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Tw- mentions of suicide, car crashes, fire, Death  Patton's just REALLY sad (patton also makes me question existence- ;-;) (remember Patton is an emergency responder so stuff like this will be featured often)- (if you need me to post a summary for any of this let me know or comment here,)

Patton sat on an armchair comfortably tense about the reason for being in the chair, just like every other week, Ozzy was sleeping on his lap as he pets them with a squeaky pur.

Emile cleared his throat coming back with two cups of tea giving one to Patton and the meerkat companion sitting in another chair next to Emile, Patton took a nervous sip,

"Hello Patton, do you how do?" Emile asked and Patton sighed, "not good, how about you Emile?" Emile frowned slightly," I'm doing alright but now may I ask why you're not doing as alright?" Patton put the mug on one of the two tables,

"Just the usual, work, the silence, sleeping" Emile leans back, "what may I ask about work this week?" Patton sighed, "Emile I'm an emergency responder, have been for a while, when is work not bad?" He questions, "I'm always on a call, seeing horror to just plain sadness every time I go to one. I know the job I have isn't a pleasant one but... it makes you wonder how people do all the things I've witnessed." Patton said curiosity laced his voice, also coated heavily with sadness,

Emile nodded softly, continuing to nudge Patton along, "I've seen crashes to fires to suicides and overdoses, I don't know about you but once you see so much death it starts making a lot of life more meaningless, I can walk to the store to buy milk and still get hit by a car, I can stay at home and fall over and break my neck, death's inevitable, and it's difficult to break a mentality like that."

Emile nodded softly and invested in listening to Patton.

"So when I see that stuff I thought I'd be desensitized to it by now but.. every death every time I've gone to a gory crash cus someone thinks a seatbelt doesn't work it's almost as bad the first time I ever got sent out" Patton explained his voice shaking as tears threatened to fall.

"Every person I can't save adds weight to my chest that I just can't remove because it's meant to be my job to get them to a place where they can live, the main part of my job is to save lives... But I feel like it's getting harder and harder to keep doing this without fearing one day I might be called and the person I need to get to that hospital is my soulmate" He said not seeming to be ashamed of the tears now flowing, "and if I can get them to help in time or not, their life is in my hands and what if I choke up, what if I break Emile?"

His voice cracked at the emotion and desperation heavy in his voice, Ozzy was bunting him with soft desperate squeaks giving his human companion some love, Patton hugged Ozzy close trying to get his bearings again, Emile had to take a deep breath, Patton was one of those people who had every right to be sad much like everyone else, looking at the guys past it would be surprising if he wasn't going through some things aside from work. Especially since he was left on his own before he even started college which in the end he couldn't go through with.

Patton remained silent, petting his companion, "Have you considered taking any leave from your duties as an emergency responder?"

Patton looked up at Emile already shaking their head, "no I would never, I can't leave this job, Emile, you know that it's my life" he says "I didn't even go through college and get my degree to remember? I wouldn't be able to do anything else" Patton explained

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