Chapter 5

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                                                                              ~Rin's P.O.V~

I stare out the window in the kitchen, hand clutching the strap to my sword. This is the place Yukio and I were raised till we were 15. I let my eyes wonder down, I remember all the memories from this place...

"Come on kids, it's time for dinner!!"

"Okay!"  I shout with glee. "Yes, dad." Yukio smiles warmly. 

"We're having curry tonight!" Our father crouches down to us. "Alright!!" I raise an arm in the air. 

Life was so simple then...

The memory fades away and I twist my face holding back the tears, I can't cry, I don't deserve to mourn. I turn to the back door and open it, letting the cool morning air brush my face. Soft pink cherry blossom petals flutter to the ground. A deep sigh escapes my lips as I let the slightly chilled air cool my heating face.

Yukio hasn't asked me a thing...  About how the old man died... Or me. 

I take a few steps down then turn to walk down the path. What's he thinking anyway?

I shrug slightly into the tan jacket I had over my hoodie, it was a bit chilly this morning. 

"So, you two heading off then?"

I halt my steps to look at Nagatomo and Maruta standing at the entrance. "We're going to miss you." Maruta says. I glance down at his wrapped arm in a sling and to his bandaged head. 

"Well, come back anytime." I turn my head to the other direction, to where Izumi and Kyota were cleaning the windows. "This is your home after all." Kyota smiles. They don't hate me?

I raise my mouth to the side for a half smile. "Sure." I pause and arch my brows, wheres Yukio?

"Oh that reminds me, have you guys seen Yukio around? He hasn't gone back to the dorm yet, right?" 

"No. But we haven't seen him sense this morning. 


I let out a heavy breath with my hands on my hips. Where is he dammit? That dude in the clown get-up said he would be here! I squint my eyes down the road, patience running thin by the millisecond. I huff and cross my arms, turning to face the other side of the road. Hell, I can't even find Yukio anywhere, either!

A loud engine growl catches my ear. I slowly look down the way I originally looked down. "Oh my-GOD SLOW DOWN YOU CRAZY ASSHOLE!!!" I jump out of the way in the nick of time. A long pink limo is now where I once stood a second ago. The tinted window rolls down, and I'm met with the stupid smirk of that clown bastard. 

After he explained that I would now be attending True Cross, Yukio finally walked up. Great... This is going to be great.


Once we reach true cross academy I get out of the limo, after some heavy convincing to Mephisto he has let me wear the male uniform. Skirts make me uncomfortable, I like to run around, I can't run in a skirt without the risk of a panty shot. I don't even understand why they make the uniform so short, it's kinda weird. I went to a separate part of the limo to change.

Ahh nice form fitting pants and a cool blazer, see this is stylish, why do they give the guys the cool looking shit?

I sat in some seat that I found open in the auditorium, turns out Yukio is the first year representative. My little brother, the kid that used to get bullied and picked on, the one I had to save... I'm really proud of him. 

This just proves that I really am the fuck up of the family...

After the speech thing was over everyone filed out and into this nice courtyard type of place.

"What class are you taking Yukio-san?"

"Th-the special advanced class."

"Oh, I should have known! You're really tall aren't you?"

I shake my head slightly and laugh. Who knew, little Yukio would catch all the ladies.

I frown a little bit. That's right, he wants to become a doctor... He must have no idea about all this demon stuff. There's no point in dragging him into all of this.

~~~~~Dinning hall~~~~~

"Wow look at those chandeliers! This place is freaking huge!" I look around in awe of this place. I notice that everyone is staring at me weirdly, either because I'm wearing a male uniform or I'm being weird and shouting about how pretty everything... Probably both. 

I make my way to my classroom. Crap, even the classrooms are huge. 

"Wow, they even make the rooms big! And these desk's! The ones at the monastery aren't nearly as big as these!" I pat the desk a couple times in wonder.

"What's the deal with that girl anyway?"

"What's someone like that doing at this school?"

I sigh, and look to the side. It's not my fault I'm like this...


After that was over it was time to go to our dorms. I sigh and start to head to the dorms... Wait.

"Where the hell is the dorm?! No one told me crap!" I growl and scratch my head, damn what a great day so far. Suddenly I hear a small whimper, glancing down I see a small white dog with a pink and white polka-dot bow. It jumps and bites my pant leg spinning me around, it lets go and starts to walk away, but turns its head and motions for me to follow.

Great could this day get any weirder? And with that, I'm now following a dog.


Fem Rin Okumura x Ryuji Suguro (Bon)Where stories live. Discover now