The First Mission

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Tonks looked around. She sat in the only seat available was one by Remus Lupin, managing to only trip twice on the way there. Remus gave her a tenative  smile and then went back to listening to Snape's boring report.

Of course, it wasn't much different from the usual Order meetings. Molly and Sirius arguing about Harry's safety, Snape watching with a sour expression, and Kingsley looking on worriedly. Remus sighed as he thought about his old friends, Lily and James Potter. And Peter Pettigrew, or at least the Peter he grew up with and thought he knew. He thought they would abandon him the moment they knew what he was. A werewolf. Of course, that theory was disapproved when they became animagi for him. And where were they? Gone. Gone forever. Harry was the only remainder of their kind souls. 

"Alright, Sirius, Molly, if you please. We need to give out assignments." Mad-Eye said in his gruff voice, his magical electric blue eye whizzing in its socket. The assignments! Remus nearly sighed. He'd almost forgot! He'd probably get stuck with patrol duty or even worse, watching Sirius. Not that he disliked Sirius, it was just that he usually moped around with a glass of firewiskey or he was trying to get Remus drunk.

Kingsley stood up and began giving out assignments. Finally, at the end of the list, was his name. "Remus Lupin, you and Nymphadora Tonks will be watching the Malfoy Manor tonight." "Don't call me Nymphadora." Tonks muttered, her hair turning a violent shade of crimson. Now Remus really sighed. He'd have to spend the night with Lucius's white peacocks, and an auror who was too young to join in the first place.

"Wotcher, Remus, we'd better get ready for Operation Peacock Watch." Tonks said. Remus cracked a tiny smile. It might not be such a boring mission after all.

Just a few minutes before Operation Peacock Watch, Tonks began looking for Remus. "Sirius, have you seen Remus anywhere? I've looked in the library, kitchen, and living room." She asked in a worried tone of voice. "Gee, I don't know. How about his room?" Sirius replied with a smirk in his face, "You'd better go before he moves to a more obvious place." 

Tonks felt her face flush. Her cluttered brain was probably one of the many things that she had inherited, besides her clumsiness, and the horrid names. He would obviously be his room getting ready. She hurried up the stairs, going three steps at a time. This of course wasn't a good idea, seeing how clumsy she was. Just when she was about to make it to the top, she tripped over her own feet and then she covered her face with her hands to protect it from the fall. It never came. A pair of strong, warm arms caught her, which belonged to none other that Remus Lupin himself. He chuckled softly. 

"No offence but Tonks, you are the most clumsy person I have ever met." Remus said, a small smile playing on his lips. It was nearly impossible to not grin back at that cute little smile. 

Tonks laughed. "None taken. We'd better get ready for Operation Peacock watch."

"Do you really insist on calling it that?" Remus asked in an amused tone.

"Yes, unless you prefer Operation Moonlit Peacock." Tonks said in an almost teasing tone of voice.

"Lets go with Operation Peacock Watch."

"Okay." Tonks said with the signiture Black smirk, matching the one Sirius always wore.

Tonks felt the firmilair sensation of being forced through a tight rubber tube as she apparated to the Malfoy Manor.  "Ow! My foot!" Remus exclaimed in a mock angry voice, hopping up and down, "Out of all the places you could have landed, you had to land on my foot. "Sorry Remus." Tonks said apologeticlly while resisting the urge to smile. Remus couldn't help but notice how cute she was when she smiled. Wait, what? He had definitely not thought about that. Just lack of female communication, he decided. The pair silently layed down becides each other. 

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