The big question

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You were casually sitting on Vaati's lap trying to take a nap. You gazed at his memorizing ruby eyes. He said that he had a question to wondered what it was. A nice breeze of wind blew through the flowers, making the flowers dance in the wind. You smiled and poked at Vaati's nose. He blushed at the sight of your face and looked up. He then used his sorcery to pick the most beautiful flower. (And its beautiful because its your favorite color) Vaati blushed and smiled. "Will you be my one and only precious flower (y/n)?" He said, holding the delicate flower in his hand. You pounced on him and said "Yes, yes, a million times yes!!!" You both spent the rest of the day planning about the visit to his castle.


Ghirahim today. He wasn't boasting about his fabulous diamonds, he wasn't still complaining about the hole in the cape you made, he was quiet. This kind of made you scared. He always talked nonstop until you had to sleep on the surface or go home. You were worried. Especially because your affection towards him grew. "Something wrong Ghirahim?" You asked, coming right up to his face. He slightly blushed at the distance to your.face and his. You smiled at that. He sighed. "Really, please, Ghirahim tell me what's wrong."you said more demandingly. "...I've been m-meaning to a-ask you s-something..." Oh no, he was stuttering, now you were really scared. "Hm?" "Um...I see...will you be what humans call a...girl..friend...?" He said slowly. You smiled with a blush and talked him with a hug. "How could I say no?" He slowly hugged back and whispered in your ear. "My beautiful diamond..."


Your boss gave you a break today. Thank Hylia. You were planning to spend time with Link for a nice walk in the woods. Now, you both sat on a cliff, ready to eat lunch. You had made lunch for both of you, which made Link blush at the fact. You simply smiled and brushed away his actions, even though you had developed a even larger crush on him. But he was different today...sure he was quiet, sure he is a bit clumsy, but he was more quiet then ever and he kept tripping on nothing. Very clumsy for the hero of Hyrule..."um...Link everything okay?" You asked with concern in your voice. He looked over at you and flushed red and then turned away. He played with his eating utensils as he tried to keep them in his shaking hands. He turned back and took a deep breath. "Ireallyloveyouandiwantyoutobemygirlfriend!!" He gasped for breath and then turned deep red. " again?" You said with a smile, getting closer to him. "I r-really like you (y/n), w-will you be my one a-and only?"you instantly flushed red with him. You pecked at his cheek and said "Does that answer your question?" He smiled like an idiot and hugged you tightly. You slowly hugged back, considering you've never really felt so much warmth before. "So ...where did the cheesy cliché pick up line come from?" You asked with a smirk. "Hey listen!! Did it work?" A blue fairy said. "Oh..." You said as you exchanged glances with Link and then burst into laughter.


Sheik personally invited you over today. So kept your hair down (if your hair us short, do whatever else than a pony tail) The kids greeted you, but as Sheik came, everyone bursted into laughter. His face grew red as he guided you towards the tent. You smiled and wved at the kids as they tried to peak in the tent. Sheik quickly got up and bottoned the tent's exit. He laughed nervously. He was never nervous... This made you slightly worried, not just because you were kind but because for affection for him grew. He served tea but quickly spilled it on the floor. Okay, another thing. He's never clumsy. "Sheik, you okay?" He flustered and blushed. He turned back to his tea which was now overflowing with tea. He blushed as he noticed this. "Sheik please what's wrong..." You said, helping his clean the spill on the floor. " it be trouble to ask a very important question?" You shook your head sideways. He took a deep breath and calmed himaelf down. "Will you be my female acquaintance?" (He ment girlfriend) "Why would I say no? I love you Sheik..." You said as you snuggled with him. "I have a deep regard for you as well." (It means I love you too) Impa and the kids laughed as they watched from the hole in the tent.

Dark Link

You and Shadow were casually talking although he seemed a bit...weird today. He was stuttering. No normal. "Shadow, anything bothering you?" "The only thing that's bothering me is how beautiful you look today..." He mumbled. You only blushed as he did so too. "Hey, I have a question to ask you..." "Anything." You replied. "Um...will you be...what...h-humans c-call a...girlfriend?" (Sorry I kinda ran out of ideas) Your eyes widened and tackled him into a hug. "I'm guessing that's a yes?" He asked as he pat your head. You simply nodded. You both spent the rest of the day snuggling.

Happy Masks Salesman

The Salesman invited you for tea today. He also said he baked cake, so you were definitely in. You fell in love with that creepy smile of his, and your love for him grew each day you visited. You entered the shop as you called out his name. 'Maybe he's already in the garden...' You thought. You headed towards the garden with a pair of two garden chairs and a small table in the center. The garden was spotted with flowers as they danced in the soft wind. You saw a piece of paper on the table. It was labled with your name. 'Please open the box' it simply said. You assumed it was from the salesman. You carefully opened the box to see a cake. In frosting it said 'will you be mine?'. Someone hugged you from behind. The salesman chuckled as you turned to him and hugged him back. "So where is my answer darling?" "I swear to the Zoras that I will be yours and only yours!!" You smiled at him as you never felt so much warmth from someone before.

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