Chapter Eight - A Long Awaited Rematch

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As Starling and the Storm Hawks took care of the rogue Raptors, Aerrow confronted Dark Ace at the old Atmosia Church.

Dark Ace: You were a fool to face me alone, Aerrow. Clearly you didn't learn your lesson.

Aerrow: Your plot ends here, Dark Ace.

Dark Ace: All you and your clan have done is inconvenience me.

Aerrow: Enough words, Dark Ace! Have at you!

In that moment, Aerrow and Dark Ace once more fought one another. The two Gargoyles viciously fought another. As the two grappled each other, Dark Ace laughed.

Dark Ace: Do not think you'll escape me so easily this time, Aerrow! Your pet human will not save you this time!

Dark Ace then presses the attack against Aerrow, but the leader of the Storm Hawk Clan maintains a strong defense against his mortal enemy's attacks. Dark Ace was surprised to see that Aerrow was putting up a good defense. 

Dark Ace: I'm impressed, Aerrow. However it seems you didn't your lesson from the last time. Your determined, I'll give you that. But it takes more to be a Hero. 

Aerrow kept his guard up as Dark Ace cracked his knuckles. 

Dark Ace: So tell me, Aerrow, are you just pretending?

Aerrow: Let's find out!

Aerrow and Dark Ace clash once more. Dark Ace pressed the attack while Aerrow blocked his attacks. Aerrow soon glided above Dark Ace and hits him with an overhead strike. Seizing the opportunity, Aerrow began hitting Dark Ace with a series of relentless fast paced attacks. As Aerrow was about to land the final punch, Dark Ace grabs Aerrow's fist and then flings him through the roof. Dark Ace then glides down and begins to beat him down. 

Dark Ace: Did you already forget my words, Aerrow? If you live, you win! And just so you know, I never lose!

Aerrow: Look at how far you've fallen, Dark Ace. You used to be the greatest warrior. Now you've been reduced to a hired thug with delusions of grandeur. 

Dark Ace then grabs Aerrow by the throat and throws him out the window and into the pouring rain. As Dark Ace charges at Aerrow, Aerrow gets up and kicks Dark Ace in the face. He then tackles him to the ground and begins attacking him. Dark Ace was quick to overpower Aerrow and frees himself from Aerrow's hold. 

Dark Ace: You continue to surprise me, Aerrow. Perhaps you are not as weak as I thought you to be.

Aerrow: Was there ever any doubt? Unlike you, I fight for a cause that is much bigger than myself. I fight for those precious to me. You however will always be alone. 

Dark Ace says nothing as the rain pours on the two Gargoyles. They say nothing as they pace around each other. They wait for one another to make the first move. Dark Ace makes the first move as he lunges at Aerrow. Aerrow manages to counter Dark Ace's attack. The two soon began trading blows with one another. As the fight drags on neither show any sign of relenting. 

Aerrow: Give up, Dark Ace! Your plot has been foiled! The weapons will not be yours! You have lost!

Dark Ace: It seems I put too much faith in these worthless humans. Still, some have their uses. 

Aerrow: Just when I thought you couldn't fall any further, your evil exposes another darker side to your madness. 

Dark Ace smirks as he charges at Aerrow. The two continued to duel in the pouring rain. Aerrow had learned much from his last fight with Dark Ace. Unlike the first time, Aerrow was no pushover. He was back to his full strength. 

Aerrow: I am Aerrow, leader of the Storm Hawk Clan! Defender of the night!

With newfound strength, Aerrow broke through Dark Ace's defenses and began pressing the attack. Soon enough, Aerrow began to overwhelm Dark Ace with powerful attacks. Eventually, the rest of the Storm Hawks and Starling arrive. Dark Ace found himself  surrounded. 

Starling: We took care of the weapons, Aerrow. They won't be causing any trouble. 

Aerrow: It's over Dark Ace. You've lost. 

At this point, Dark Ace's plan had failed. He was cornered by the Storm Hawks. He looked to the horizon and could see the rising sun. 

Dark Ace: It seems you have bested me, Aerrow. Very well. I shall grant you this victory. But know that this is far from over. 

Dark Ace then glided into the sky. Starling pulls out her gun and begins shooting at Dark Ace, but he proves too fast for her. 

Starling: Damn!

Aerrow: We shall deal with him later. For now, daylight approaches. We have ended his plot. That is enough for us. 

Starling: Then you all better get back to the hideout. I'll stay here to wrap everything up. I'm sure the commissioner is gonna want to know about this. 

Aerrow: Till next time, Detective Starling. Come, Storm Hawks. Daylight approaches!

With that, the Storm Hawks glide away from the area to return to their hideout before the sun rises. After that, Starling holsters her gun. 

Starling: What a night. 

Starling then proceeds to contact Commissioner Harrier and informs him about the rogue Raptors and the weapons they were peddling. It wasn't long before the Atmos Police Department arrives on the scene to take the Raptors into custody and conduct a full search on the old Atmosia Church. With that, Dark Ace's plan was foiled. However, the threat was far from over.  

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