The Unwanted Fame Of Midoriya Izuku

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Somehow, a few days after the murder and kidnapping, the fact that Izuku had been involved was discovered, and the boy practically became an internet celebrity in a week. His previous court case had been broadcasted on TV, but it hadn't brought that much attention on him, but this, this was huge. The media had even painted him as a poor victim who happened to be on the crime scene and was nearly harmed due to the police force's incompetence, which rubbed Izuku the wrong way.

The police already got enough criticisms due to the Heroics Industry, and yet another blow like this would ruin their reputation. He admitted that leaving him with an incompetent police officer was a mistake, but nobody could guess what would happen unless they had a predictive Quirk, which, none of the officers seemed to have. So, while they had made a big mistake, for it to be used so viciously irritated Izuku.

The press conference they held didn't help the police either. They were only bombarded by malicious questions, and the viewers were given a black-painted version of the incident. Watching the news broadcast, both Midoriyas felt their temper grow. Their identical smiles covered in angry shadows turned to face each other, and they decided right then and there that they would help the police.

Although Inko was a bit against letting Izuku confirm his involvement in the kidnapping, the two came to an agreement, and Izuku was allowed to record himself doing his speech and post it on social media.

A day later, the internet was on fire with his video, named 'The Boy From Musutafu Mall Incident Apologises And Defends The Police', reaching tens of thousands of views and being reposted hundreds of times. His speech was short but enlightening, and many were pleasantly surprised that such a level-headed boy existed.

The video started with Izuku on the screen, dressed in a dark red shirt and dark brown pants, standing with the light green wall of his bedroom behind him, a wide smile on his face. He waved and bowed once, before starting to speak, his facial expression slowly sliding into a solemn one.

"Hello, fellow Japanese citizens! My name is Midoriya Izuku, I'm thirteen years old, and will be a first-year middle school student this year. You may also know me as the boy from the 'Musutafu Mall Murder & Kidnapping Case'.

"The reason I am giving this speech today is because I would like to convey my negative feelings regarding the criticism the Police Force is receiving. I understand that everyone is unhappy with the blunder the police has made, and I must say that I am not happy with being kidnapped either, but I believe the hatred the police is receiving is excessive.

"Yes, the police made a mistake and yes, I was affected by that mistake, but I must point out that everyone makes mistakes. That includes the police, the government, and Pro Heroes, because we are all human in the end, and making mistakes is a part of being human. While mistakes may have dire consequences, this incident did not happen to have one. The criminal kidnapped me, but that is all that happened. I was not harmed in any way, and if one wants to place the blame on someone, I believe I will make a better target than the police.

"I was warned by several people to evacuate the crime scene, yet, I stubbornly claimed that I must stay as a witness. This was why I was still located at the crime scene. I was even assigned a police officer to guard me! Yet, unpredictably, the criminal chose to exit towards the police cars, where I was located, and due to their obviously strong fighting experience, managed to defeat the police officer next to me.

"The criminal then decided to use me as a shield to escape, a clever act on their part. This was why they were able to escape. If I was not there, the police probably would have been able to catch them instead of waiting for me to be safe."

He then stood up and gave a deep bow towards the camera.

"I deeply apologise to the police for disrupting their work, and making them receive so much criticism. Please don't blame the police because I am at fault here. The Police Force has been working hard every day to ensure our safety, and they do not deserve to be treated the way they are.

"Pro Heroes might fight villains, but it is the Police Force who brings justice upon the crimes they have committed. It is the Police Force that has been ensuring our country's safety for centuries more than Pro Heroes, and they should not be taken lightly nor be hated like they are being right now. So please, instead of insulting and degrading them, be thankful for them.

"The police are just as much as heroes as Pro Heroes, and nobody should forget that."

With a final smile, bow and wave Izuku bid farewell, and the recording ended.

This short video restored the Police Force's reputation to a level it hadn't reached for a hundred years. Many people analysed the incident in detail and noticed the incident was entirely different than it was painted as by the news broadcasts, and many news channels received heavy criticism. Apology statements were posted but had no effect, and many broadcasting companies went bankrupt in the span of a week.

Influential figures posted their own opinions, and soon, many positive posts about the Police Force started to be made. The Japanese netizens uncovered cases from the past that hadn't received much attention, but once analysed, were significant achievements.

This unseen-before improvement caused Izuku to receive a call from the Musutafu Police Station, and he was invited to the station to be formally expressed their gratitude. Inko allowed it, and the two went to the place the next day, where a small celebratory gathering awaited them.

Many officers shook his hands and thanked him profusely, and the newcomer who had failed to protect him apologised to him with a deep bow, his face lit up with shame. Izuku just smiled kindly and patted him on the back, stating that it was fine, and let bygones be bygones.

Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa also had a conversation about his professional attitude in case of an emergency and invited him to be a police officer in the future, which he respectfully declined, stating he planned to become a professional inventor and analyst, but would gladly cooperate at any time if they needed help.

The celebration ended with Izuku getting close enough to the police officers to call them close acquaintances, and Inko bursting into tears with how happy and proud she was of her son.

Within a month of the incident, police officers started to be treated highly by the citizens, and wherever they were, cheerful and admiring faces greeted them. Some children even asked for their signatures, showing that they treated them on par with Pro Heroes.

Children with less ambition now considered becoming a police officer a likely choice, and that year, the admission rate to Police Academies increased by a whopping 300%, causing pleasant surprise to many governmental figures, including the Prime Minister.

But while this caused Izuku to gain a lot of positive attention and becoming famous, that wasn't what he desired. Izuku did not want to be a public figure, all he cared about was living freely and doing what he desired. The paparazzi that followed him due to his sudden rise to fame obstructed that goal, and so, after his public statement, Izuku did not use his well-known status to become a celebrity, instead, closing his doors to the public.

This way, around the time he started middle school, his celebrity status had successfully diminished, and not many talked about him anymore, instead choosing to focus on celebrities, heroes and politics like they used to. His case was old news now that much more exciting things had happened afterwards in the Heroics Industry, taking away the attention he received.

And so, Izuku finally became a middle school student.

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