Chapter 7

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"Hey, Jessi, what should I wear to this party?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen. It was 5:30 and Chace's house was only about a fifteen minute skateboard ride away.

"Um, why not what you're wearing right now? It looks fine." She said while looking at my black baggy pants, red T-shirt, and black DC's.

"I've never been to a party before. I don't know what to wear." I said truthfully.

"Just wear that. You'll look fine." She answered and calmed my wories.

"What are you ladies talkin' about?" Bodie asked as he came in to get...well whatever her was going to get. I walked out of the room to the TV where Scott was.

"Hey, Scott. What'cha watching?" I asked as I took a seat near the arm of the chair.

"I'm watching C.S.I. Miami. It's on commercial though. When are you planning to leave for your party?"

"I'm planning on 5:45, so in about fifteen minutes." I said as I pulled out my phone. I looked at my new messages and saw one from Chace.

From Chace:

Hey, party started early! You can come if you want and not have to wait!

I stood up and grabbed my skatboard along with my black leather jacket.

"Where ya goin?" Bodie asked.

"Remember? I'm going to a party." I said while putting on my jacket and fingerless skull gloves.

"Be home before midnight!" Yelled Scott from the living room.

"Got it! Bye!" I yelled as i walked out and locked the door. Chace apparently lived not too far from my house, just a couple blocks away. I got on my board and started to ride to Chace's place.


I walked into Chace's open front door and saw only about twenty people there. When I walked in, I heard some dubstep song; I also received some odd looks from people, but I ignored them. I found my way to the kitchen and was Chace talking with some guy I noticed from the group he hangs out with infront of the school. He must've noticed me, because he suddenly turned his head and locke eye contact with me.

"Victoria, you came." He said with his large smile, showing his beautiful white teeth.

"Yep. I came." I said as I made my way over to the two guys.

"Who's this Chace?" Asked the guy Chace was talking to. He had blonde hair that was cut in a buzz cut.

"This is Victoria. Victoria, this is my friend Jack. Jack, Victoria." Chace introduced us and I shook hands with Jack.

"Victoria?! I didn't know you would be here!" I heard a male voice yell. I truned around and saw Tyler.

"Ty!" I ran up and gave him a huge bear hug after I dropped my skateboard. He lifted me off the ground and spun in a circle as I laughed. It's been a few days since I've seen Tyler because when he was visiting his boyfriend, he was taking care of him. He was sick and accidentily got Ty sick, so he wasn't at school. "I didn't know you were going to be here!" He set me down and I saw he had a huge smile on his face.

"Same here. It's good to see you again."

"I didn't know you two knew eachother." Said Chace as he came closer to us.

"Yea. Jamie introduced us when I first came to the school." I explained.


"Yea. Jamie introduced us when I first came to the school." She said. Seeing her so happy with him, made a feeling arouse inside of me. It felt like jealousy. I have to admit, I'm starting to like this girl, but someone like her -- an outisider -- would never be interested in me -- a popular rich guy.

I headed bac over to Jack with Victoria and Tyler in tow.


The entire night, I kept feeling that jealousy arouse in me everytime I saw Tyler and Krystal. It was weird. I've never felt this much jealousy before in my life.

I was trying to find Victoria because I wanted to make sure whe was having a good time. I walked by the stairs, but had to do a double take. Tyler was kissing Dan. Full on make out session! Victoria had to know! I ran around the house to find her in the kitcher talking to Jack. I gently grabbed her elbow and pulled her away for some privacy.

"Um... I was having a conversation about something." She said with annoyance all over her face.

"I know, but  you should probably know that Tyler was making out with Dan." I prepare myself for the usual tears of heartbreak, but they never came.

"Oh! So Dan's Ty's boyfriend! He said he had one, but never said who! Well, now I know who it is." She said with a smile on her face.

"So, wait. You guys aren't going out?"

"Are you kidding me! He has a boyfriend, and like anyone would go out with me." She said while taking a sip of her drink.

"I would like to." I whispered, or so I thought. She stared at me in shock.

"Thanks. I think...I think you might've just gained my trust." Hearing this made a smile grow on my face. She trusted me! Now, I can find out why she's so different besides her beautiful golden eyes.

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