Chapter 7: New found determination

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It's been a hella minute hasn't it my dudes? Welcome back, I am sorry for my hiatus babes. But you guys have really motivated me to start writing this again, and besides its about time I loop back to this anime. It's been a tradition to watch it over and over again. Anyway, lets get into it B)

"Pleased to meet you, I am Yukio Okumura. A new instructor teaching Anti-Demon Pharmaceutics."

I clench my fists still standing as some of the students returned the greeting. "W-What the hell Yukio?"

Yukio tilts his head. "Is there a problem?" I scowl and point accusingly in his direction. "Wh-What do you mean, is there a problem?!"

Unbelievable, I thought he didn't know anything about this! Wait, has Yukio known about me? 

"Even though I'm the same age as all of you, I've been studying exorcism since I was seven." 


"And finished all my courses two years ago. So just to be practical,  I'd appreciate it if you called me "Teacher" in this class." 

I lower my hand in shock. "Since you were seven... You're kidding, right?" All this time?

"He is the youngest in history to have earned the rank of exorcist. And a genius in the field of Anit-Demon Pharmaceutics." I hear Mephisto say beside me. 

Wow... Pharmaceutics? I mean he always has wanted to be a doctor... Yukio starts again. "Is there anyone who still has not received a temptaint?" I slowly sit back down trying to process what the hell is happening. "Three of you? Then in that case we will start with the temptaint ritual." 

"Temptaint ritual?" I mumble in confusion. Mephestio hears me and starts to explain, I only half listen as I am staring Yukio down. This is unbelievable, so Yukio has to know right? He knows what I am- what WE are. He's been an exorcist, and he's now my teacher. I crack my knuckles and stare at the desk as Yukio explains that the class room is now a host to hobgoblins. My vision shakes slightly as I focus on the desk, I can't take this. I mentally can't the stress from these past few days it's to much for me. 

My twin continues the lecture of the low level demons and I can't help but glare at him, I'm pissed, I'm pissed that I have been kept in the dark about this for so long. I'm going to look like an idiot when it comes to all of this, it's not like I had any time growing up to learn about this! The old man could have at least told some stories or something, now I am stuck having to do this blind. Don't get me wrong, I really do want to become an exorcist so I can beat Satan's ass. But if I am to be quite frank it's not like I had much of another choice, I got lucky with the bullshit I spewed last second. It's either this, or death.

I decided I would confront Yukio after class, even if I wanted to throttle him right here and now. I can't draw to much negative attention to myself, being a half-demon is negative enough. So I settled on scowling at my twin through his entire lecture.

Soon class was over and I stood from my seat, the sudden scoot of the chair echoed through the dump of a classroom, I could feel some eyes on me as I marched to the desk of my twin who was currently packing his suitcase. 

"We need to talk." I said lowly

"Ah, Rin. Can this wait? I'm awfully bu-"

"No. I can not fucking wait Yukio, we need to talk, now." I narrow my eyes at my twin who was giving me a strained innocent look. "Fair enough." The rest of the class filed out of the room shortly after, probably feeling the tension. I felt a glare pierce the back of my head as the rooster guy and his friends left the room. It took a lot in me not to return his glare, but I was to focused on my twin. As the door to the room shut Yukio turned to me, his glasses glowing slightly from the fluorescent light of the classroom. "What is it Rin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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