Chapter 4

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Being alone on my second day wasn't as akward as it seemed. It gave me time to think about my discussion with Scott this morning.There was a problem though... I couldnn't keep my mind off of one topic. Chace. He had talked with me about three times today. It's only lunch, for God's sake! I've only had Homeroom and Geometry with him. It was really strange, but theree was an advantage. I got to hear his voice and see his sexy smile.

I was on y way to the cafeteria, Ipod and headphones in hand. I was looking down at my music when I turned the corner and hit something solid. My Ipod fell out of my ahnd and took my headphones with it..

"Shit." I mumbled as I reached down to pick up my Ipod and saww that there were no scratches and it was as if it nevver broke. I stood back up and back up at the one I hit. You've got to be kidding me! I thought to myself. "Sorry, Chace."

"It's okay. You alright?" He said with a slight smile on his face.

"Fine. I'm, uh, gonna get to luch. Bye." I quickly said as I walked to the cafteria. I didn't grab any food as I made my way to the outside tables. I went to an area near a wall in the shade and sat down. I put in my headphones and turned on 'Party Like a Rockstar' by Shop Boyz. I pulled out my phone to see I had a few text messages. There was on from Ty, one from Jamie, and one from Scott.

From Tyler:

Thanks! Hope you have a good day yourself!

From Jamie:

I hope I get better soon! No idea where this sickness came from! Oh well. C ya soon!

From Scott:

Hey, Vic. Srry, you're probably in clas, but I just wanted to let you know that your brother, Bodie, is coming to stay with us for a few weeks.

Great. My nine-teen year old brother is coming Fantastic! not. Bodie is my older brother who I used to do everything with. I trusted him to be there for me through everything. I shouldn't have though. The day we were told our parents were dead, he didn't come near me; let alone talk to me. The day of the funeral, he moved into his friend's basement. He didn't even show up to the funeral which I planned all on my own. He hasn't come to see me since then. He go revoked from the list of people I actually give a shit about. I put my phone away and just sat there. I was staring off, lost in my thoughts when I saw a figure sit down next to me. I looked over to see Chace. I pulled out my headphones as I paused my music. 

"Are you following me?" I ask witha small grin on my face.

"No... Well, sort of. There's something about you that's--" He stopped to find the right word to use."--different."

"Really? What do you think is so different about me?"

"I'm not sure, but part of it has to be your golden eyes; which are pretty cool by the way. But, I am determined to find out what it is about you that's different."

"Good luck with that. The only way you'll figure it out, is if I trust you enough."

"Well, then, how would I be able to gain this trust of yours?" He asked with a serious face.

"I don't know. You figure it out." I said with a cocky tune in my voice.

"Ok. Well, could I have your number so I can text you when I come up with the answer?" He tried to keep a straight face but failed as a smirk grew promient on his lips.

"Sure." I handed him my phone and he enterd his number. The school bell went off as he handed my phone back. I stood up and walked to my locker after I thanked him. I picked up my bag and headed to Chemistry.


After school ended, I headed to the mall. I was trying to avoid going home and seeing my brother for the first time in two years. Once I got to the mall, I made my way to HotTopic. I grabbed some black graffic T-shirts, payed, and went over to Zumiez. I was looking at their skateboards when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the cheerleader from school. Normally, I wouldn't mind, but this specific group was just bitchy to everyone who wasn't friends with them.

"Well, look who it is, the new goth girl." Said Jessica, ther leader.

"I'm not goth. I'm just not a cheerleader." I said while grabbing a black beanie and heading to the register.

"You always wera black, so, you're goth." She said while catching up with me. I gave the guy money for the beanie and walked out, the cheerleaders on my heals.

"I'm not goth. You're just trying to find a reason to act like a bitch to me." I walked out the front door of the mall and turned to face them. "Just because I'm the new girl and not a cheerleader, doesn't mean that you get to be a bitch. Now, get your asses out of my face, because I have bigger problems to deal with then you sluts." I got on my board and headed home, leaving them in shock.

When I got home, I saw the car that could only belong to my one and only brother. I sighed and headed inside. I put my board down by the front door after locking it. It was very quiet as I walked through the house. I put my backpack and stuff I bought in my room and walked outside. There, my parents and brother were waiting for me.

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