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The morning started like any other, got up, dressed, took care of Sally, took care of themselves, checked the budget and what's planned for orders, colour preferences and designs needing to be painted on the ready made orders.

They received a text on Instagram from a friend asking if they'd like to meet up at one for lunch, a weekly tradition for almost two years that Sally seemed eager for them to continue, so Virgil agreed.

At midday, Virgil took a shower, since they were covered in paint and clay, dressed in a black and purple plaid skirt with leggings and black t-shirt, where they shrugged on a dusty lavender purple and grey homemade patched hoodie that was almost three sizes too big, perfect.

They look in the mirror curiously and smiled, "Sally do I look ok?" they flutter over instantly landing on Virgil's nose fluttering their wings, Virgil giggles softly offering their hand for them to go on "ok, I'll take your word on it hun" they say getting their wallet and house keys since the flower shop and cafe are within walking distance of Virgil's home Virgil decided to ignore the car today.

They slip on their shoes and check the time on their phone, before leaving the house and locking it behind them.

"Hey Vee, I'll just take this customer then we'll get going ok?" Virgil nods looking for any sign of Rem's pronouns, they were wearing their black leather jacket and white T-shirt with jeans something that usually is worn when Remy's feeling masc, Virgil looked around for a minute confused by the missing companion who is usually attached to Remy's hip 24/7, Remy must've noticed because they pointed outside towards the greenhouses, Vee raised an eyebrow and they looked outside one of the back windows seeing a blob of bluish-grey in a greenhouse most likely watering the flowers and ferns held inside.

Remy quickly excuses themselves going to the window "Mocha babes! Time for a break! Vee and Sally are here!" There was a noise calling back and Remy laughs at the elephant watching her run to the shop and they go back to their customer apologising for the slight interruption and continuing with the order, talking about the arrangements and ribbons, the reason for the purchase.

Virgil noticed that Mocha wasn't shrinking down so they rush to the door and step out getting between the large animal and the building Sally flutters after Vee "Woah Mocha calm down, Remy is fine, they're safe and talking to a customer, remember you need to shrink down or you will destroy the shop and technically your home" Mocha pauses for a moment the small flash happens and they're the size of a large maincoon Sally futters and lands on top of Mochas head, Virgil stood aside knowing the flower shop was now safe from destruction for another day.

Remy quickly finished with their customer and put up a sign saying they are gone for lunch and would be back in an hour or two.

Remy takes a deep breath and sighs practically melting on the counter, "my god babes- you putting that flower arrangement in that new vase design has helped with business a lot, maybe a bit too much though." Vee laughs at the other, their hand covering their mouth out of instinct, "I could say the same about your posts too, orders are almost doubling" Remy smirked, "how often are you in the workshop now babes?" Virgil frowned thinking for a moment, "I was in the workshop yesterday making 40ish orders the day before was the same, I'll be in there for another few weeks before this round of orders is done, so let's say I'm taking at least a week off after" Remy nodded "I've heard there's a musical or something being worked on in the theatre in a couple of months, I'm not a fan of that stuff but it is a form of entertainment and a reason to go out." Virgil considers and nods "yeah ok, we should find out if we can pre-book tickets" Rem sits themself up with a slight Groan, Mocha as always standing next to their owner with love and support but now with Sally chilling casually on her head.

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