Room Planning And Stuff

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Ok, yes this was ment to be a Epilouge but I thought I would treat my wonderful readers to a chapter before hand

(Bella's P.O.V)

It was nice of Esme to care about these children but she can't just adopt them, well she can as she did but it isn't fair. Abbie is annoying everyone, Rose espacally hates her I'm not sure if its to do with the fact she was human or what. Megan is the sweetist, I mean Renesmee is sweeter, they make great friends. I am currently helping Megan deicde what she wants to do with her room, Renesmee is full of random crazy ideas, it was funny with some of the things she came up with.

"Megan what kind of things do you like?" I asked her knowing I would get the best answers out of her like this.

"Er I guess I am into, music, I love music, the colour pink is ok, animals are awesome espacally sharks snakes and monkeys!" She exsplained. I though for a moment

"What about pink walls, and a black and a white zebra fur rug, with snakes coming of the sealing, a monkey painted on the wall?" I asked her thinking it would look cool and to her style. It sounded like it would be amazing, her style so suited it dearly.

"Yes that sounds awesome, would it be possible to have one wall underwater theamed with Sharks, Jellyfish and Seahorses?" She asked. It was a wonderful idea, I bet Alice loves it to

"Of couse that is a wonderful idea!" I told her and she smiled. I took her and to Renesmee to where Alice's Room was. Alice had obviously heard our ideas, and she was trying to contain her exsitment. We had to tell her again and she instently agreed

"OF COURSE OF COURSE OF COURSE!" She yelled jumping up and down this was strange to Megan as she obviously wasn't used to this kind of behaviour. I laughed at Megan's exspretion as it was truly priceless.

(Edward's P.O.V)

I could her Abbie's thoughts from the living room, it was filled of ways to get me and how I would look naked. She was so far off, but that wasn't the point she needs to learn I will never be hers and I have a child. It will most likly freek her out but to be honest I couldn't care just as long as she doesn't mess my family up.

I decided to go see Bella Nessie and Megan, who was in Alice's room at the moment disscusing room ideas which they pretty much had planed.

"Hey Dad!" Renesmee said carelessly as I came through the door. I stopped in my tracks not knowing what to do.

"Hey sweetie!" If there joining the family they might as well learn eveything. Megan's face was so confused and I couldn't blame her! I gave Bells a kiss and then I turned back to Megan.

"Oh... Megan, erm so yeah I am Renesmee father, Bella is her Mother. There's more to it then that but we can't tell it to you just yet!" I tryed to exsplain, she nodded as if she understood.

'Okay there mother daughter and father that's not weird. Well the do have a exsplaination, I wonder what it is. Oh well I don't really care I love them they have been so nice to me' -Megan

Here thoughts was lovely, I don't ge twhy her mother didn't love her they are the best. She stood there smiling playing with her brown hair. She had full lips and her hair flowed down just passed her shoulders. She looked grown up to say she was nearly 12.

(Abbie's P.O.V)

I have drew up a rough idea of my room, it will have yellow walls, a black carpet. Then a black ceiling. There will be glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and music lyrics and symbols all over the walls. It would be perfect, a perfect room for a perfect girl.

I went down to look at what Megan wanted for her room, she always wants something really funny. She wasn't in her room when I got there so I followed to where the was alot of sound coming from, there was Renesmee Bella Alice Megan and Edward there.

"Hey Meg what do you want for you room?" I asked her exspecting to get a idea like, I want a pink fluffy walls and a ice floor with Spiders hanging from the ceilng and a shark under the bed. I loved my sister alot but she really annoyed me at times.

"I want pink walls with one of the big walls to be a under water style and the others to be music symols but mainly animals, then I want a black and white zebra print fluffy rug!" She said sounding proud.

"Wow Meg your taste has certainly improved alot!" I complimented her and smiled. I then took the time to tell her about what I would like and she also liked the sound of my room. I wished we could have our rooms together them with just a thin wall and door between us that would be so cool.

We deiced to head to the mall so we can get our rooms all equipted. We first went to the furniture store, it was filled with rocking items. I saw a mint bed, it was red and white with a white curtain covering the sides. You could get it in single double king or queen, I asked if I was aloud it in double and I was. I got a black lamp and a treble clef clock.  There was so many items we got for each rooms and then We was also dragged on a long shopping spree only stopping to get dinner inbetween!

Okay that is the end of that chapter hope you like it I promise the next one will be the Epilouge XD

I might delete my wattpad what do you guys think?

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