Chapter Seven - Car Chase

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As Aerrow stayed behind to face Dark Ace, Starling and the rest of the Storm Hawks began chasing the Raptors. In the van, the Raptors were scrambling to get some guns to fend off the Gargoyles.

Raptor #1: Where the fuck did those things come from?!

Raptor #2: How the fuck should I know?! Hey! Drive faster! Those things and that cop are gaining up on us!

Raptor Driver: I got my foot on the pedal! I'm driving as fast as I can!

Meanwhile, Starling began closing in on the van while the Storm Hawks glided above her. Suddenly, two Raptors opened the back of the van and began firing light machine guns at Starling's car. As the bullets hit her car, Starling pulled out her pistol and shot at the Raptors. She managed to shoot one of the Raptors in the leg, causing him to fall out of the van. 

Raptor: God fucking damn it! 

The Raptor looked up to the sky and saw the Storm Hawks gliding towards the van. The Raptor focuses his fire on the Gargoyles. 

Raptor: Come and get me, you fuckers! Try and get close to me and I'll blow your fucking heads off!

Finn: Take your best shot!

Finn glided towards the Raptor. The Raptor unloaded his light machine gun on the Gargoyle. He misses most of his shots, but was able to glance Finn's arm. 

Finn: That tickles! 

In a state of frenzied panic, the Raptor slams the van's doors on Finn, buying him some time. He then rushes to the driver. 

Raptor Driver: What the fuck is going on out there?!

Raptor: That fucking cop and those monsters are closing in on us! We're fucked if we don't do something! 

Raptor Driver: Give me a goddamn second! 

As Starling and the Gargoyles close in, the driver begins going through the alleyways in an attempt to lose them. 

Piper: He's going through the alleys! 

Junko: Did they forget that we can glide as high as the rooftops?

Stork: These criminal types never were the smartest. 

The Gargoyles glided to the rooftops and pursued the Raptors from their while Starling followed them into the alleyways. As the chase continued, the Raptors lost sight of the Gargoyles. 

Raptor: I'm not seeing those monsters! I think we lost them! Do you think we lost them?

Raptor Driver: How the hell am I supposed to know?! I'm trying to fucking drive! Why don't you grab an RPG and take out that fucking cop! 

The Raptor then grabs an RPG and opens the van. Upon seeing the RPG, Starling floors it and rams the van, knocking the Raptor off the van and landing on top of Starling's car. 

Starling: You've got to be kidding me! 

The Raptor attempts to break through the windshield of Starling's car, but Starling pulls out her gun and shoots the Raptor in the shoulder. This causes the Raptor to roll out of the car and onto the streets. Starling continues to close on on the van. Soon enough, the chase leads them to an abandoned construction site. 

Raptor Thug: That cop is still on our ass!

Raptor Driver: Then how about you grab some guns and shoot her! If we lose these weapons, then that fucking Gargoyle is gonna have our heads!

The remaining Raptors grab some machine guns and begin unloading on the car. Starling ducks to avoid the gunfire. As they drive through the abandoned construction site, the Raptors attempt to shoot out Starling's tires, but are unable to get a good shot. 

Starling: (C'mon....where are you?!)

As Starling closes in on the Raptor van, one of the Raptors grabs an RPG and aims it at Starling's car. As the Raptor fires the RPG, Starling swerves out of the way, but the explosion knocks her car and sends it rolling on it's side. As Starling rolls out of her wrecked car, she sees the Raptor van prepared to run her over. 

Starling: Damn it....

Starling reloads her pistol as the Raptor van revs it's engines. She can hear the cheerful hollering from inside the van. 

Starling: You want me?! Come on! I'm right here! What are you waiting for?!

The Raptor van then driving towards Starling. She aims her pistol at the driver. Before the van could run her over, Junko glides down in front of the van. His sheer size allowed him to stop the van in it's tracks. As the driver was launched from the window, he writhes in pain. 

Raptor Driver: My arm! My fucking arm!

Junko: Sorry!

Finn: Nice stop, Junko! It's just like how you stopped that battering ram back in the old days!

Piper: Detective, are you all right? 

Starling: I'll be fine. I've survived worse. 

Starling and the Storm Hawks then move to the van. The remaining Raptors rush out of the van, but Piper takes them down with ease. 

Piper: These weapons should be destroyed. 

Starling: No argument from me. Drag these guys away from the van. 

The Storm Hawks drag the Raptors away while Starling grabs a grenade. She then pulls the pin on the grenade and throws it in the van. She runs to a safe distance as the grenade detonates, destroying the van and the weapons. 

Starling: That takes care of that. We should head back to Aerrow. 

Piper: Your car is in no condition to drive. Junko will carry you. 

With that, Starling and the Storm Hawks began making their way back to the old Atmosia Church to aid Aerrow in his fight against Dark Ace.

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