Chapter One - A Renewed Partnership

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Weeks have passed since the incident at the Cyclonia Enterprises warehouse. The official report was that some kind of gang war had erupted. Lark Cyclonis was quick to dismiss the possible connections between the incident and Cyclonia Enterprises. After a board meeting, Cyclonis and Ulric made their way to her office and spoke. 

Ulric: It seems the public is now convinced. 

Cyclonis: Very good. The less people who talk about this, the better. Now I can focus on more...pressing matters. 

Suddenly, footsteps was heard. Ulric turned his head to the door while Cyclonis kept her eye on the window. As Ulric turned around, Dark Ace was standing before him. Despite the sudden appearance of the Gargoyle, Ulric kept his calm composure. 

Cyclonis: Dark Ace. How pleasant of you to join us. Mr. Ulric? Could you close the door?

Ulric calmly walks over to the door and closes it, giving them trio privacy. Cyclonis then pulls a bottle of wine from her desk as well as three glasses.

Cyclonis: Would you like some wine?

Dark Ace: I don't drink. 

Cyclonis puts the third glass away and pours some wine for herself and Ulric. As they take a sip from their glasses, Dark Ace approaches Cyclonis. 

Dark Ace: I trust you know why I'm here?

Cyclonis: I can't say that I do. You disappeared after that...battle at the warehouse. Though I suspected you would return. 

Dark Ace: I came here for one reason and one reason only. I came here because of the Storm Hawks. 

Cyclonis: Your....grudge against them is not unknown to me. From the way Aerrow spoke, you have a personal history with them. 

Dark Ace: I was once a member of that clan. Centuries ago, I was one of their greatest champions. But I outgrew them. I learned quickly about the treacherous nature of your kind. They refused to see it. 

Cyclonis and Ulric were silent about Dark Ace's clear disdain for humans. Cyclonis found it humorous that someone who deeply hated humans was willing to work with them. 

Cyclonis: You're a contradictions. You hate humans, yet here you are trying to work with them.

Dark Ace: Do not mistake me, human. If I didn't need you, I would've already killed you. The only reason I returned to you is that you proved to be competent enough to help me in my endeavors. 

Cyclonis took note of Dark Ace's words. She could tell that Dark Ace was using her for his own ends. Her thoughts fell on the day of the warehouse incident in which Aerrow warned her about Dark Ace. 

Aerrow(Past): You are a fool to trust Dark Ace, Cyclonis. He is a liar and a traitor by nature. He will turn on you the first chance he gets. 

Cyclonis believed Aerrow. She knew she couldn't trust Dark Ace because of his hatred of humans. Despite this, Cyclonis knew that Dark Ace was a potential resource she could use against the Storm Hawks. Dark Ace was a way for her to wage war against them without getting directly involved. 

Cyclonis: And thus I clothe my naked villainy / With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ/And seem a saint when most I play the devil. Richard III. Act I, Scene 3. William Shakespeare. A marvelous play if I say so myself. 

Dark Ace: Is there a point to this?

Cyclonis: As you may or may not know, I'm the head of an international corporation that deals with various enterprises. As it's owner and CEO, I am under the public eye. I project an image of myself that I feel is beneficial to both the public and myself. In essence, I wear a mask. You however do not. You are what you are. Despite the....rocky start, I believe we can become beneficial partners. 

Dark Ace grew more interested in Cyclonis's words. Despite his disdain for humans, she seemed the most reasonable human he had ever met. 

Cyclonis: The laws of celestial mechanics dictate that when two objects collide, there is always damage of a collateral nature. You see...hidden within the unconscious is an insatiable desire for conflict. It is nature as well as destructive. We are of one side while the Storm Hawks are on the opposite side. We are set on a collision course. It is inevitable that we will clash one more. That is why I am willing to renew this partnership. 

Dark Ace: You make a compelling argument for a human. Very well. Consider this partnership, renewed. 

Cyclonis: I'm glad we could come to an agreement. As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I have other matters to attend to. But rest assured, we will speak again very soon. 

Without saying a word, Dark Ace flies out through an open window. As Dark Ace leaves the room, Ulric voices his concerns. 

Ulric: I am unsure about this, Dark Ace could become a dangerous liability which could prove damaging if exposed. 

Cyclonis: I have countermeasures set in place to prevent such an event. Though I have a reason to suspect that the Storm Hawks will get to him long before that occurs. 

In that moment, a lethal partnership had been reformed. The cold and calculating Lark Cyclonis had once more joined forces with the deadly rogue Gargoyle Dark Ace. Cyclonis had begun a deadly game of chess with the Storm Hawks. With the first move set, now she patiently waited for the Storm Hawks to make their next move. 

Storm Hawks Volume II: Warriors By Night (Gargoyles AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant