Chapter 6

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I got up extra early this morning to take my shower and avoid everyone else in the house. I looked out the window to see it was pouring rain. I grabbed my coat from the closet and decided no to take my skate board. I put on my lace up boots and was about to leave when I was stopped by my least favorite person in the world.

"Where are you going?" He asked, "It's pouring outside."

"Bodie, I'm going to school. I like to get their early. I don't have a car, and I refuse to skateboard in the rain. So, I'm going to walk." I said with no emotion in my voice, what so ever.

"Let me drive you. At least you won't get soaked." He said full of hope.

"No, I'll be fine."

"Nope. You're no walking in the rain. You could get sick. Now, come on." Yeah right. Like I'd get sick. But he can't know that because he doesn't know what I can do, and It's going to stay that way. The only way I was going to do that, was act normal.

"Fine." I walked out to his car and waited. Finally, he came out and unlocked his car allowing me to get in. The whole ride was silent as I stared out the window at the gloomy sky. The school came into view and so did that one group of guys. Instantly, my eyes found Chace. Right when the car stopped, I tried to get out, but Bodie locked the doors.

"Bodie. Let. Me. Out." I said coldly.

"Hold on. If it's still raining when you get out of school, I want you to call me and I'll pick you up."

"Fine. Just unlock the damn door." I said. I totally lied. I was not calling him ot pick me up. I would rather walk. The doors unlocked and I jumped out. I slammed the door shut before he could say andything and went to sit near the door where it was dry. I pulled out my sketchbook and started to work on the wolves I started yesterday.


I saw an old red car pull up in front of the school, and saw Victoria. She was with some guy who didn't look anything like her. She had brown hair; he was blonde. The talked for a minute before she got out and slammed the door shut. She went over, sat near the door, and started to sketch. I walked over and sat near her, looking over her hand at her drawing. I couldn't believe my eyes. It looked exactly like two fighting wolves, just with out color. It looked like it could come to life.

"It looks great, Victoria." I complimented. She looked up at me, and I could tell that something was eating away at her.

"Thanks." She replied shyly.

"What's wrong?"

"What do mean?"

"You look like something's eating away at you. Something must be wrong."

"It's nothing, Chace." She said with a bit of sadness and looking away.

"I don't believe that. Come on, tell me."

"When you earn my trust, maybe I'll tell you." She said while putting her stuff away. The front doors unlocked and she walked in, leaving me sitting there, thinking.


I was at my locker when a shocked looking Jamie came up to me. All she did was stare at me.

"What?" I said, finally breaking the silence.

"Do you realise who you were talking to when you were waiting for the doors to open?"

"Um, yea. Chace. How do you know that?"

"I was just getting to the front of the school right before you went inside, and saw you talking to him. Do you even know who he is?!" She said all in one breathe.

"I know that he's Chace, from my biology class. Why?"

"He's Chace McCaulding. Hes father is the Mr. McCaulding, owner of this huge business that is really popular for its remedies and treatments that heal injured or sick people. The business gets them so much money. I hear that his house is like a flipping mansion!" She explained as we made our way to homeroom.

"What the name of the company?" I asked as we sat down in the back.

"McCaulding's Treatments."

"Huh. Never heard of it." I said. I saw Chace then wlk in. When he noticed me, he came over and sat ni front of me. He sat there for a minut before turning around. Finally he said something.

"I'm having a party on Saturday. It starts at six. Do you wanna come?" He asked with hope dripping off of every word, and a little bit of worry evident on his face.

"Um, I'd have to check with my gaurdians, but I would love to come" When I said that, his face was filled with relief. "But, it better be a damn good party."

"It will, but why?"

"Maybe this part will get you part of my trust to at least tell you what's bugging me."

"Really? Sweet. I promise you, that it will be the BEST party you have ever been to." He said with the biggest smile I have ever seen. "Oh, and why do you have gaurdians?"

"That is a sensitive subject. Once you gain my full trust, I will tell you. But, it has to be my FULL trust."

The Girl with the Golden EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora