Meet Everyone, Part 3

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Janus was enjoying a nice, well deserved rest when all of a sudden, hell broke loose, the mattress and sheets were being moved and the dog-like creature began jumping and running around the room, creating as much noise as possible waking Janus up who groaned, stretching and getting the creature's attention. She jumped up and went to the head of the bed looking at the person just waking up, his eyes were closed so she leaned forward to sniff and check to see if he was awake when in a flash of movement, Kyle was being pulled into an embrace so they were laying with Janus. She let out a yip like bark licking Janus' face, he smiled. "good morning Kyle, why are you waking me at 6 in the morning?" she squirms about, making a playful yipping sound trying to get out of his grasp, he laughs and lets her go, ruffling her fur a little and finally deciding to sit up, Kyle dashed off the bed running out of the room and instantly coming back into it within a few seconds.

Seeing as Kyle has a bucket ton of energy he decided that going to the park wouldn't be a bad idea, especially since it's one of the few days he could without being involved in someone else's legal issues. He gets on some comfortable clothing after taking a shower and gets something to eat, Kyle was still obviously energetic and needed to let the pent up energy out, "were going to the park, you can run around but please for the love of all that is society and assumptions, don't go near the children's playground, I don't want to deal with Karens thinking you going to kill one of their soon to be Karen children." Kyle yips happily in what Janus hoped was her agreeing to his previous statement. He takes his wallet, phone and keys then opens the door to let Kyle out of the house, "let's go you" she happily listens and the two walk side by side towards the park, passing many people with their companions.

Getting to the park, Janus instantly went and sat at a park bench under a tree and watched Kyle run around weaving in and out of bushes and trees playing with some of the other people's companions who joined her. "Beautiful day today isn't it?" a woman with strawberry blonde hair that was done into beach waves, her attire was city casual, she also had a white mouse sitting on her shoulder sniffing around seemingly comfortable on their perch up high, "indeed it is a perfect time to be in the park, it's not busy but it's not too quiet either" the woman nods "agreed, I come here every day with my partners' companions so they can relieve some energy, that's them over there" the woman points over to where Kyle is playing with a Bengal tiger and a husky, all seeming to have fun.

"Mine is the coyote over there actually" Janus muses as he watched Kyle flop onto her side feigning death at the Bengal tiger with the husky following suit making the tiger flop too accidentally landing on top of the fluffy husky, the woman laughs at the sight which snaps the three out of their game of playing dead and they run over to them. The woman stretches out careful of the mouse on her shoulder still and begins petting the two larger companions.

"This grey puffball is Ori, the big ginger striped cat is River and this little guy here is Mist" Janus smiled, "they are very beautiful names, her name is Kyle she's adorable now but when it is time for work and I'm looking for a left shoe she is not, why is it the left shoe Kyle? Is the right not good enough for your shoe destroying and thieving pleasure?" Janus says petting Kyle who began doing something of a pleased but defensive growl eyes squinting at him, the woman smirked.

"her? Wait, her name is Kyle?" Janus looked at her in a blank serious face "yeah, did I stutter" she laughs, her hand going to cover her mouth, "oh my gosh no! I just- I've never heard of a coyote named Kyle who's a female to top it off... it's strangely creative" Janus smirks "it was lazy, I've been trying to give her another more feminine name but she won't listen to it" Kyle growled making Janus glare at the "I know it was a stupid idea to name you that!-" Kyle yips again and Janus rolls his eyes "oh so its punishment? good to know" the woman had lost the plot now laughing as Janus had a conversation with the coyote about the name "Kyla is a much better name than Kyle, Kyle! I think you would like it if you gave it a chance!"

This went on for five minutes the two argument of sorts and the four watching with a strange amusement, when the four leave Janus calm down from their little spat leaving a heavy silence Janus still obviously upset at his companion, Kyle whimpers out a sort of apology "i'm sorry too, but you've got to agree Kyla is a much nicer name compared to Kyle" the coyote does a soft growl rubbing against Janus' leg as they walked home "wait you actually like Kyle? why?" They stop walking and Kyle reaches out a paw to Janus who takes hold of it, still looking her in the eyes reading them she yips, licking Janus' hand, "it was the first name you got."

Janus smiled picking the large coyote up "your such a sap god damn it"

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