The invitation to The Order

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Tonks sat in her little cubicle doing paperwork just like any other day. She nearly nodded off after reading several reports about biting teacups and hoses that were bewitched to breathe fire. Of course, there were others like how "Dumbledore was feeding them lies" and how "The boy who lived was off his rocker".

Tonks didn't believe a word. She simply trusted Dumbledore. When she started working at the Ministry, she respected it and was loyal to it. Now, with Fudge pretending nothing had happened, she began to doubt where her loyalty lies. She had canceled her Daily Profit subscription and, she never thought she would do this, bought a subscription to The Quibbler. Besides, why would Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard, lie to them about You-Know-Who returning? Lost in thought, she drifted off into a deep sleep.

"Tonks! Auror Tonks!" And then the door creaked open. Tonks grabbed the nearest thing she could find to defend herself. "Are you going to stab me with that quill?" Kingsley asked, chuckling in his deep voice. "No sir, I just....." Her voice trailed off as she struggled to find a good excuse. To her relief, Kingsley waved his hand. "I came here to have a word with you." Tonks' heart raced. What did she do wrong? Was it that time she slacked off and copied Dawlish's report? Were they going to fire her because she was too clumsy? Those questions raced through Tonks' mind as she followed Kingsley to his office.

"I'm sorry." Tonks blurted out without thinking.

"For what?" Kingsley asked, the corners of his lips twitching.

"For...whatever I did wrong."

"Tonks, I assure you that you did nothing wrong. You did nothing wrong." Kingsley said, "You are doing a fabulous job."

Tonks breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, sir."

Kingsley stopped by the door bearing a shiney gold sign that read Auror K. Shacklebolt, Head of the Auror Department and unlocked the door.

Kingsley pulled a chair back for Tonks. She obiediantly sat down without furthermore questioning. "Have a drink." He said, with a lazy flick of his wand and condured a glass of butterbeer. Tonks pretended to take a sip of butterbeer but her instinct told her to really drink it. She liked and trusted Kingsley. She paused, and slowly raised the glass to her lips and took a sip. After seeing Tonks take a real sip, Kingsley began the questioning.

"Do you believe that You-Know-Who is back?" "I think he is back." Tonks blurted out before realizing what she said and clamping her hand on her mouth. "Exellent!" Kingsley looked truely pleased. Tonks wondered if it was because he had an excuse to fire her or if it was because he was on her side.

"What do you know about the Order of the Phoenix?" Kingsley asked curiously. "The Order of the Phoenix was a secret society founded by Albus Dumbledore to defeat You-Know-Who and his Death Eaters. The original Order was created in the 1970's but it dissolved in 1981 because, know, Harry Potter defeated You-Know-Who." Tonks said, almost mechanically. "Well, see, Dumbledore is reestablishing the Order and he wanted to know if you were interested in joining. If you choose not to, I will need to remove your memory or this meeting. I hope you consider this offer. Send me an owl when you have made your decision." Kingsley said seriously, waving his wand to remove the effect of the Truth Serum. Tonks, taking this to be her cue to leave, quiet opened the door, and left.

Tonks apparated to her tiny, but homey little flat and thought about what Kingsley had said. So many people were dying and she wanted to stop it. She thought hard and decided that she would fight until her last breath. Finally, making her decision, she took a piece of parchment and wrote:

Hello Kingsley,

I have come to an conclution that I want to join the Order of the Phoenix. Could you tell me where the mettings held and other useful information about the Order? Thank you very much.

Best, Tonks

She put the letter in an envelope, sealed it, tied it to her owl's leg and then sent it to Kingsley. Then she brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, and hopped into her warm and comfortable bed.

The next morning, she morphed her hair into her favorite shade of bubblegum pink and got dressed. Tap. Tap. Tap. Her owl was feriously pecking the window with his beak. Tonks instantly felt bad for making him wait for such a long time and immediately opened the window to let her owl in. The owl angrily dropped the letter in her hand. She gave him some of her bacon and a couple toast crumbs to make up for ignoring him. With shaking hands, she opened the letter. It read:

Dear Tonks,

I am very pleased you have decided to join the Order. The next meeting will be tomorrow at 10:00 a.m sharp. Be there early (I know you tend to be not very punctual). I have arranged Mad-Eye to show you the headquarters. Do NOT tell anyone else about the Order. One important thing I have to tell you is that Sirius Black is not a murderer. He is innocent and the real murderer is Peter Pettigrew. Peter caused an explosion, cut off his finger, and turned into a rat (he and Sirius Black are animagi. He is a rat and Sirius is a big black dog that looks like the Grim). Sirius will be at the meetings. Another important thing is that you will have tasks (guard duty, patrol, etc.) You have made a good choice and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Sincerely, Kingsley 

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