Swapping Places

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So what did you think of that last chapter! Vote and comment on my work please xoxo

(Esme's P.OV)

I was now ready to leave my family, the camara crew was already here and so was the make-up lady who wasn't needed at all. The limo will be here in about 5 minutes and I will be going to the Jetly's house for 2 weeks and there 2 children. This was going to be horibble, Alice can see that they will be having fun winding up Mrs Jetley. I really hope the children are fun.

The limo has just arrived and I'm now need to leave my family to go to Mississippi. Alice really wishes to go there but she can't, but she also wants to help prank. I made sure the manual was on the kitchen table. In the limo I got and it was quite comfy, the trip is about 2 hours long so I needed to be entertain. There was a a book thing and it had some good books, the only down side is I have to read human pace.

We was slowing down in a little street with 10 dull house's on either side, they all looked the same. We pulled up nfront of number 4 of Jupiter Road, my guess is ths is were i'll be for the next to weeks. Slowly I got out of the limo and grabbed my 2 case and walked upto the front door, the limo turned around and left. Inside the house was painted a soft lime colour.

I walked up the stairs and there was 4 doors I went in the first door and it was a pink room with fashion magazines everywhere, the next one was enother pink room with justin biebier posters everyone, this girl must be mad! I went in the next room it had a queen bed and pale blue walls. the final room was a smallish bath room. I headed back down stairs and had a tour there.

Everywhere was small in this place, the last place I headed was the kitchen and thee on the table was the manual i picked it up and read it. It was pretty bacic she had t 2 children Abbie who is 15 and Megan who is 12 nd obsessed with justin beiber. She works at the wal-mart 5 days a week and from 8am till 5pm. The children all do extra caribular and when they turn 13 they must get jobs.

Also the dress code is boys must wear long trousers and sweaters and in summer they can were past the knee shorts and girls must wear, ankle lenght dresses or skirts no make up appart fro clear lip gloss and long sleaved tops and jumpers. With the dress you must wear a long sleaved wooly cardie.

(Tamzins P.O.V)

I got out of the limo and we was infront of a huge 3 story house that was part glass. I walked in and took a look around, there was loads of rooms and guest rooms, I guess that they have visiters quite often. After the 10 minute self tour of uupstairs i looked around downstairs and then went to the kitchen. On the table was there maual.

It read.....

Hello I am Esme Cullen and welcome to my house I have 8 teenages who are all abopted, they are all together and we alow this because they are not atchally related with the one they want to date. Edward and Bella are togetger alonge with Renesmee and Jacob, Alice and Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett. Alice,Emmett and Edward are related. Bella and Renesmme are sisters. Rosalie and Jasper are twins. and Jacob Is Edward, Emmett and Alice's cousin.

They all have troubled back grounds so don't ask about it and you won't have any problems. Rosalie takes her time getting used to new people so don't aggravate her, Emmett will pull loads of pranks if you don't watch out. Carlise is my husband and he works alot, as I stay home and garden and clean. Every now and then I do interal designing and get payed $100.000 a job.

My family can do and wear what they wont and go anywhere as long as they tell us wear they are going also they go on walks very often. When you change the rules you must leave in there walks because other wise they can't sleep because they need to clear there heads. Thank you Esme.

So what did you think to this chapter? I hope you like it xoxo

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