Tonks's Arrival

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Tonks sat in her office, reading reports, and glancing up at the clock frequently. She was bored half to death after reading some boring reports. She had always thought that aurors were supposed to hex and stun Death Eaters, not do the tedious job of paperwork and serving coffee, except that she didn't serve coffee because she was too clumsy. "Hurry up, Nymphadora" Mad-Eye grumbled after walking in her cubicle, "We're going to be late." "Don't call me Nymphadora." Tonks replied in an angry tone of voice, her hair turning a fiery shade of red. Excited and slightly nervous, Tonks followed Mad-Eye outside the Ministry to an apparition point. 

The two aurors apparated to the a row of houses.. Mad-Eye handed her a slip of paper. It read: Number Twelve, Grimmauld's Place "Read it." He ordered. Tonks opened her mouth but no sound came out. She tried again. Mad-Eye sighed. "Read it in your head. There is a fidelius charm on the house. Dumbledore is secretkeeper himself." 

Tonks consentrated on the words. Number Twelve, Grimmauld's Place, Number Twelve, Grimmauld's Place, she thought repeatedly. Suddenly, between Numbers Eleven and Thirteen, another house began to expand, almost like a balloon being blown up.  

The house looked almost identical to the other houses except there was a big Twelve in the middle of the door that was covered in rust. The windows had a thick layer of grime on it, suggesting that there was no need for curtains. They walked into the house. It was very large, and must have once been very elegant. 

All the furniture was old and the house made Tonks shiver. There was a wall with stuffed house elf heads that's eyes seemed to follow her wherever she went, and something that was covered by a large, dusty velvet curtain. The fireplace had at least an inch of dust on it. The old armchairs next to the fireplace had gashes all over them, some with the stuffing pouring out.  All the decor was green and silver. Tonks walked forward and accidentally walked straight into a troll-leg umbrella stand she had not noticed before, causing it to tip over and fall to the ground. 

Tonks jumped. The curtains were flung open and a portrait that looked terrifyingly similar to her mother was screaming "Filth! Scum! By-products of dirt and vileness! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers-- " Then she noticed Tonks. "You! Shame of my flesh, Daughter of my blood traitor niece and that filthy mudblood--" Nymphadora" Mad-Eye sighed "Try to be less clumsy" Tonks glared at Mad-Eye. If looks could kill, Mad-Eye would be goner.   

Two men ran in. One had very pale skin with black hair and grey eyes. The other one had light brown hair flecked with grey and green eyes. Both looked like they were in their mid-thirtys. "Sirius, why don't you..... I don't know...... maybe remove the portrait from the house? It's hard to sleep with her screaming about half-breeds." "Moony, do you think I haven't tried? I've even tried painting over her! She's permanently stuck on the wall with something that looks like a permanent sticking charm." The portrait began to throw insults at the two men. "You are no son of mine! A blood traitor and friends with that shape-shifting half-breed! --" 

"You are no mother of mine. When was the last time you took care of me? It was always purity this and House of Black that." The man with black hair retorted. "I was trying to protect you from those lowlives and halfbreeds! I wish that you died instead of Regulus." The portrait shreaked in a voice so shrill it would have made even Umbridge's eardrums shatter.

Tonks gasped. "Sirius.....Sirius Black?" "He's innocent!" The man with light brown hair said frantically, "He's not a murderer!" Sirius looked around. Then he looked at her. They stared at each other. Remus wondered if there was some untold rivalry between the two. "Oh my Merlin, its you!" Tonks said as Sirius embraced her with a bear hug. "Tonksie, I havn't seen you since you were six. Where were you the last sixteen years? Snog anyone?" Tonks laughed. "Me? I've only been abducted by aliens but now I'm back." Um..... what did I miss?" a confused Lupin asked. "This is Nyph-" Tonks cut him of by shooting him a murderous look.  "It's Tonks" She said flatly. "She's my first cousin once removed." Sirius added. 

Remus looked happy to see the cousins reunited. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise. Crack. Tonks jumped. Two identical red haired boys were standing in the doorway. "FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT USING MAGIC? A frustrated Molly Weasley shouted downstairs, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE IT FOR EVERY LITTLE THING! IT WOULD HAVE TAKEN YOU THIRTY MORE SECONDS TO WALK UP THE STAIRS!" "Sorry Mum, we needed those thirty seconds." Said Fred (or George) "We have business to attend to." Then they ran away with something that looked like flesh colored rope in their pockets.

"We'd better get going." Remus said "The meeting will start in 'bout ten minutes." "On the bright side, thats one more chance to hex Snape." Sirius muttered under his breath "Maybe give him hair that flashes though the entire rainbow." "He is a greasy haired git. Gave me detentions for doing any little thing" Tonks replied. Then she morphed into Snape, exaggerating the size of the nose and ears. "I am Professor Snape. Ten points to Slytherin." She said in Snape's long drawling voice "How dare you! You're breathing again! Two million points from Gryffindor!" Sirius laughed. Remus gaped at her.

"What?" Suddenly, it hit him. "Your a metamorphmagus!" Tonks responded by turning her hair to electric blue, neon green, and then back to her favorite shade of bubblegum pink. "Come on. The meeting is about to start." Sirius said. "I'll just put a few drops of  babbling draught in Snape's goblet." "No Sirius-" Sirius changed into a big black dog and ran towards the kitchen with the draught in his mouth. "Well, there goes Sirius." Tonks remarked. 

Deep down Remus had a strange feeling that his life was about to change forever......

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