Chapter 11

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I could hear noises around me before I felt myself lifted off of the ground. I felt the coldness of metal around my wrists as my feet just dangled in the air. I heard talking, but couldn't quite tell what they were saying. I wanted to open my ees, but I couldn't; my eyelids were too heavy. I heard a door slam shut as I, again, slipped into darkness...


"Vic. Vic, wake up!" I heard a whisper next to me. "Come on, Vic. Open your eyes. Please." The voice whispered again. I slowly opened my eyeylids to see me hanging by my wrists from the wall. I looked to my left to see Chace.

"Chace? Wh-what's going on?" I asked as I looked around me. I saw three other people I had never seen before in my life chained next to me.

"My dad. He took you and these other people because he thinks you can dothinks others can't. He wants to duplicate your DNA, or something, to create supersoldiers for military. He's gone mad... right?" I looked down in shame.

"No, actually he hasn't..."

"What do you mean?" 

"I can do stuff no normal person can do. I thought I was the only one..." I said as I looked to the other who were starting to stir.

"Victoria, what are you talking about? Don't tell me you believe him. He's crazy!" He said seriously.

"Not completely. I can do things you can't do, things no regular person can do. Yes, he's crazy by kidnapping and using us; but, he's right in saying we can do unhuman things..." I trailed off as i was thinking of how to get out.

"What...? I'm so confused. What do you mean by saying you can do things others can't?" He asked as his face relaxed and twisted into an almost innocent look. I sighed and remembered my bobbiepin I had holding my bangs back.

"I'll show you in a second, let me just get out of here..." I said and pulled myself up to my hands. I quickly grabbed my bobbie pin and went back down with a huff. I began to try to pick the lock as my side bangs fell over my left eye.

"What're you doing?" he asked as if he was clueless. 

"I'm picking the lock. What does it look like?" I asked.

"It won't work. They're controlled by that key pad over there." He said and pointed the best he could. "Until you get that to unlock, we're stuck--" He was cut off by a click and my boots hitting the floor. He had his mouth wide open and just stared. I went over and grabbe the key pad.

"What's the password?" I asked Chace.

"7-4-2-7." He said still shocked.

"Brace yourself." I told him as I entered the code. He and the other three people fell to the floor. Chace leanded on his feet, barely, and came over to me. I set the key pad down and went over to the others. Just before I reached them, an alarm went off. I could hear people yelling and running through the building, getting closer to us.

I ignored all of the noise around me and went to the people who fell. I stopped at a guuy who like he was waking up. I turned him to his back as he groaned. His eyes fluttered open and looked at me with such light blue eyes that they were almost white.

"Wh-where am I? Who are you?" He asked starting to panic.

"It's okay. I don't know where we are, but we're going to be fine. I'm Victoria. Who are you?" I asked, helping him sit up.

"J-Justin... what's going on?" He asked frightened.

"I don't know. I wish I did, but I don't. What I don know, is that we need to get everyone out of here. Can you help do that, Justin?" I asked gently. He simply nodded and I helped him up. 

"Move another step, and I pull the trigger." I heard a man say rather loudly. I turned around to see Chace's father holding a gun to three different people: Jamie, Tyler, and...


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