Chapter 6: Bite

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Take time to memorize the picture, guys! :D You'll need it for later.

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Sunday passed by quick. I thought about what to say to Valentine - I swear, I challenged my head for so many ideas and "what-if's." I barely even know the man, and we already had sex. Talk about regret.

But nope. Once your hormones get ready for flight, you can't go back.

Annabeth is whistling to Coldplay's "A Sky Full of Stars" as she makes breakfast. I agreed on eating the usual; scrambled eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I mix the batter quick, groaning as the creamy liquid splatters over my clothes. Wow, great way to start off a Monday.

"I don't care, go on and tear me apart. I don't care if you do!" She sings, turning the volume up on her iPod dock, dancing as she flips the bacon. I laugh, but feel it fade away slowly.

The words she sang can relate to my situation. He won't care if you tear his family apart. I gasp at the thought. But why? Why won't he care? Or does he actually care and just won't show it? Fuck, and why am I not ashamed of earing his life apart?

I need to ask him so many questions before we take any steps further. Anna smiles at me, but her face drops instantly. "What?" She asks.

I point at my t-shirt, hoping she'll be satisfied. "Oh!" She yells, turning the music down. "Do you want one of mine?"

I nod, and she turns the stove off, letting the food cool down before walking to the bedroom. She better not make me wear any type of crap today - I'm lazy, and I can care less about my outfit.

I really don't want to go to classes today, but I can't miss any. Guilt will rush over me; it already has just by thinking about it. Plus, I need to ask Valentine a few - er, a lot of questions. Will this continue? Do I want this to continue?

What are we, even? Are we even a "thing?" My hand slips under my bangs, rubbing my forehead. Damn him, we both should know better. I could have stopped our session if I wanted to . . . If I wanted to.

Anna comes back with a white t-shirt in her hand. She sees the relief on my face and giggles. "I know Mondays aren't your favorite." She knows me too well.

"Well, we need to hurry. Class starts in twenty minutes, and the drive is about ten." I say, beginning to make a second pancake.

After what seems like four minutes, we eat quickly then brush our teeth. Grabbing my jacket, we're out the door pronto. Surprisingly, there's not much traffic this morning, so we make it to the university early in Anna's Porsche.

"Damn it," Anna says as she locks her car. We burst through the doors, carrying our backpacks over our shoulders. "What?" I wonder. "I forgot my phone at home," she sighs, opening the door to Astronomy.

"The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, usually form with charged emitted particles of the sun during a solar flare penetrate what?" Professor Adams is in his usual mood - bored and sleepy.

"Yes, Allison?" He rubs his eyes under the lenses of his glasses, frowning. "Earth's magnetic shield," she answers calmly. Jeez, I wish I was that calm. We sit in our usual seats, hoping that Adams doesn't call on me.

"Mr. Miller, can you tell us a few things about collision?" I sigh with relief. Ethan better talk before he calls on someone else! "Um, yeah."

"Molecules in the atmosphere . . . and atoms." He adds quickly. "And results are bursts of lights - photons." Adams finishes for him, waving Ethan off.

I don't pay any more attention to his words, letting my mind drift off to Valentine. Oh, Mr. Flynn! Why can't you just be normal?

Normal? He's not alien! I frown, looking up. Everyone's eyes are on me, and my cheeks flush. "What?" I whisper to Anna. "The professor has been calling you, Cynthia." She whispers back.

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