Chapter 7

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Shortly after getting back to my shared room my phone buzzes in my pocket.

I've been thinking about who your crush might be and I have come to the conclusion it definitely has to be someone on the team. Don't ask me how I know a magician never reveals her secrets. Am I right ;)?

Well damn she wasn't meant to figure that out. Knowing Tobin she probably just realized that I don't spend much time with anyone who isn't on the team or the Royals and I haven't been playing for the Royals for three years. Guess that's the downfall of her knowing me so well.

Sometimes I wish you didn't know me so well Tobs. Yeah it's someone on the team. That narrows it down a lot more than i'd like.

Oooo Chris now i'm even more curious. Meet me after practice later in my hotel room to discuss?

We'll see Heath.

With that I pocket my phone and silently slip into bed.

"GOODMORNING BITCHHHH!" What a lovely way to wake up. "Morning Ash what time is it?" I look over at the alarm before she can even answer and realize it's well past 9. "Shit I needed yoga to destress today." My statement was meant for just me but that doesn't stop Ashlyn from probing.

"Why do you need to destress Pressy? That dream still got you in a whirl?" God that stupid dream that started this whole thing. "No offense Ash, but I think I may prefer your wife's expertise on this one."

Ashlyn's jaw drops and she dramatically falls onto her bed clutched her chest yelling, "Oh you've killed me!" I can't help but let out a small laugh at the goalies antics. She never fails to make me feel better.

"Lucky for you my stressed friend my wonderful wife happens to be on her way to our humble abode as we speak." Right on cue there's a knock at the door and Ashlyn practically teleports to the door with how fast she got there.

"Hey babe! Ready for coffee?" Her question isn't answered as she just grabs the defenders hand and pulls her in the room. "Babe Chris needs us more than coffee. She missed yoga and she actually seemed to need it today."

Ali shoots me her signature 'ignore Ash' smile and sits down on the bed next to mine. "So tell me what's wrong."

So I told her about my "secret", that doesn't actually seem to be much of a secret anymore, crush on Tobin and how we agreed to help eachother get the girl. Also I may have mentioned all the details I let slip about my crush.

"Oh Chris this is a mess. Sorry that wasn't helpful but what possessed you to tell her all these things and then agree to help her with Alex? You're just going to get hurt if you seriously help her."

"I fucking knew you liked Tobin and everytime I brought it up with Ali she'd just roll her eyes! You need to start trusting me on these things Ali i'm like a mind reader."

"But what do I do Ali?" She begins to rub her thumb over my hand in an attempt to calm me down. "As I see it Chris you have two real options that can get you what you want. A) You flirt with her until she either realizes or begins to see you as more than a friend. B) Just tell her how you feel and hope for the best."

"Is it bad A sounds much better than B?" Both Ali and Ash shake their heads. "Nah Chrissy whatever you wanna do. But I recommend just avoiding her until it all goes away that's what I did with Ali and look where we are. Happily married playing therapist to our bestfriend!"

Only Ash would make a joke right now.

"Pretty sure I can't just avoid this one. Thanks for the advice though guys I'll let you go get your coffee."

After a long and grueling practice and a long and grueling ice bath my phone buzzes and I don't have to look to know exactly who it is.

Interrogation time ;)

Guess there's no way of getting around it now. I push the up arrow on the elevator panel and begin to wait. "Guess who?!" was shouted as my eyes were covered by hands.

"Well wasn't expecting to see you so soon Tobs." Her hands fall back to her side as she sends me a grin. "Don't sound so sad Chris maybe I just couldn't go another second without my best friend!" God why does she have to be cheesy and cute right now it isn't fair.

"Well you arent the one who is about to undergo what feels like a police questioning." Tobin just laughs next to me as we finally enter the elevator.

A silence calls over us and I decide to take the time to think of a game plan. Okay Chris you can either tell her or lie. If it comes to it you can just tell her another teammate it's not like she'd go around and gossip. But who can I say? She's the only one who truly matches the description. Second best is probably Kelley since anyone else would just seem shady. Just lie and say Kelley was shy when you met her and secretely is an art junky. Tobin will probably buy it right?

The metal doors slide open and Tobin escorts us to her room. "Alright Chris pick whichever bed Allie won't care if you're on hers." I elect the one nearest to the door incase I need to make a hasty exit.

I can't help but stare as she follows me onto the bed. Her hairs in a half up bun and she's wearing those training pants that perfectly show off every defined muscle in her leg. Saying she looked hot would be an understatement.

"Ahem Chris so I've narrowed it down to two possible candidates. One makes much more sense than the other, but at the same time it doesn't. So i'm gonna give you the chance to tell me before I just assume who it is."

Her eyes aren't leaving mine and I can tell she's searching for anything that will give me away. I look away in hopes of calming my nerves.

It's just Tobin. Your very best friend. Your very best friend who you can't afford to lose because no ones ever known you the way she does. I meet her eyes again and I make a decision. I cant bear the risk of her look becoming more disgusted than curious.

"Kelley. It's Kelley." It's her turn to look away now. "Oh. Yeah that was one of my people, but the other just made more sense and..." I wait for her to finish but it quickly becomes evident she doesn't plan on it. "Who did you think it was?" Hopefully she doesn't notice the hint of desperation in my voice.

"It doesn't matter really since it was wrong. I think I may have an idea about helping with you and Kelley. You know how before we leave camp someone always throws a hotel room party the night before?"

"I'm not sure i'd call it a party but I know what you mean."

"Let's just say I think I have a plan to get you two together that night."

Oh this'll be interesting...

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