Chapter Ten - Guardians

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In the days following the capture of the rogue Raptors, the Storm Hawks begin searching the city for Dark Ace. At the same time, Starling was searching for any leads linking Lark Cyclonis to recent events. However, no progress was made by either side. Soon enough, both the Storm Hawks and Starling met up at the hideout to discuss their findings. 

Starling: Did you find Dark Ace?

Aerrow: Unfortunately no. We have searched the city and found no trace of Dark Ace. 

Starling: Guess we have the same luck. I've found no leads connecting Cyclonis with Dark Ace and the rogue Raptors. 

Piper: Are we certain that there is a connection between the two?

Starling: I'm not too sure of that myself. The Raptor Gang is a frequent associate of Cyclonis. She hires them for various dirty jobs around the city. 

Aerrow: It was clear that this was solely Dark Ace's agenda. Cyclonis surely knows this as well. 

It became clear to everyone that the partnership between Cyclonis and Dark Ace was a fragile one. While the two were dangerous forces on their own, they were even more dangerous as a team. Cyclonis had the wealth and power to manipulate events in her own favor while Dark Ace had strength on his hide. 

Piper: Together, those two are a danger to the city. 

Finn: But it looks like they don't exactly get along to say the least. I say we just sit back and watch it all implode. 

Stork: And if they don't? 

Finn: Then it'll be up to us to clean up the mess. 

Aerrow took a moment to reflect on this. He knew the danger posed by both Cyclonis and Dark Ace. He couldn't help but blame himself for allowing Dark Ace to escape. 

Aerrow: We will stop whatever plots Cyclonis and Dark Ace prepare for this city. As Gargoyles, we are sworn protectors of the city. Whatever evil comes for this city, we will stop it.

Starling couldn't help but feel optimistic as she took a sip from her flask. The Storm Hawks once more reaffirmed their vows as defenders of the night. Meanwhile as all this happened, Lark Cyclonis was finishing up a meeting with the Board of Directors. As the Board of Directors left her office, Ulric entered the room. 

Ulric: Miss Cyclonis, our....guest is waiting. 

???: I will introduce myself, human. 

As the voice called out, Dark Ace made his presence known. Cyclonis stands up from her chair and approaches him. 

Cyclonis: Hello, Dark Ace. 

Dark Ace: The Gargoyles are growing stronger by the day. 

Cyclonis: I am aware. I have been observing the movements of the Gargoyles. 

Dark Ace: The longer you chose to study them, the quicker you hasten your demise.

Cyclonis showed no concern as she walked towards her desk. She then pulls out a file container photographs of Dark Ace dealing with the rogue Raptors.

Cyclonis: It seems I am not the only one withholding information. I have already heard the news report about what happened. A group of Raptors broke away from Repton's gang and attempted to arm up for a "gang war". Talks of winged demons were mentioned.

Dark Ace: Is there a point to this?

Cyclonis: I have been warned by Aerrow that you were not to be trusted. I took him on his word.

Dark Ace: If you plan on plotting against me, then I will kill you without hesitation.

Cyclonis: I know you could kill me. I stand no chance against a Gargoyle such as yourself. But here's the thing. I know where you hide.

Cyclonis then shows Dark Ace photos of him in stone set up on the rooftop of the old Atmosia Church.

Cyclonis: The last place the Storm Hawks would think to look. I must commend you on your clever thinking.

Dark Ace quickly realized the difficult position he was in. He didn't expect a human to outmaneuver him this way.

Dark Ace: It seems I have underestimated you.

Cyclonis: Such feelings are how I got to where I am today. I've played the game and I have won it. You are more than free to pursue outside interests, but if you think of plotting against me, then you will not live to see the night. That is no mere threat. That is a promise.

In that moment, Dark Ace found himself being impressed with Cyclonis. She used Dark Ace's feelings on humans against him.

Dark Ace: You truly are a testament to your race. Consider yourself lucky, not many creatures survive earning my hatred and my respect.

Cyclonis: And you have earned my respect as well. I trust that our partnership remains.

Dark Ace: Without a shadow of a doubt, Lark Cyclonis. I will leave you to your business. Till we meet again.

Dark Ace then glides put through the window he entered through. As Dark Ace left the room, Ulric spoke with Cyclonis.

Ulric: This is a most dangerous ploy, Miss Cyclonis. I doubt this will be the last time Dark Ace plots against you.

Cyclonis: I am aware of that. But for now, his focus will be on the Storm Hawks. And that makes him an asset.

With that, Cyclonis looked out the window which overlooked the city. As the Storm Hawks resumed their role as guardians of the city, Cyclonis would continue to operate from behind the scenes while preparing for her next clash with the Storm Hawks.

Storm Hawks Volume II: Warriors By Night (Gargoyles AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang