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"You're doing good?" His deep voice throws me out completely. I turn to the side, at the guy who used to love me.

Used to? Did he ever, actually? Was it just a bet? But it was six years. Six long years.

"Pretty good. What about you?"

"Excellent." He smiles as he takes a seat next to me.

"So that's Christopher? Toffer?" He asks while his eyes point towards my best friend who's playing slides with the kids. I nod, "Yeah."

"You guys are together now?"

I laugh as I shake my head, "No, we're just friends. Roommates."

"Oh you two are living together?"

"Yup, since the past two years. I actually rented his apartment four years ago but he moved in two years later when he broke up with his girlfriend." Maybe too much info? God, he still makes me nervous. And when I'm nervous I vomit words. Unnecessary details.

"So you're back for good?" I immediately ask him, wanting to divert the topic.

"Yeah, Papa wants me to start working at the hospital." Oh how can I forget, his family owns a private hospital. That's why the whole family pursue medicine.

"It's time I come home and settle down." He flashes another heart melting smile that I almost forgot to reply him. Stop it Nina, get it together.

"Doctor Christian Smith is gonna settle down? Wow, May told me you're still rotating girlfriends every month."

He chuckles, "Every month? Really? May said that?"

"Nah, I was just joking." May didn't even mention about you, afraid if it's gonna hurt me. I reckon that's what she's been doing because from the way I see her interaction with him, they're still as close as they were ten years ago.

"Do you wanna grab coffee some time?" I must be out of my mind but it feels so good to brave myself and ask him that.

I've been thinking about this ever since I saw him the first time few months ago, wondering if I'll ever have the courage to ask him out if his relationship with the girlfriend didn't work out. To actually hear that he is single again today, well, let's just get it over with. Ask him out, figure out if I still have feelings for him, and go from there. It's obviously the better option instead of wondering about this my entire life and eventually die in regret.

He seems surprised but puts on a wide smile, "Sure. Give me your number so we can set up something. A dinner, maybe?"

"You're pushing it," I joke as I key in my number into his cell phone. We're testing water, not going for a swim. Coffee is better in case things don't work out between us.

"Are you free next weekend?" He asks once I return him his phone.

"Think so."

"I'll call you to set the time and place?"



Toffer insists on getting into my panties the whole week so I'd be less tensed once the weekend arrives. To be specific, once my date with Christian arrives.

Wait, it's just coffee. It's not a date. Just coffee okay.

"You're welcome," he grins as he picks up the clothes we tossed on the floor when he decided to take me one last time before my date this afternoon.

"Make sure you wipe the counter," I remind him while wearing my panties.

"With my tongue?"

"Sure, if you wipe again with disinfectant after that."

"Awww my little girl all grown up, using the word disinfectant and all. Bet you're getting deflowered any day now!"

I smack his head while he laughs, thinking it's funny to keep on teasing me since last week.

"I hope his willy isn't as big as mine," okay what now, "so he won't hurt your flower."

I wanted to be mad at him, I do, but I laugh instead, stupid Toffer and his little boy talk.


I keep on glancing at the clock on the wall, I have 20 minutes until Christian's here to pick me up for our erm, hang out session. No maybe catch up session, or old-friend-over-coffee urgh whatever, it's just a simple get together between friends. Old friends. Ex lovers. No, ex (bet) lovers.

Oh my God stop it Nina, stop this madness. How are you gonna be cool if you're this freaked out just by thinking about this? I bet I'd be worse when he's right in front of me.

As an effort to calm myself as well as easing this thought of how much of a mess I am becoming, I pick up my hair straightener and fix my bang. He loves it when I style my hair this way. He always thought I'm cuter with a bang than a side fringe or without one. There was one time when-

Okay, stop it. I need to be cool. Chill Nina chill. Only answer when he asks. No need such detailed, boring elaboration. You're 30 now, the least you could do is act elegant and classy despite the sloppy 16 year old he once dated.

"Ninaniiiiiinaaaaa," Toffer annoyingly calls me as he grins by the door, waiting for me to react.


"Your boyfriend is hereeee," he keeps on doing it in a sing song tone.

That's when I quickly turn to him again, "What? How come? It's still early!"

"No he's very punctual. Three on the dot." He pops the t as I glance to the clock again. Shit. It's really 3pm. What the fuck happened? How did I lose track of time?

"Stall him. I'm not ready yet!"

"What do you mean? You look very ready, girl." He grins again, now with a playful look. The same one he flashes whenever he has evil thoughts. The one that's concerning the act of removing panties and boxers.

"Just stall him!"

"By showing him my willy?"

"Fuck off Toffer!" I swear I'm shooting laser through my eyes at him now.

"No manners, I shall teach you a lesson when you're back." He mutters then finally disappears, that's when I sigh in relief. For one brief moment, before I start to panic again.

Cute outfit, check.
Flawless skin with awesome make up, check.
Hair on point, check.
Last spray of perfume, check.
No lipstick on teeth, check.
Alright, let's go and get that dick. It's time to end your virginity, Adriana.

I might be pretending with people that I don't care about having sex, or losing my virginity to him, but truthfully, yes, I want him to be my first.

But uhh, let's secure the target so I can dick him let's say, in one month?

"Hi," I greet him when he was talking to Toffer at the living room. He immediately stands up from the couch and smiles at me, my heart squirms at how hot he is, sigh I'm such a lucky girl.

"Hi. You look beautiful." His smile gets wider as Toffer ruins the scene, "Indeed she is."

I want to kill him I really do but then I spot his phone directed towards me, oh my God is this motherfucker recording me?!

"Ready?" I didn't realise Christian is already in front of me so I smile at him, "Yeah."

"Let's go." He gestures towards the main door, giving way for me to walk first. I take two steps then I feel the soft touch on my back. When I look back at him he smiles, "I park my car in front of the lobby."

This feels like old time. Hmmm. 

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