A/N Y'all win

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Bet you'd never think to see my face again huh? Well, you're not seeing my face really- Anyway!

Ironically just four days ago was the anniversary of the last time I posted a chapter for this story, which was 3 years ago... Do I feel bad for kinda dropping the story? Yes actually. It's not like I stopped liking Blue Exorcist or anything, still love the show It's just that I lost the motivation to write and that made me sad. But recently My Hero Academia has inspired me to start writing again, yes a different story, but...

A recent comment on this story has made me look back and see that a surprising amount of people still read this, and I feel bad for leaving it the way I did. So, I'm gonna dedicate myself to work on both stories when I have time. In the meantime, I'd really like some suggestions from you guys as to what you want to see in this fanfic in the future.

I'll be rewatching Blue Exorcist yet again to get back into it full throttle and I'll be working on this fanfic soon to come.

That's right bitches, I'm ending my 3 or so year writing hiatus. Prepare yourselves.


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