Ugly OverSized Smurf With Pink Hair!

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Here is the next chapter I hope you like it!

(Alice's P.O.V)

It is now day 3, this will be a great day, Tamzin will soon look like Ugly oversized smurf with pink hair! Ness is exstreamly happy about this as she loves smurfs, everything is set up and all we do now is wait for tamzin to go for a shower! I can see that happening in 10 minutes so we need to occupie ourselfs for ten minutes fun.

As there litterally is nothing to do I went to my wardrobe and colour coded my cloths and matched them up. It is attchally quite fun, I might do Jaspers clothes soon! there is know around 3 minutes before she does for a shower so I gathered everyone and as she went in the bath room we went in the room next door.

She came out after her shower and I guess she hadn't looked in a mirror, when she got to her room she Screamed really loa#ud and we w#ran to the livng t#room, acting like we did nothing. "CHILDREN GET YOUR ASS UP HERE NOW!" She screamed we laughed and went upstairs. She stood there in pink jeans and a yellow top looking really stupid!

As soon as we all saw her we burst out laughing, "GOD what happened to you miss stupid Smurf?" Emmett asked. This got us all laughing and tamzin more mad!

"EMMETT SHUT IT NOW!" Tamzin yelled.

"Wow cranky smurfy calm down remember smurfs are happy!" Emmett said in a child like voice.

"Right get to your room now young man!" She was bright red in the face and i'm suprised the was now smoke!

"You can't do that this week your Esme and Esme dosn't send us to our room!" Emmett was happy now.

"Urrrggg you kids are so pathetic!" She screamed.

We got ready and left for school, we was going to atchally skip school but she doesn't know that, I looked and saw that we were going to the mall! "guys we are going to the mall to find out how llong it takes to get kicked out. Whoever is kicked out first gets $100 0f everyone eles deal!"

"Deal!" they all said

"Ness will work with someone as she doesn't have $100!" I said and we got working.

*****" Hours later********

Everyone has been kicked out the mall now Bella and Ness was first! In about 2 minutes I will get a call of Tamzin and she will yell and comand us to come back! This shall be a fuuny call, oh and its coming through now! "Yo Tamzin!"

"Why arint you at school?" She asked

"Cousn't be bothered to go!" I replied casually

"Come home now!"

"KK!" I hung up and we all hoped in the car and went back home!

how did ya likethis chapter please fan vote and comment x


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