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A/N Holy Hyrule! Wow!!!!! You bros are awesome!! Thanks for the follow, reads, comments and votes!! (And I hope you do that stuff) Again, sorry the updates are slow.(and Majora's Mask 3ds came out so I've been playing...yeah...sorry...) This is request from creepypasta_triforce!! (Thanks for the idea!! And yes, I guess now I'm technically taking requests now...tell meh what you all want. I might even do a lemon) Enjoy~!


After you both got together again, you decided to take a nice break from people in general. You left your 'mother' for good this time ,so , no worries there. "Can I take it" You said, trying to peak through the blindfold. "Not yet!" Vaati said, guiding you by holding your hand. You could feel the cool breeze and the sound of water trickling. The sound of song birds filled your ears. "Almost..." Vaati said, lifting you up before setting you down on to what felt like rock. "Alright, you can take it off now!!" You carefully untied the small cloth and open your eyes to a beautiful sight. The gentle water trickled down the cool rocks that shadowed the water below. A small line of water fell from above like a small waterfall. Patches of plats and flowers bloomed all over the place. The gentle wind flowed through the water and made the flowers danve with grace. You were speechless at the view. "Vaati...this is....amazing..." You breathed out. "Anything for my precious flower~" he said, lifting you up into the air. You gently touched noses and melted into a kiss before he put you down. He then guided you to a small forested area with ripe berry bushes and fruit trees. You then both had a small picnic then proceeded to cuddle and talk for the rest of the day until sunset when he took you back to his castle to rest. As you lyed in your peaceful bed, you felt like you actually felt the love you did before.


You followed the small arrows that were carved into the dirt, enjoying the nature and peace. Ghirahim had left you a note to keep following the arrows until you find him. He said it was a surprise or something he wanted to show you. You were abit exited so you agreed to go. "(Y/n)! You made it!!" Ghirahim said as you snapped back to reality. "Yup!! So, what did you want to show me?" You said, following Ghirahim to a curtain of vines. "This..." He said, pulling you into the other side of the vines. Beautiful paper lamps hung from the livly trees as they swayed side to side from the animals' movements. Birds pearched on the wooden chairs and sang in sync. Flowers littered the forest caged area as the creek rippled from the small wind. Overall, it was just breath taking..."Ghirahim.... This is...its just..." "As beautiful as you?" He said, pulling you into a cuddle. He sat you on the chair as he pulled out some salad, pie and a clear glass of water with a side of delicious smelling bread. After you had your delicious dinner, you both roamed around, enjoying the nature and each other's company. "This is the most beautiful thing ive seen Ghirahim...Thank you so much." You said, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. "Its as beautiful as you're even better..." He said, pulling away from the hug. He seemed to get list in your glistening (e/c) orbs. You both melted into a sweet kiss as the beautiful sunset colored the skies with bright colors. You both finally felt like you were living your lives to the fullest again.


The sun began to warm your skin as the water crashed against the rocks. The smell of salt began to fill your nose as you entered the beach. "Link, this is great!!" You said as you fixed the strap(or shirt) on your bathing suit. "Yeah, kinda hoped you liked it!" Link said, as he put the beach towels on the warm sand. "Like it? I love it! I haven't been to a beach since Hylia knows when!" You exclaimed, helping Link with the towels. Link let out a small chuckle as he pulled out a bamboo beach umbrella. (Kind of like those Japanese ones, I didn't want this to be too modern or made out of plastic) "Come on! What are you waiting for? Let's go!" You said as you pulled Link to the water. You dove into the calm water as Link calmly swam in with you. A small chuckle escaped from your lips as a mischievous idea began to stir in your head. You swam into the water, sneaking behind Link. You suddenly pulled him under the water, making a big splash. You both rose up from the water for breath. "Very mature..." Link said, splashing you with a small amount of water. "Hey!" You said, spalashing him back, giggling. Link laughed as he splashed you with even more water. You dove under the water and propelled up, splashing his whole face. Once the sky began to be dyed a brilliant golden color, you headed out from the sea with Link. The beach was no longer littered with too many people and the water seemed more calm. The setting seemed romantic in a way as you and Link cuddled up on a beach blanket, as you watched the sunset fade into a beautiful starry night.


"Come on Sheik!" You shouted as you dashed through the tall grass and flowers. "I'm coming I'm coming!" He said, playfully rolling his ruby eyes. You smiled and ran farther into the floral medow. The wind made the flowers flow like waves at the beach and the blue skies were dotted with small specks of birds. Sheik had agreed to take you here because you both needed to relax after a lot of emotional stuff. "Ahhhh..." You said as you sunk into the carpet of grass and flowers. A butterfly landed on a flower right next to you as your lips curved into a smile. You rose up before helping Sheik with the picnic sheet. It was handmade blanket, with a blue background and the Sheikah symbol sewed onto it. You plopped onto the mat and began to set out both if your lunches. Bread, cheese, a little bit of meat, apple pie,  and some herbal tea. "Sheik, did you make this?" You said as you tried the apple pie. "Yup! Some of the tribe members helped me! How'd I do?" Sheik said, puffing out his chest proudly. "Haha! You did great!" You exclaimed, giving a wide smile. The sun began to set and the sky was faded into a beautiful night sky. A shooting star passed by.

"So did you make a wish?" Sheik said, moving closer to you.

"Why do I need to make a wish when mine already came true?"

Sheik blushed as he hugged you tight. You both fell asleep under the stars as you shared your warmth in the cold night.

Dark Link

"How is this even real?" You said as you walked down a green pathway. The pathway was made out of vines, flowers and trees, intwined together to make a clear pathway. The pathway was roofed the branches of trees, as small amounts of light shone between the cracks of the tree branches. Flower pedals rained down gracefully before hitting the ground or being placed ontop of your head. Small animals scattered, making small noises an chirps. Who knew a villan could like such a peaceful place? Shadow suddenly scooped you up. "W-what are you doing?" You said as you blushed. "My princess needs to be taken care of, and it is my duty as a hero to do so.'' He boldly said, puffing his chest out. You decided to play along. "Well, then as my duty as princess, you deserve a prize!" You exclaimed. You leaned in and peacked him on the lips. You snuggled into your boyfriend's warm chest as the animals lulled you to a peaceful sleep.

Happy Masks Salesman

Ancient buildings towered over you as your horses galloped through the desert. "What is this...?" You breathed out in astonishment. "It used to be an ancient kingdom but it crumbled due to natural disasters and humans were gluttonous for power and control over the once rich land." The salesman said from the top of his head. You saw a towering gateway up ahead, the material glistening in the sun. Soon, you reached the place and got off. "This is did you find this place?" You said, grabbing your backpack. "I found it when I was searching for the materials for a's really a shame people abandoned it..." He said, tieing the ropes for your camels. "I've got something to show you, come with me." He said, smiling. He took your hand and guided you into the ruins. He pressed a hidden botton on a half broken pillar that reveled a secret door that lead down into a staircase. "Whoa..." You breathed out.

He lead you down the long stair case into a glass cave-like structure. The light blinded both of you a bit but it soon revealed a ecosystem of flowers, trees and plants. Flowers flourished everywhere and water trickled down the rocks. The whole place in general was gigantic, old and looked like a whole other world in comparison to the desert above. Clear water ran from the rocks and pooled into a small creek, watering most of the plants along the way.

"This is just..." You hugged the salesman tightly. "Thank you..." He hugged back and snuggled under your neck. For the whole day after that, you spent the precious time with the salesman exploring the place.

Sorry that was horrible. I had writers block but I've got a pretty good idea for the next chapter!

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