Chapter 3: The Devil resides in your soul.

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Hey there dudes back with chapter 3, this probably wont get updated tonight. (Monday) But hey who knows, it all depends on how fast I am. 

                                                                                       ~Rin's P.O.V~

Horn's sprouted and curled, the oddly sharp canines growing ever so sharper, a tail suddenly sprouting out of his lower back. This can't be some weird cosplay... So I'm not sure, but I don't think this guy is human. Suddenly I feel a force pushing me down, shit! I should have ran when I had the chance dammit. 

I grunt as my face hits the ground. Don't these guys see their friend? The guy looks like a weird cosplay fail. I struggle to get out of these dudes grips. "A eye for an eye... A tooth for a tooth, as they say!" The bastard grinned grabbing a metal pole that was stuck in the fire, it glowed a bright red, his look wasn't very friendly. He sauntered closer, with a smug look. "I'm going to give you back twice the pain you gave me." Shit, shit, shit, shit.

"Hey, that's enough Mr. Shiratori... You don't want to commit any crimes." One of his bitches says above me. Shiratori or whatever swiftly raised his foot kicking the guy away. "Shut the hell up!" He grabs my hair raising my head up to face him. "Now where do you want me to stick this Rin-chan? I wouldn't want to ruin your pretty face, but sometimes things must be done. You need to learn some manners." He yanked again. "Ahh!" 

"And take the damn money when told like a good whore!!" He slowly brought the rod to my face, the heat radiating off it. "Jeez he's really going to do it!" 

I feel my face twist in horror, there's no use trying to act like tough shit anymore, this crazy bastards going to burn my face off!

"Human barbecue!" He cackled, saliva dripping of his sharp teeth, the deranged look in his eyes disturbed me, so bloodshot that they're a light pink. 

"S-Stop it!"


"GET  AWAY FROM ME!" I felt a snap, my pupils dilate even smaller. The rod he held burst into a bright blue flame, then a burst of pure warmth erupted before me and everyone flew back. "Whoa-" 

"What the hell?!"

I sit up, and hold out my hand out. Brilliant blue flames burning, all... Over my body, finger tips, hell I'm just radiating a blue glow. "It's burning..." I mutter. "Blue flames?"

"H-Holy crap!"

"Run!" I hear quick footsteps scattering out of the secluded area. I'm in shock, disbelief if you will. 

"Ah... Those blue flames are indeed proof that you are the daughter of Satan!" I turn my head to see the freak guy walking over smirking. "I was right, my eye is unerring!" Kind of ironic sense one of them is so swollen its practically shut. He bends down to my level, looking into my eyes. "My name is Astaroth." He holds out his hand, black nails unusually long and pointy. "Come home with me, my young princess. Lord Satan has long awaited you." I look at him, a bit overwhelmed. "S-Satan?" 

"Evil are in their hearts..." 

I gasp and look back, if there were dramatic music playing all the time when needed then this would defiantly be the time for it. 

"Give them according to their words, and according to the wickedness of their inventions." My old man, was walking calmly towards us. 

"According to the works of their hands give thou to them: render them to your reward. Thou shalt destroy them, and thou shalt not build them up..." 

"Curses... Are you an exorcist?" Astaroth yelled.

My old man grinned and stopped, the light glistened off his glasses giving him a evil look. 

"Blessed be the lord!"

I stare in shock. "Old man..." 

"I'll rip that mouth of yours apart, so you can never utter such spells again!" Astaroth growled, standing up. He charged at my old man. 

"For he hath heard the voice of my supplication."

Astaroth swung a hand at my old man, he dodged swiftly. "The lord is my helper..." He grabs his arm, twisting it and flipping him to the ground. "... And my protector." He raised his hand, two fingers up. "Thou shalt parish where thou standeth!" he points at Astaroth, and he screams. My father holding his arm. Black mist erupted from his mouth. 

He screamed and the mist fizzled away. His sharp teeth, and claws retracted. The horns on his head were gone, as was his tail. He slumped back down and passed out.

I stare in shock, not really understanding what just happened. "Are you alright?"


He lets go of the guys are, facing me. "Never mind me, is that guy going to be all right?" 

He straitens slightly. "I have exorcised the demon that possessed him. I'm sure he'll come to in a moment."


"You can see them now too, can't you." He turns to one of the black things floating around, softly blows it. 

"These things to?" I brush one away cringing slightly. 

"It's a Coal Tar, which possesses fungi, they are attracted to dark, dank places, as well as introverted humans... This world is comprised of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror." He turns to me with a unreadable face.

"One is a material world we live in -Assiah, while the other is an empty realm inhabited by demons, it is called. -Gehenna."

Demons? Two worlds?! Why did that demon dude call me young princess?! 

He continues. "Normally, there can be no contact between these two dimensions, never mind travel. But having possessed all material substances in the world, the demons are now intruding!"

I stare at him from the ground, how the hell am I supposed to respond this weird shit?! 

"Now stand up. Thanks to this uproar, they have learned of your awakening! Doubtless, demons of all species will come after you, for every kind of reason. Before that comes to pass, you must hide!" 

"Hey, hold up! I don't know what you're talking about... Demons? And what the hell do you mean by awakening? What the hell am I, old man?" 

"Rin, you are not a human being..."

"Huh?" A cold chill ran up my spine.

"You are the daughter of a demon, born from a human woman." 

I gasp, my eyes wide. Daughter of a demon? 

Suddenly a strange noise from the street makes us look over. All of these Coal Tars, are molding together raising higher. It looks utterly revolting. I look behind me, giant mushrooms, or... Things, are growing off the wall at an alarming rate. One raises into a tower. 

"And not just any demon either..." He grabs my arm lifting me up, he turns to walk to the exit. "The demon of all demons..." 

He pauses. "You're the offspring of Satan himself." 

I look at him. Confused, scared, in shock. I'm the offspring of Satan?

The devil resides in human souls.

Here's the end of this chapter... Man I really want Sukiyaki now


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