Chapter Five - A Detective's Intuition

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After collecting the information from Repton, Starling meets up with the Strom Hawk Clan to discuss the information.

Finn: So the Dark Ace is dealing with criminals? How fitting.

Aerrow: This alliance is out of place. Dark Ace always looked down upon criminals, even before his betrayal.

Starling: Looks like he's planning something with Cyclonis. I know the place where the meeting is taking place. It's an old church with a bad history behind it. We don't have to worry about Repton or the other Raptors for the time being.

At this point, the Storm Hawks began to wonder about Dark Ace's plans for the Raptors. Whether this was under Cyclonis's orders or not could not be determined.

Starling: It's possible that Cyclonis and Dark Ace are planning something big. What that is, I couldn't tell you. You seem to know more about Dark Ace than I do. What could he planning?

Aerrow: It is possible that Dark Ace seeks to build up his own army. The alliance between Cyclonis and Dark Ace is a fragile one at best and it won't last long.

Starling began to reflect on the information she knows about the case so far. Something about all of this was out of place. Her detective instincts told her something was off.

Starling: Repton has dozens of safehouses all across the city. These safehouses are stocked up on enough weapons to take over the city.

Junko: Why haven't they done so already?

Stork: I'd probably chalk it up to paranoia.

Starling: Not exactly. Repton isn't stupid. Even if he could takeover the city, maintaining control over it would be too much for the Raptors to handle. That's why they haven't expanded their territory up until now. Though if these renegade Raptors know about the safehouses, then we could be in serious trouble. 

Aerrow: We will stop Dark Ace's plot. No harm shall come to this city. 

Starling continued to reflect on this case. It treaded on unfamiliar ground for her. She was used to the Raptors answering solely to Repton. Dealing with Raptors who were operating outside Repton's authority was outside of what she was used to. Starling continued to look over the photos Repton had given her. 

Aerrow: What can you tell us about the church?

Starling: Back in the old days, the Atmosia Church used to be safe haven for the poor and downtrodden. But when the gangs came about, the poor and downtrodden became either targets or recruits. Cyclonis came in an used the church to funnel weapons and cash for the Raptors in exchange for...assistance. 

Piper: How could such horrid acts happen in a place of worship?

Starling: People kept asking that question until they stopped caring. Now people avoid that church like the plague because of all that's happened. Now it's become a breeding ground for scumbags. Now it looks like Dark Ace is looking to get in on this. 

Aerrow: Perhaps one day, this church will be restored to it's former glory. 

Starling: I wouldn't count on it. That place has seen so much blood and pain that it's far beyond saving. It'd be better if that church was torn down. 

As Starling said this, she began to use her detective skills to try and formulate a plan. She saw firsthand just how dangerous Dark Ace was. She knew Dark Ace was Aerrow's equal in strength. 

Starling: Aerrow, you think Dark Ace is expecting an encounter?

Aerrow: Most likely. He will no doubt be seeking us out. 

Starling: So we can't take the direct approach. We also need to know what deal those Raptors are planning to make. 

Aerrow: This is your territory, Detective Starling. We will follow your lead. 

As Aerrow said this, Starling began applying her detective skills to devising a plan. She weighed all possible outcomes and took every possible scenario into account. 

Starling: If we're going to do this, we need to approach this carefully. If Dark Ace is expecting you, then you need to keep out of sight. I'll make my way to the church and find a good vantage point and eavesdrop on the meeting. Once I get everything I need, I'll signal you. 

As Starling laid out her plan, the Storm Hawks could see the dangers of it. 

Aerrow: This plan puts you in great danger. If the Dark Ace discovers you, we may not be able to reach you in time. 

Starling: It's our best chance. Besides, I've done countless stakeouts like this. It might get a bit hairy, but I can handle myself. Just wait for my signal. 

Piper: How will we know the signal?

Starling: You'll know. The meeting starts in about an hour. We better get going. 

With that, the Storm Hawks glided ahead to find a place to watch the church. Starling checks the trunk of her car and pulls out a flare gun. She checks to see the gun loaded. 

Starling: This should do. Better get a move on if I'm going to find a good place to hide. 

Starling started up her car and began driving to the old Atmosia Church in order to stakeout the place. Despite the great risk her plan presented on her life, Starling was willing to take that risk. And if all else fails, Starling would fall back on a detective's intuition. It has served her many times over her career. But things would soon become complicated for the detective. 

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