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I'm not sure is it because I'm a bit reserved, or the girls are too expressive, or he really feels that good because seriously, I can't wrap it in my head of how loud those ladies-during-the-day-but-loud-during-the-night are. As of tonight, Cassie is seriously screaming like she's in pain.

... is she?

I've known Toffer since I was 18 when we attended pre-uni together. We got closer during the second semester and had spent so much time together up until now. All those time, he is one of the most gentle-men I've ever met, on par with my exes. He can't be torturing them, can he?

So tell me, how, or what the hell is he doing that makes Cassie and other previous ladies he brought home scream like that?

Begging, weeping, screaming, you name it. I feel like they're making porn together. Hardcore porn.

Oh shut up, I watch porn so what? I'm an adult. A fucking thirty year old adult.

Yeah I'm a thirty year old virgin but still, I'm an adult. So I watch porn if I want to.

No, we're not talking about me watching porn anymore. Instead, let's get back to the main topic; the noises they make every time they spend the night here.

"Yeah Mom?" I accept my best friend's video call remembering tomorrow all of us are gathering at hers for family weekly dinner. She must be calling to ask me to bring dessert or something.

"I know you're a grown up and it's absolutely healthy to watch porn and release yourself but-" oh God! Cassie!

"But can you mute it first so we can discuss-"

"No I'm not watching porn, Mom!" I quickly interject before she goes further.

She makes a doubting face, "I'm pretty sure I hear a screaming lady saying-"

"Nooooo that's my roommate making porn!"

She gasps in disbelief, "Toffer?"

I nod, slightly feeling humiliated that Mom has found out about my night ritual; listening to live porn... on nights that I don't put my headphone on.

Not that I purposely want to hear them but sometimes my ears got a little sweaty from long term use of that device. Hence my impromptu analysis just now.

"Should we just text then?" She's laughing her ass off as I giggle along, "Up to you."

"Oh Honey, how long have they been at it?" Are we discussing about my best-friend's sex life now?

"They came back three hours ago," I answer as I glance at the time stamped on my phone, "so... three hours give and take."

"Three? And she's still screaming like that? Oh wow." She blinks a few times then laughs again, "I've gotta meet this woman, Nina. What the hell did she do that got Toffer going that long."

"Oh my God! Mommm!" I am fully embarrassed now though I do wanna tell her it's not the lady, he's been that way with all the ladies.

But no, I'm not gonna share more details with my Mom since we're meeting her and the rest tomorrow evening.

"Matt used to-"

"Okay, I'm not gonna sit and hear you share your sex life with my stepfather. Anything else, Susan?"

She laughs and nods a few times, "Okay okay fine, I'll just text you then. Gosh I'm definitely jealous of that lady now," she makes a naughty look as if she's eyeing her favorite food.

"Ew, go get your Matt. Stop fantasizing my best friend's dick!"

"Cock, honey. Cock."

"Oh my God! That's it! Bye Susan!"

"Bahahahha bye Honey!" She laughs hysterically as I end the call, then jump to my bed, hiding in my little cave of pillows.

Toffer has been gentle and caring every time we play, so what the hell is he doing that makes the girls beg so bad?

I'm not completely innocent despite being virgin, I do read romance novels. Even the dark romance that include BDSM, kidnapping, whatever Wattpad stories there are. But there is no way he's that kind of person. He's like 'good' good.

Is it because of his size that got them screaming?

Nah I don't think so.

I mean yeah he has a good size dick. Cock. Whatever, he has a good package, but what do I know, if it's good or average or below average since the only comparison I have is to pornstars' penises so urgh, why am I comparing sizes now? Stop thinking about his dick, Nina!

The sound of a text coming get my butt off the bed as I reach for my phone.

I'm thinking about chicken pie tomorrow. What do you think?

Yeah chicken pie sounds good. Do you want me to come early? So I can help?

Nah, Toffer needs his sleep 😌

Mom! 😡


I choose to ignore her and resume to my previous activity so I grab my headphone, ready for the next episode of Friends.

"No no no no no-" I don't know what the hell is Cassie disagreeing with him but she sounds so desperate. Uhhh maybe I should read my romance stories instead of watching this?

With full blast music of course.

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