Meet Everyone, Part 1

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Tw- mentions of car crashes, drug overdose. (Patton is an emergency responder so expect this to come up often.)


Patton awoke to his alarm sound which scared both himself and Ozzy, the tiny otter currently snuggling into his chest, with a heavy sigh he forced himself out of the warm comfort and highly welcoming double bed and decided to get ready Ozzy squeaked a little 'how dare you' with tiny yawn and Patton decided to help them along by carrying them down the stairs, Ozzy nuzzled into Patton's sleep shirt hoping to go back to sleep.

Patton smiled at the little guy who's still obviously tired, not that he wasn't, but work is work and he still has a job to do, he gets to the kitchen and turns on the jug and carefully prepares a cup with sugar and a teabag, cradling Ozzy in his other arm.

As he worked on getting ready the house was silent aside from the kettle and the tiny squeaky snores brought from Ozzy echoed around the house suffocating Patton in the silence it was screaming at him to break down there and then, but there he stood seemingly unfazed. It didn't sit right to Patton, The silence, it left him alone far too much to be comfortable with.

After a mundane breakfast with Ozzy still sleeping and the clink of the single plate against the hardwood table only filling the rooms static stillness, he went upstairs and changed into his dry cleaned uniform- thoughts as to why it was dry cleaned came to him and he closed his eyes tightly trying to force them away, 'not today please?' He asked his mind, already knowing it won't listen, Ozzy even through his sleepy state noticed his distress and squeaked jumping off the comfy cushions and rushing to his side with an abundance of squeaks and begging to be picked up.

Patton shakily obliges and Ozzy instantly begging to bunt his nose with many squeaks and clicks almost knocking his glasses off his face, Patton chuckles at the little otter and kisses their forehead "I'm ok, thanks to you" a small pleased look went onto the worried otters' features and he climbs up Patton's arm to his shoulder to remain there until they got to the car.

Turning the key to his car, it started to life. After Patton buckled himself and Ozzy into a seat belt he reversed out of the driveway and started the 20-minute drive to work, the car's engine filled the Patton's ears with a pleasant hum but not enough to stave off thoughts, looking at the sidewalks there were people with their animal-like companions, some with what seemed to be their soulmates and some on their seems to be having a good morning other thought popped into his mind, 'that was where a motorbikes brakes seized and crashed into the fence, there was a death by drug overdose down that alley, you couldn't save them' Patton blinked himself out of his thoughts for a moment and tried to focus back on his task turning the radio up just a little bit louder than it was before.

The two got to the office and signed in then got told where he would be working on patrolling and met his partner in saving, in the ambulance, Ozzy still perched on his shoulders, a constant grounding reminder that even though he's seen many faces, people, workmates.

He still has a friend.


Logan was pushed off his bed.

It's a normal thing that happens semi-regularly so it means that he throws caution to the wind by placing a large expanse of cushion onto the ground before bed just in case his panda Bogdan decides that they don't want to shrink down and sleep, and not because it's the only time Logan will snuggle with them-

He groaned slightly from the fall where the bear huffs now awake and leans over to where Logan was now putting his glasses on and lets a noise similar to a squeak towards him concern evident, Logan pats Bogdan's head feeling their soft fur, "I'm alright Bo, you've done this so often I think this is the only way i'll wake in the morning-" the bear makes something of a surprised yet excited noise and Logan shake his head "that does not mean you can push me off my bed all the time Bo you know that" the bears' excitement instantly disappears as Logan stood up and begins walking on the carpet to the bathroom, Bo remained on the bed until Logan came back and changed into his black slacks and polo with a light blue tie, his chestnuts brown hair did while he was in the bathroom.

Logan turns to the bear grabbing the brush from a basket and gesturing to Bogdan to come over to the towel-covered area he had set up, "come on Bo, I need to brush your fur, this climate is not ok for you to not have your fur brushed" Bogdan huffs and squeaks as he gets off the bed and sits to face Logan, who gently brushes Bo making the white and black fur shine, this was a daily routine for the two, get up, Logan gets dressed, brushes Bogdan's fur then get ready in the rooms next to this.

"It's good to see your shedding has improved from as much as it was, I thought that you might have had a skin irritation we might've needed to be checked out." Bogdan lets out a squeak again seeming to agree with a light whine as Logan finishes the brushing, he always liked that time of morning usually resulting in Bogdan leaning so heavily on Logan that the human companion is trapped under their larger counterpart.

"Come on Bo, I'll give you some bamboo if you let me get up" the bear sadly gets up and waits for Logan to move using the lint roller to removes some of the leftover furs from his clothes, he takes his phone and the two go into the kitchen, Logan going into a room screened off with a sliding door which had a dozen bamboo plants for the beloved bear, he removed a decent chunk off and took it into the kitchen and gave it to Bogdan who squeaked with joy, there was a growling squeak as he chomped down on the hard bamboo.

Logan, seeming satisfied that his companion is now looked after, took to making a coffee and his breakfast before checking emails, budgeting, banking and then opening at 10 for any of his patients, while waiting he would continue his studies.

As the kettle boiled he looked around the place he lived, everything was spaced out more to allow Bogdan to move around without knocking anything over since Bo can't help being a little clumsy, he would also say he was a hypocrite for blaming Bo for breaking everything since he doesn't have the greatest hand-eye coordination skills either.

Thinking about the schedule he has, he noticed a window of time where he'd be able to take a break and get some lunch, "I wonder if Emile would like to catch up, what do you think Bogdan? Want to see Emile and Timone again?" He asks the bear who lets out an excited squeaking noise and Logan smiles into his coffee.

"I agree, it been a while since we've been out of the house"

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