Chapter 12

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All I remembered was being attacked from behind as I was taking a walk. I tried to get out of their hold, but soon felt the cold, hard surface of a gun hit my back and I froze. He said I had to go with him to see Vic. I then remembered having a blindfold put over my eyes as my hands were bound behind my back with rope. I was then thrown into a car, or a truck, or a van, or wathever it was. I heard others muffled groaning as I landed on them. Now, I have no idea where I am, but I'm kneeling on the ground with, I believe, two other people, still blinded from seeing anything aroung me.

"Move another step, and I pull the trigger." I heard a man say.

"Mr. McCullin, please. Do what you want to me, but leave those three out of it." I heard the gentle voice of my sister say.

"Victoria, who is that?" I heard some guy say.

"He's the one who brought us here. The one who wants to expirament on us for the military, The one who would kill to get what he wants." I heard Vic say with venom dripping off of every word.

"Don't move! Now, I'm going to send a few men over there to see if you have anything...harmful on you." Mr.McCullin said. I heard the shuffling of feet and the sound of hands patting down on people's clothes.

"Ow!" I heard one man say. "He shocked me!"

"That was a bad move, Justin."

"It was an accident! I swear! I can't always control it!" I heard the guy from ealier -- Justin -- say. "I'm new at this! I don't know how to completely control it yet!"

"Justin, calm down. Relaxe and you can control it. If you let your emotions get out of hand, you will lose control. Calm down." I heard Vic say gently. 'Control what? What's going on?' I thought to myself. "Just breathe and you'll be okay."

Suddenly, the gound shook violently and I fell to my side with a thud. I heard a gun fall to the floor and knew something -- most likely a fight -- had started. There were noises everywhere, but they were muffled as I tried to get my blindfold off by rubbing the side of my face on the floor. I finally succeeded in moving my blindfold off of my eyes and couldn't believe what I saw.

Vic had flames coming our of the palms of her hands. I didn't know if I was halucinating or not, but I was rooted to the spot. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Chace, the kid from ealier today.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked him, slightly hesitant to know the answer.

"My dad. He brought me down here to tell me about this damn company. I saw Victoria and the other three people and flipped. I blacked out and woke up chained to the wall." He said while trying to untie my hands. He finally got the rope undone and I rubbed my wrists while sitting up.

"Thanks." I mumbled as my gaze found Vic, still with flames in hands. Her eyes were glowing and she looked furious. she was joinhed by a guy who had such light blue eyes that they looked white. His eyes were shining as little lightning bolts shocked between his fingers when they rubbed together.

"Stand down, Mr.McCullin. You have no right to take us, and use us for our abilities. You haven't seen what we can do. You don't stand a chance against us." She said with confidence as the other two, a boy and a girl, joined at her side.

"Maybe I don't, but he does." Mr.McCullin said from kneeling on the floor. He pointed to his left and everyone looked over. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"Jason?" I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2014 ⏰

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