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Perhaps he's being considerate, or Cassie is away for the holiday, but they haven't fucked since last Friday night. The night that I complained she was too loud.

"Are you reading those smut stories again?" He asks while putting a bottle of wine on the coffee table, along with two empty glasses.

"Girl's gotta learn, buddy." I grin, now focusing on him instead of my online romance novel.

"Instead of reading, you can just ask me. I'd like to think I'm an expert in that field." He pours the wine while looking all smug.

"Do you know that that's how the stories always start? The male lead offering the female lead sex, showing 'the right way' of how it's done. Then BAM! They fall in love. End of story. Meh, booooring."

"I'm not offering you sex, I'm just offering you the knowledge of it. And even if we do have sex-"

"Which we wont," I quickly interrupt which earns me a nod, him agreeing with me.

"Even if we do, we won't fall in love." He takes a sip of the drink once he completes his sentence.

"Yeah I know, I'm not your type."

"You're cute, but yeah. I can't do short girls. Do you know how hard it is to fuck while standing when they're shorter than my preferred height?"

I smile, "Are you talking about Felicia?" Because that's the only girl he ever dated that is shorter than usual. Though she is 5 inches taller than me so if she's not his type, I'm way out of the league.

Not that I want to fuck my best friend. Ew.

"Oh you still remember her." He gives an approving look, nodding several times at my good example.

"Have you ever done virgins?"

He laughs before he answers, "Why? Do you want me to deflower you? Haha, no thanks. That's Christian's job."

I keep quiet at the mention of his name. He's been missing since our little get-together few weeks ago. Perhaps we're destined to be friends. Just friends. There goes my hope of having a future with him. Hmm-

"Where is he, by the way? Do you guys keep in touch since the date?"

I point a finger to his face, "It's NOT a date, I've told you it's not."

"So he's gone?"

"Yup. Gone."

"You're gonna stay a virgin till you die, then?"

"Maybe. Or I'll just auction my virginity like this story I'm reading. One million bucks. Who would have thought, huh?"

He chuckles, "May I remind you, that's a story, not gonna happen in real life."

"But I did read a girl auctioned her virginity on ebay. She got an offer like half a million. That's enough to buy a car. You know, every time I drive it I'd be reminded of my first time, not so bad right?"

"What if he's an old bald man with a beer belly? And he fucks like 2 minutes then finishes, are you sure you want that?"

No. But I'm not gonna tell him that. Instead I will quiet myself by drinking this wine until he says something else.

"I've never fucked a virgin so I don't know if first times are really bad like we've always heard." He confesses while playing his phone, I bet it's Fruit Ninja again.

"Why are we even talking about this?" My attempt to change the topic, yup you got it right.

"Okay let's play our game. But before that, I just wanna say," he looks up from his phone, directly to my eyes, "you're missing out. Like seriously, go get fucked, Nina. I know you enjoy your orgasms, so imagine how good it is to be fucked by an actual cock-" urgh that word again.

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