pretty gay. Besides, it's basically the same as Roman gods and stuff. I knew we should've done a college application at Monsters University!"

What! "Anna, shut up. I knew I shouldn't have invited you to go watch that movie." She giggles at the frustration in my voice. A few people wave at us, and we wave back. Damn, maybe they were waving only at Anna.

I adjust my heavy backpack over my right shoulder, walking beside Anna, down the deserted hall. Too bad I have Astronomy with this annoying freak for my first period. "Jeez, Cynthia," Her high-pitch voice interrupts my thoughts. "Who shoved poison ivy up your ass this morning?"

I force my mouth to not crack a smile. Ignoring her rhetorical question, I turn to the open doorway. B113 - Astronomy. Pros about this class? One, galaxies are pretty. Two, Professor Adams is old, short, and fun. Lastly, there's not much to do except study about stars and crap.

"Does my hair look bad?" Anna whispers behind me. I glance at her dark blonde hair. "It's full of caramel, as usual." I tease. She gives me a metal-full grin that shows relief. Damn Anna - she's a ridiculous blonde, always questioning about her looks. Every man gapes at her when we're in public. Even the creepy teachers give her a full eye-out at her photoshop body.

Despite the fact that she's loud and five-foot, she's the greatest friend I've ever had. Well, I've never really had a ton of friends. I sigh, following her into the middle row. I set my backpack behind me, sitting down by Anna. "I still don't understand why you wear braces." I mumble.

Anna scoffs pathetically, pointing at her teeth. "They're all jacked up!" Liar. "Plus, my orthodontist is super hot! He looks kinda like Matt Bomer, except with brown eyes, and a bit less stubble." She gives me a smug grin that make her blue eyes sparkle like icicles. More students enter the classroom, and soon, every seat is occupied.

Professor Adams steps out of his office, shutting the door behind him. He raises a hand, signaling for the class to quiet down. "Welcome back, everyone." He begins, "In case any of you have forgotten, I'm your Astronomy teacher." Everyone but me laughs at his lame joke. Okay, seriously? "Alright, well we won't be doing much today." His blue eyes trail over every student - he's trying to figure out what we should do, I'm assuming.

"Yeah, just get into your groups from Thursday, you know what to do." I groan quietly. Groups? We're not in middle school! My devil pouts at me, taking out her trident. Anna was assigned with people smarter than me; people that actually give a shit about Astronomy. Well, she does want to work with NASA, after all.

I just don't get how stars and dust can be so interesting. Oh, yeah, it's just a billion years old, so what? They might not even be as important as astronomers think they are. Okay, maybe there was a few pros about this class, but there's way more cons about it. Don't even bother to expect a list. It'll go on forever.

I frown at my group. Josh and Ethan don't even help, Marisa is always texting, and I'm always staring at them, waiting for words to come out their mouth. I take a deep breath before forcing myself to speak. "So," I pause. All eyes turn to me. Wow, even Marisa looked up from her phone. "Let's talk about space."

* * *

Second period was shit. My Algebra teacher talks way too fast, I didn't even get a chance to settle in my chair. Then, he gets super angry when someone asks if he could repeat the whole thing. New fact learned; Professor Campbell isn't keen of repetition. Might as well label him as the damn nuclear experiment - Mr. Atomic Bomb.

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