Chapter 12: Book & Bean

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September 28th; it's finally Thursday. Steph called, saying to get ready because today is the big day! I'm finally going to work! I silently grin to myself, watching Anna touch up her hair. She's going out to eat breakfast with Spencer.

"You're lucky you are going to work somewhere quiet and calm, Cyn. Don't work at an electronic store. It sucks balls." Anna scrunches up her face in disgust. I giggle, getting up from the bed. "Well, you shouldn't have applied for it."

"Well, I'm trying to get an interview at that science lab by those yellow apartments. They're going to think I'm a lame bitch, I just know it."

"Hey! You're not lame, and you're not a bitch." I state. She gives me a flat look that says 'really?' I burst out laughing, holding my stomach. "Okay, maybe sometimes you're a bitch."

She grins, grabbing her Coach purse and her keys. "I'll see you at school, wench." She waves at me before shutting the front door. I let out a deep breath, throwing myself back on my bed.

Stupid Flynn.

Why can't you just get out of my head? We haven't even went on a real date, and we already had sex. What kind of fucked up situation is that? I don't even have his number, and somehow my best friend gave him a call before I ever did . . . and we already - oh, god.

I frown deeply at myself. What kind of monster am I? No; what kind of monster is he? Deciding to be a bastard! I just can't stay away from him. It can't only be the sex, can it? I'm not known as a whore, I don't think.

I glance at the clock, jumping out of bed immediately. I forgot that I'm supposed to be there in about thirty minutes. Quickly, I gather some clothes and dash to the bathroom. I turn the shower on, jumping when I feel something against my leg.

I shriek, hopping out of place and glancing at the floor. Kitty meows, blinking at me. Fucking cat! I shoo him away, closing the bathroom door once he's outside. Is there anything in this damned apartment that doesn't remind me of Valentine Flynn?

My mind races through a bunch of scenes from Tuesday. The way he took me on the desk . . . I gulp air, stripping out of my clothes and stepping in the warm water. I'm really hoping my mind doesn't distract me from work.

* * *
"THESE," STEPH POINTS AT a stack of sealed boxes before adding on. "Are the books that just arrived today. They'll usually come in these brown, taped up boxes. Sometimes, there's special books that come in white boxes. Those books will be the hard covered ones." She grabs an empty, teared up white cardboard box, showing me.

"These boxes are a bit smaller, as you can see." She's all I'm-your-guide right now, and honestly, I'm enjoying it. "Now," She says firmly. "You have to make sure that when you open them, you have to do it carefully, or else the knife will cut the covers very easily. Since most of our books are paperback, you have to be cautious. Fail to do so, your ass is out of here."

I gulp at her sudden brutality, nodding. "Good," She says in approval. "Alright, there's one more thing I need to mention. These aren't so common, but there is a few occasions when people order books; singles will come in. They are to be directly delivered - not by us, duh - but these will have sticky notes with something written. You have to take them to the front desk and leave them on the shelf under the computer. Got it?"

I nod. She smiles crookedly, patting my shoulder. "You're catching on so quick. All because of me." She smiles, motioning for me to follow her. "Oh! By the way, Oli will be coming in today. He's an employee here too, but er . . ." She trails off, shutting the door.

We walk towards the 'Chill Room,' as Steph introduced me as, and she inserts a key unlocking the door. "Let me tell you a little something." She pulls out a chair, sitting down and resting her arm on the white table.

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