show me how much

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(A/N) Yeah, I've never really wrote anything like this so it might not be good but the next chapter, I assure you, will b awesome!!! And I have been working on the illustrations, so you guys can change the hair color, eye color, skin color not to be racist), and whatvever!

"Wow!! I've never seen a castle soooo big!!" Vaati chuckled and held your hand tightly.

You smiled at the kindness he gave you, a feeling you never had. People treated you like a something different, inhuman. Vaati said he never really visited the land because the humans because they treat who they fear or hate differently. He made you feel more than people really thought you were.He made you feel...wanted... "Um...Earth to (y/n)? I repeat Earth to

(y/n)?" Vaati waved his hand in front of your face. "Oh..sorry, you were saying?" "Let's play hide-and-seek!!"he said childishly, jumping up and down as he did so. He can really be a kid sometimes..."he ran down the elegant hallway and turned the corner. You looked at the butler beside you. "Master probably just wants to play, he's been alone for quite sometime. He can be a kid sometimes but he's really good at this game." You nodded in reply. He's lonley...just like you... He wasn't gonna be alone anymore!! You dashed down the hallway and looked for him.

*time skip*

"Vaati!! Come on, I give up!! Just come here already!! I'll do anything!!" You were shouting for quite awhile now, and you wanted to see him. "Anything my precious flower?" A voice asked you from behind. You turned around to see Vaati, only centimeters from your face. "Vaati!! I've been looking-" Vaati suddenly crashed his soft lips into yours. Your eyes widened, but then relaxed with joy. You both pulled away, blushing of course. He just simply smiled and started playing tag with you for the rest of the day.


You were both on a nice walk, enjoying eachother's presence. He called you his beautiful diamond, a nick name which he gave to you a few days ago. "Do you know what a...kish...or was it kisk...or whatever feels like?" Ghirahim suddenly started. He was new to all the human things and what they did. "Do you mean a kiss?"you asked. "Ah!! Yes! What is it? Can you show me?" He beamed. You instantly blushed. "Um...its only i-if you w-want to..." You magaged to stutter out. He nodded his head. "Of course, my precious diamond!!" "Alright, get to my level..."you instructed him. You slightly blushed and then looked at his pillowy lips. You then hugged him tight and slowly placed your lips on his. You felt him flinch at first then calm down and began to kiss back. You both let go and smiled. "I liked that...can we do that every day?" "If you can catch me~~" you slipped away from his hands and hopped from tree to tree, Ghirahim following behind.

It was a normal day, work, break then hang out with Link. "Meh...I'm tired..." You told Link. "Ha ha I guess my angel deserves a prize..." Link said, sitting down with you. He was only inches from your face. "And what might that present be?" You managed to get out. Link held your chin up and looked directly at your beautiful (e/c) orbs as you looked into his handsome sea blue ones. He then closed his eyes as your lips met. You flinched at first but began to kiss back. Short and sweet. "Are you all better?" He asked, blushing. "More than that!"you said, smiling like an idiot.


It was raining cats and dogs outside. You sighed as you sat with Sheik in the tent. You could hear the rain dropping onto the surface of the tent from inside. Personally, (I prefer the air...I really just had to I'm sorry...) you we're more of a outdoor person so you came to the conclusion that there was nothing to do. You centered your gaze at Sheik, who also had a bored expression on. You let out a huge sigh. You then spotted a square chess board in the corner of the room. "Sheik, is that a chess board?" He just nodded his head up and down. "Can we play?" You said excitedly. "...nah..." You pouted at his answer. "Please?" "I don't feel like it..." "Please, I'll do anything if you win!" Sheik raised an eyebrow. "Anything?" He smirked under his scarf. "Alright, let's play!!" He said as he got up and picked up a few books to get the chess board and picked it up and plopped it on the table.

*time skip*

"Checkmate." Sheik said plainly. You frowned abit. "Alright, what are you going to do?" "You'll see...close your eyes!!" You did as you were told. Suddenly, you felt something on your lips. You opened your eyes to see Sheik, kissing you. You kissed back, but shortly, you both had to gasp for breath. "Maybe I should play chess with you more often..." Sheik said. You both looked at each other and laghed.

Dark Link

You and Shadow were cuddled under the tree, talking about random stuff. "Shadow?" "Hm~~?" "Thanks for being my hero" you said as you blushed. "Doesn't a hero deserve something?" "What?" You said, your head cocking to one side. "A thank you kiss!!" He beamed. He closed his eyes and waited. You grew hotter and hotter as you went closer to his face. You were only inches away when...Shadow's hand gently grabbed your chin and softly kissed you on the lips. You begin to relax and kiss back as you gently closed your eyes. You both gasped for air. "My Hero..." You said. "My princess..." He said back.

Happy Masks Salesman

"So, any plans for today?" You said to the salesman who was quietly sipping his tea. "Not really, darling~" he said as he got up. 'Oh,the cake was ready.' You thought. He brought over the short cake and a envelope. "What's in the envelope?" "Oh, and invitation to a masquerade ball~" he said glancing over the paper. He set it on the table along with the cake. You skimed through it quickly, noting a set of words. This ball will also require a partner, in which you can have a romantic relationship. You stood from your seat. This was the first time you got invited to something.

*time skip to the day*

You rode on your horse, with the salesman on too. You had a black and blue dress, made from the Zora's. (Md your hair however you want) Your partner had a purple and black suit on, and his ginger hair was nicely combed. The salesman had so many requests for masks that you offered help, which he gladly accepted. He made both of yours last, spending a whole night on it. It was spotted with jewels and feathers sprung from the side. His was a purple and black feathered one, matching his clothes. Yours was a blue and black feathered one, also matching your dress. (As you can probably tell, I have absolutely no taste in fashion...'cause Imma tomboy) you entered the ball, gaining looks from everyone. You tightly squeezed Tue salesman's hand, which he turned to you and smiled. His smile seemed to brush away all the worried feelings, making you relaxed and exited for the ball to begin. Princess Zelda (well, exuuussse me princess!! Sorry I had to...) Stood in the balcony inside, gazing at everyone above with a smug look on her face. You really hadn't seen her in person, but oh Hylia, did she seem real snotty. Finally, the ball began and everybody began to grab their partners (some fighting) and dance. You never danced or tried in your life so this was going to be a bit of a problem..."Just follow my steps..." The salesman whispered. One two three, one two three...

*time skip to almost end of the ball*

"Thank you, I had the time of my life because of you!!" You said as you hugged your boyfriend. You both were sitting on the fountain outside. "Ha ha anything for my darling~" "I love you..." You said as you rested your head in the nook of his shoulder. "Can I show you how much I love you~?" You cocked your head to one side. "Close your eyes~" he said soothingly. You did as you were told. You felt warmness colide into your lips. You noticed what's happening and kissed back. When you both pulled away for air, you both gasped. You cheeks grew red as the rose bushed near by, but you were smiling. And so was the salesman. "And that doesn't even begin to explain you beauty~" you instantly blushed and smiled as you both got on your horse.

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