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Hey there, so I have a question for the readers of this fanfic. Should I contiue this with Rin being a female or should I just switch it to normal?

Cause like look, I'm not against gays, please don't think that. I did the gender bend of only one character based off a dream I had where Rin was a girl. And tbh I probably had the dream because I project on Rin and I relate to the chracter and I have a phat crush on Bon.

So I'm not homophobic, I'm a huge ally to the LGBTQ+ community. Back when I first started this fanfic and my other gender bend fanfic I thought nothing of it but now that I'm older I'm nervous people are going to think I'm just trying to straight bend gay ships cause I don't like gays.

So that's far from the truth, I honestly just relate to the characters and go huh wonder what it would be like if they were a girl. Its self projecting.

So with that I want to get everyones opinion on whether or not I should continue this with Rin staying a girl or if I should just change it back to him being a boy and write a Rin×Bon fanfic that way. So let me know what you think!

And I do plan on starting this back up, it's just I have school rn, and I'm trying to binge watch the rest of Supernatural, plus I'm obsessed with MHA as well. So don't worry I haven't forgotten this, I still love Blue Exorcist.

Lemme know your thoughts, and with that Imma head out. 👉😎👉

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