At The Hospital

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okay here is the next chapter I hope you like it.

(Sophie's P.O.V)

I can't belive what I've just seen, Megan Jetly is self harming her self I don't know what to do I mean it's really stupid but she probibally has a reson for it. I looked out side the toilets and Mrs Sandy was coming this way so I ran and got her. "Miss Miss Miss Megan Jetly... I just found her in the toilets self harming herself there deep!" I babbled.

She rana nd when we got there Megan was unconcious so I whipped out my phone and called the hospital, they told me they will be there in 3 minutes. "They said they'll be 3 mnutes I told Miss who was doing CPR on Megan. I txt Lily Smith my BFF to get Prinsable Adams and to bring her down to the girls toilets of the 4th wing. She replied comin.

The amblance came 1 and a half minutes after the princable who called Mrs Cullen who was doing wife swap insted of Tamzin Jetly. They met us at the hospital, I had to go and tell them what I saw, I hate hospitals and Megan still hasn't come concious. I got to the hospital 2 minutes ago and Megan was took straight to a medical room this is a long day!

Miss Cullen and Mr Jetly came in Esme looked more worried as she ran to the desk asking about Megan, also the camara crew was following them around like lost puppies. "Miss Jetly is in the E.R medical rooms but you can't see her yet as Dr Miles and Dr Frankurst (frank-hurst) are trying to stop the bleeding they will come get you when you can see her!" The reseptionist said who is known as Millie Tomieillston (tommy-ill-sten).

*******1 HOUR LATER******

Dr Miles came out and Me, Esme and Charles went to see Megan, in room 15 floor 2. We got to her room and there was a big machine with a 4 litre blood bag next to her pumping it in her, but she was still unconsious. I went and sat down bwside her and comfortered with Esme. Charles on the other hand was sat looking like he wanted to go and never return. The worst thing is that all of this is being filmed and will be pt o TV.

Okay well what do you think about that chapter Also my book Silver Stars is going for the watty award front cover so cheack it out and nominate please it means alot xox.

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