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I am not sabotaging myself, I'm just done with dating.
I can't do it anymore. I'm so sick of first date I feel like I'm watching the same movie for four years straight.

That's why I've decided to take a break. Or call it quit, whichever makes you feel better because I don't care anymore, I'm out of this dating cycle. Out. Over. Forever.

Okay maybe that's a little dramatic. Maybe not forever but probably for a long time.

"Sure, find yourself, love yourself, focus on your own happiness, I'm totally like one hundred percent with you on this. You don't have to rush, you got time Honey."

She always get me, supporting me in whatever I do doesn't matter what other people think. She's my rock, she's my world, I'm glad she's my mother but at the same time also a best friend.

I'm so lucky everyone around me supports my decision instead of pestering me with when-are-you-gonna-get-married-you-are-already-30-this-year.

Maybe I'm unlucky with my love life but I'm definitely fortunate to be in the right circle of friends. At least I've achieved that.

Perhaps 'friends' is the only thing I need, because true love is rare these days. It's more like a myth, a fantasy, that only happens in chick-flick movies.

"It took me eight years to find Matt so don't worry, you'll meet the right person at the right time. God has plans for everything. Trust Him," she hugs me as I nod.

I was with her when she dated all those guys, and I was with her when she came home from her third date with Matt, telling me he's the one. If there's anyone who managed to find true love, well, she belongs to that group.

Because I know how much she loves Matt, and he too loves her that I trust him to take care of her in my absence.

"If you feel like talking to a guy, you can come to me." Grandpa grins from his usual spot on the sofa.

I run to him and give him a big hug, "Of course I would go to the manliest guy on earth!"

"Second manliest guy on earth is also here for you," Matt says as I'm starting to become overwhelmed with feelings, "Awww you guys!"

"Guess I'm the third manliest guy on earth?" The deep voice that belongs to one of the most attractive human being I've ever met make me chuckle. He is standing at the doorway, currently removing his jacket to hang it in the coat cabinet.

I am definitely the luckiest girl in this whole wide world. I have the best grandparents, the best mom, the best step dad, the best best-friend, even if my love life sucks.

"Where's Kai? I thought he's with you this weekend?" Mom asks him when he hugs her briefly. His face is red perhaps from the low temperature outside.

"He's staying with Lauren for her cousin's wedding."

"Last week it's a visit from her parents. This week a wedding. I guess next week is a surprised holiday?" She asks cynically as Toffer smiles, "That's okay. I can still see him on weekdays."

"She can't hog all the weekends. I want to see my grandson too."

"Ask her to get you another then." He curls a hand on my shoulder as I nudge him on his chest; why are you dragging me in this topic!

"Well she's on dating strike, if you haven't heard."

I thought she supported me? With that God-has-plans-for-everything speech but now she sounds like she's mocking me.

"Oh that's how Grandpa became the manliest guy on earth?"

All of them laugh harmoniously as they raise the beer in their hand, cheering for my pathetic dating life.

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